
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dhalla bill: No sense | Tom Brodbeck | Columnists | News | Winnipeg Sun

A few years ago while in Toronto there was a raging debate on the issue of old age pension for people who have not contributed a dime to this country. The most vociferous voices against this were immigrants themselves. Many felt it is not fair that after spending so many years working in the cold and harsh climate that at the end of the day they get the same or sometimes even less than people who have not put in their time here.
I believe that when we as adult immigrants bring our aged parents to this country, then we should be responsible for their upkeep. Of course the seniors should have access to free health care and this is a problem too because when we are older we use the health care system much more frequently that when we are older. Our aged parents come here and become a burden to society because they cannot and do not contribute. What is the responsibility of the children of these parents? In the old country we take care of our own parents, why should it be different now? Some of us come here and become selfish and self-centred. We owe something to our parents who brought us into this world and we should be happy to do so. We should take care of them joyfully instead of having them draw from a system they have not contributed to. I am sure that many of these people are eligible for old age pensions in their countries of origin. So they will be getting two old age pensions while we here in Canada will receive only one. There is only so much a system can take before it breaks and makes it bad for everyone. Let's not over do it people, let us be reasonable. Kill this bill.

Dhalla bill: No sense Tom Brodbeck Columnists News Winnipeg Sun

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