
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poster educates immigrants on prostitution - Winnipeg Free Press

It is unfortunate when you read in the papers that new Canadians are over represented in the exploitation of women. There is a campaign to educate these men that it is wrong to be a pimp. I don't think these men needs education. They know what they are doing is wrong. They may have been involved in trafficking of women even before they come to this country.
This is one of the crimes I think that the government should deport men who come here and start engaging is this practice. We do not need more johns in this country. This message should be clear to newcomers at the point of contact to let them know that some crimes will not be permitted and will result in deportation. This should be one of them. It is one of the most despicable crimes against humanity mostly women. It destroys lives and souls.
Yes, trafficking in women is now the new drug for men and an easy avenue to riches. This must be stopped.

Poster educates immigrants on prostitution - Winnipeg Free Press

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