
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Somalis in Twin Cities Shaken by Sex-Trafficking Charges -

Somalis across the border are again making the news. Gangs are into sex-trafficking it appears. There is no excuse for this crime - poverty or not, no one has the right to sell another human being for profit. This must be rooted out of society at all costs.
Somalis in Twin Cities Shaken by Sex-Trafficking Charges -
Mr. Jibreel, the former teacher, said he had heard other examples of teenage girls who ended up as sex slaves. He said he had recently helped one girl who ran off at 12 and turned to prostitution and drugs under the aegis of gangs. She had a baby at 16 who was taken away by child protective services and continued her underworld life — under threat of death if she tried to leave it — until she recently gave birth to a second child whom she is determined to keep.

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