
Sunday, September 20, 2009

California Foods Closing Down
I heard it through the grapevine that California Foods is closing down and that Neechi Foods is going to take its place by Main and Selkirk Streets in the Winnipeg Inner ncity. The informant told me that the owners of California Foods said they could not compete with Winnipeg Harvest and the Free Food Industry in Winnipeg.

It begs the question is Winnipeg Harvest taking away jobs from people. Are we becoming a welfare basket? I know there is need for some help but do Winnipeg Harvest do diligent screening of people to ensure that the food goes to only those people who really need the help and not to prop up people's out of control lifestyle. How do we teach people to live within their means and to find a way to provide for themselves to ensure their personal responsibility for themselves and families are maintained. Many people see Winnipeg Harvest as an alternative to buying food? Is that right? Is it helpful to the economy and to society in general.

Once people start getting food for free why would they want to spend money to get it?
California Foods was one of those cheap outlets for inner city people many of whom are customers of the Food Bank. The impact of that distribution of free food has caused this vibrant grocery store to close its door. Will the same thing happen to Neechi Foods? We'll have to wait and see.

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