Flood Bulletin #3
April 30, 2013
Flood Response
- Due to increasing inflows, the Shellmouth Reservoir gates will be opened gradually over the next 48 hours. The Shellmouth Reservoir Operations Advisory Committee has been advised and consulted about these operations.
- A flood warning continues for the Swan River and its tributaries and the Whitemud River. A flood warning is issued when river levels are exceeding the banks and flooding is expected.
- A high water advisory continues for the Pembina River as well as smaller tributaries and drains in the Dauphin-Swan River area, southeast and south-central Manitoba. A high water advisory is issued when a heavy storm or high flows are expected and may cause water levels to rise but not necessarily flow over the banks.
- Strong wind warnings are in effect for lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba, Winnipegosis and St. Martin and the Shoal Lakes. High winds may result in a high risk of ice pileup on many major lakes.
Flood Response
- The Red River Floodway opened at 6 p.m. yesterday to divert water from the Red River into the floodway channel. The estimated James Avenue level in Winnipeg is 17.9 feet today.
- The Portage diversion opened last night at 11 p.m. to divert water and ice from the Assiniboine River into the diversion channel. If the opening of the diversion had been delayed further,residents and properties downstream could have been affected by a surge of water that occurred after an ice dam broke upstream of the diversion.
- After the ice dam broke, inflows to the reservoir during the night reached 13,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) with 7,000 cfs directed to the diversion. An instantaneous peak with ice resulted in inflows to the reservoir reaching 17,000 cfs with 10,000 cfs directed to the diversion at 8:20 a.m.
- Ice jams against a bridge along the Whitemud River at the town of Gladstone caused some overland flooding yesterday. Levels on the Whitemud River are dropping upstream of Gladstone today. The Seven Regions Health Centre in Gladstone required some minor sandbagging on a road access point, but the facility is not at risk. Ten homes experienced minor flooding. There were no evacuations.
- The City of Winnipeg has advised 11 additional property owners that they are on a watch list with the potential that precautionary sandbag dikes may be needed if waters continue to rise. Yesterday, seven low-lying properties in south Winnipeg required small dikes and sandbags were delivered for use. All seven properties are protected at this time.
- The City of Winnipeg volunteer plan is not currently activated. This action would be taken as needed to support the registration and organization of volunteers.
- Overland flooding was reported in Benito Sunday, affecting four vacant houses and two occupied homes. The village is working to pump out standing water and there have been no evacuations. Approximately 100 ft. of Aquadams were erected within the community as a precaution.
- Cornwallis, Cameron and Whitewatermunicipalities have declared states of local emergency due to flooding concerns. A state of local emergency allows the municipality to respond quickly to flood situations as they evolve.
- The closure of the north dike at PR 200 at St. Adolphe began today. Closure notifications and traffic control will be arranged. Ramps will be used to allow local traffic until water levels rise.
- PTH 10 is closed between PR 488 and PR 366 due to a washout.
- Flows on the Red River at Fargo are near the crest. The current river level is 32.9 ft.
- The Red River is continuing to rise and conditions remain favourable at this time. Peak flows of approximately 60,000 cfs at Emerson are expected around May 6.
- The La Salle and Roseau rivers continue to rise slowly. Flows on most of the smaller Red River tributaries are continuing to drop.
- Run-off on streams and tributaries in the upper Assiniboine basin is steadily increasing.
- Flows on Dauphin Lake tributaries remain high. The Valley River and many small tributaries are continuing to increase. Flows on the Vermillion River have decreased substantially but remain high.
- The Swan River reportedly peaked last night approximately three inches below flood stage. The river has dropped one ft. since reaching the peak water level.
- Recent cold temperatures are slowing run-off in this region.
- Flooding can affect road conditions quickly. People are reminded to stay away from ice and fast‑running water. Do not attempt to drive or walk through fast-moving water. Before travelling, check road conditions by calling 511.
- Flood liaison offices are now open in Winnipeg, Brandon, Morris and Arborg. Contact information is available online at www.manitoba.ca/flooding.
- Flood threats to homes, businesses or property can be stressful. Support is available from:
- local regional health authorities;
- the Klinic Community Health Centre at 204-786-8686 in Winnipeg or 1-888-322-3019 (toll‑free);
- the Manitoba Farm and Rural Support Line at 1-866-367-3276 or at www.ruralsupport.ca; and
- Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 in Winnipeg or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free).
- The Manitoba Flood Forecasting Centre will post daily flood forecasts and flood sheets on the provincial website.
- Up-to-date flood information can be found at www.manitoba.ca/flooding, on mobile devices at www.manitoba.ca, on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MBGov or at 1-866-626-4862.
- Up-to-date highway information is available at www.mb511.ca, on mobile devices at www.manitoba.ca, on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MBGovRoads or by calling 511.
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