
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Students Rule in Canadian Classroom
As school terms begins, there are many teachers whose guts may be tied up in knots to find out who they have in their classrooms. Because among those little angels are usually some vicious devils dressed up like children. Many of these children have parents just like them and no amount of complaining or asking for parental support makes a difference. IN fact some parents also join with their children to abuse teachers.
Recently on W-Five I heard many teachers talk about violent incidents with children. The most aggravating this is that nothing appears to be done about it. Teachers are expected to grin and bear it.
Research is showing that one in 5 teachers are leaving their preferred profession (because of the inherent danger in it) after five years. They just walk away not able to take the abuse and not getting the appropriate support from School administration. Do we have to get bullies for teacher to match the bullies in the classroom? Do our teachers have to learn karate and judo; counselling, psychiatry, nursing and what not? What about those children who are there to learn and whose parents have taken the steps to train them properly? We expect more from our teachers without giving them the support they need. It is not fair to teachers.
There was a time when teachers were respected, admired and feared by students today teachers have fallen from grace because of lax school administration who are afraid of parents themselves and perhaps of the very students they want their teachers to faecde.
We are cuddling bad children and hoping that all bad children can be rehabilitated. They can't. We need special schools like a boot camp where kids can work out their anger physically and in a setting that is created for such behaviour. They should not be allowed to terrorize teacher and other students with little or no consequence. Teachers should be allowed to sue school boards if they are hurt or traumatized on the jobs perhaps then they would seriously address this problem.
Increasing teachers are called upon to engage in a he-says she-says confrontation in front of principals. Students rule C
All they need is a little training counselling what we need is trained support work in assisting in carrying out their task.

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