
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Elder Care is a hutbutton human rights concern

This is an important decision given our aging population.  If we are to live up to our image of a caring, humane society, then employers need to understand that children do have responsibility for their elderly parent and become their parent guardian, advocate and overall support. Children cannot leave their parents unattended and go to work and forget about them, that's not the human way. We cannot work effectively while we worry about our loved ones who have been there for us and now it is our turn. Employers have a duty to accommodate to the point of undue hardship.
I will tell you this, when an employer is accommodating in these circumstances, the employee is generally so grateful that they give beyond and above their call of duty. I urge employers to try a little kindness and see the fruits it bears.  Read the article below by Donna Seale, it's very informative.

Employee who required flexible working hours to care for elderly parent discriminated against on the basis of “family status”.

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