
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Another African youth killed on Winnipeg's Streets

Not only is it alarming that so many murders or attempted murders have been committed in this medium sized city in the heart of Winnipeg, but also alarming is the number of African youths that are being killed or injured as a result of gang activities, drug dealing or simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The irony is that many of these youths escaped death to come to live in Canada but death still hovers over them and snatches them up when they least expect as if they just could not avoid their fate.

What is going on with African youths? Is this a problem with inadequate settlement services, ignorance of service providers in dealing with the complex issues of children of war affected backgrounds?

On Sunday Michael Mariak Jok became a statistic of murdered African youths. He was only 17 and according to reports was dreaming of a brighter future as he made plans to start his Grade 12 High school. Jok was on the street around 5:30 a.m. Isn't that a bit late for a 17 year old to be out of the streets.

He was not a member of a gang the story goes but he was caught up in some altercation at that time of the morning. Parents have to hold their children tighter, there has to be rules to guide their children and keep them out of harms way.

It is so unfortunate that this young man's life was cut short so brutally. I hope the lesson taught by this tragedy is not lost. We have to discipline our youths and sometimes that means tough love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It i sad that any youth is a victim of crime.
Our First Nations youth know only too well about this. Our youth die younger than any other race in our country. That in itself is a CRIME.