
Thursday, August 19, 2010

AlterNet: Does Today's Liberated, Chaotic Family Work Better Than the 1950s Model?

There is no doubt that today's families and family life have drastically changed from the "good" old days. Back in those life was predictable. There was a set dinner time and bed time, life revolved around the breadwinner who was the head of the house in theory (in fact many women were undercover heads) but appearances had to be kept up. Today, families eat in front the TV, babysitters, daycares and camps, after-school activities relieve parents of a lot of their responsibilities for taking care of their children. But, is one better than the other. Read the article below and think about it for a moment?
AlterNet: Does Today's Liberated, Chaotic Family Work Better Than the 1950s Model?

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