
Thursday, September 14, 2006

For most of us, the shooting in Montreal brought back memories of the shooting down of 14 young women by a man who felt women were taking over what rightfully belongs to him as a male. In this case, the sad fact is that sometimes we render individuals invisible and this pushes them into the isolated cell of self. We all have a responsibility to each other, Many may disagree with me but when we do not take responsibility for each other, things like this happen and we all pay for it. The innocent girl who died leaving a trail of heartbreak and sadness behind. She was snatched away from her loved ones, mother, father, brother, sister, friends, uncles, godmother and a host of others who will mourn her loss. Sometimes all it takes is a hello to someone who seem to be on his or her own a lot. Teachers and school workers must pay attention to students who are isolated and try to get them involved with others.
Schools should have a policy to ensure no child is left on his her own. Students can be cruel and can be made to bow down to peer pressure.
What made this man feel his life was worthless? Why did he have such a hatred of Jocks? It is because he wanted to be noticed too, he wanted to be included and he wanted to feel that knowing him was worthwhile.
Let us hope that we learn a valuable lesson from this tragedy. Kindness does not cost anything. Just a little hello, how are you today might have changed the path this man was walking on. Let’s show some kindness to the one who needs it the most today.

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