Housing and Community Development Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross (right) joined members of Manitoba’s Aboriginal community to launch a new public awareness campaign encouraging Aboriginal men to speak out against domestic violence. Five new posters were unveiled depicting Aboriginal men who are role models for their respective generations speaking against violence against Aboriginal women and girls
April 11, 2013
– – –Collective Action Needed to Prevent Sexual Violence: Howard
The symposium is being held as part of a variety of initiatives to raise awareness about sexual assault during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April.
“Sexual assault in all its forms is one the most devastating experiences that happens in too many people’s lives and it has long-term impacts for families and communities as well,” said Howard. “These impacts are becoming even more apparent as technology and social media expand the reach of perpetrators. This forum will focus on taking collective action to prevent sexual violence.”
Taking Action: A Symposium on Ending Sexual Violence in Manitobawill take place April 18 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre and input will be used to develop a consultation plan for a sexual assault prevention strategy in Manitoba, the minister said. The participation of the UN Women’s Global Safe Cities Initiative will be in addition to a variety of local organizations dedicated to ending sexual violence in Manitoba.
“The UN initiative has proven the value of taking action at the local level by improving conditions in more than 15 cities around the world,” said Howard. “It focuses on sexual assault and harassment, and seeks to improve safety for women and girls through public awareness, encouraging community mobilization and promoting gender equality to end violence against women.”
The Manitoba Status of Women Division is also hosting a series of events throughout the month including sexual assault prevention and awareness programs delivered by Klinic Community Health Centre’s Sexual Assault Crisis Program in Thompson and Portage la Prairie, and an event in The Pas on healthy dating in partnership at the Oscar Lathlin School.
A panel discussion was held this week at the University of Manitoba to discuss Working Together with Men and Boys as Allies to End Sexual Violence. Panel members included Chris Cvetkovic of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers as well as other local men who spoke about the issue of sexual violence against women.
For more information about events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, visit www.gov.mb.ca/msw. For more information about the UN Women Global Safe Cities Initiative, visit: http://saynotoviolence.org/join-say-no/safe-cities-women-and-girls.
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