Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Reminder Greenhouse-gas emissions ban takes effect in the New Year
December 23, 2013
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Ban Designed to Cut Greenhouse-gas Emissions
Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship reminds Manitobans that, earlier this year, the provincial government introduced North America’s first petroleum coke and coal heating ban.
Because coal burning is a significant contributor to climate change, Manitoba is banning the use of coal for space heating. Other fuel, such as locally available biomass or other forms of green heat like geothermal energy, can be substituted for coal to help the environment and the economy.
Petroleum coke is derived from oil refining and, while it has been used as an alternative to coal, it is also a significant contributor to climate change. It is being banned as well. Key elements of the ban include:
•as of Jan. 1, coal and petroleum coke will be prohibited from being used as space-heating fuels;
•North America’s first coal heating ban will be phased in beginning Jan. 1, with a grace period up to July 1, 2017, if an approved conversion plan is filed by June 30, 2014;
•anyone who has not submitted conversion plans by June 30, 2014, or does not implement their plans by June 30, 2017, may face a fine; and
•conversion plans must identify the new energy source, provide details on new equipment or modification to existing equipment, set out proposed timelines for conversion and provide details on the amount of coal or petroleum coke used in previous years.
To help people move from coal to other heating sources, Manitoba has introduced the Biomass Energy Support Program. The program provides financial assistance to coal users and biomass processors as they transition towards bio-based energy systems and supply chains. Manitoba has three to five million tonnes of biomass available annually.
Since the emissions tax on coal was announced in 2011 and the pending ban on coal heating was introduced, many small coal users have already made the switch to alternatives or have plans to do so. It is expected that the ban will reduce emissions by 50,000 to 100,000 tonnes, the equivalent of taking between 10,000 and 20,000 cars off the road.
For more information, the Coal and Petroleum Coke Ban for Space Heating Regulation can be viewed at
This initiative is part of Tomorrow Now – Manitoba’s Green Plan, designed to build a green economy while protecting the environment. More information on Tomorrow Now is available at:
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Friday, December 20, 2013
Boost for Buy Manitoba
Manitoba’s economy is getting a boost from the ‘Buy Manitoba’ campaign. Left to Right: Ron Kostyshyn, Minister of Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Darlene Landino, owner, Double D’s Cheesecake and Coffee House, Dave Shambrock, executive director, Manitoba Food Processors Association and John Graham, director, public affairs and government relations, Safeway.
More legislation to protect patients
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Is your Municipality one of them?
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Federal Minister James Moore raises the Ire of Social Workers
Even though people might try to hide who they are and what their true values are behind the facade of nice clothes and smooth words, the universe has a way of revealing secrets when we least expect. Take the words of Federal Industry Minister James Moore, who said he is not responsible for feeding his neighbour's children. Although we say often that it takes a village to raise a child, that principle is not entrenched in our consciousness most of the times. Many of us do believe that everyone is responsible for feeding, clothing and housing their own children on their own notwithstanding the facts that sometimes even a person's best efforts. I believe Minister Moore was not being insensitive, he was speaking his truth and everyone is entitled to his or her truth. If you do not believe in that truth, if you believe we have to help raise the children of Canada because they are our own, they are the future workforce, the future doctors, lawyers, public servants and they deserve every chance to succeed, then you use the power of your vote to speak your truth. I believe that we have to have paradigm shift when it comes to children. We must see them as belonging to the world and not to individuals whom the universe has used to express itself. They come into the world for a reason and to teach us again and again how to be a human family and not a nuclear disaster. While I disagree with Mr. Moore's position I will defend his right to speak his truth and he should not be asked to apologise for thinking the way he does. There's really no right or wrong, just energy and vibration. When Moore's vibration lifts so will his beliefs.
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Breaking News - Nelson Mandella Passed Away
A giant has fallen. May his soul rest in peace. Here is a man who has lived his purpose. He deserves his rest from this physical plane. He has now ascended with his ancestors.
There is rejoicing in the other worlds.
There is rejoicing in the other worlds.
Sunday, December 01, 2013
Revolutionary old technology to heat small spaces.
Find out how you can heat small spaces with a few tea lights and a couple of flower pots.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
The Spiritual Secrets to Overcoming Depression
Written by Jafree Ozwald
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make our world." ~Buddha
As long as we are identified with the mind, there will always be a high and a low to life. The mind will dive into the cellar, the dungeon, the garbage bin and collect many lowly ideas about itself and the way things are. Then the mind will compensate for this valley by pushing towards to the greatest heights of joy, creativity, and positivity to become inspired by those ideas which make life look rosy. The mind acts a lot like a pendulum which swings between the tallest peak lofting in the clouds, and back into the deepest darkest valley which knows no way out. The mind does this because the soul doesn't want to miss anything, especially the hidden golden treasures that are buried in the darkest cavern of our being.
We might forget that we all signed up for this amazing adventure called life, especially when we are facing a emotionally challenging experience. Painful wounding events just happen in life, such as a break up, a death, a major loss in money, health, or loss of career or our home. All of these can trigger an emotional cataclysm, catapulting every positive and wonderful idea of who we believed we were into a bottomless crevice of sadness and despair. Whatever our greatest loss has been, it's purpose was to create a depth inside us, so that we can truly appreciate the sky filled rainbow when the sun shines through again.
"Pain and joy are inevitable, suffering is optional." ~ Michael Bernard Beckwith
Depression occurs when the pain we should feel from our loss, is suppressed and not welcomed as just another experience in the course of life. When we push away, and push down any unpleasant feeling long enough, we create a wall which blocks the pleasant feelings from entering as well. Depression is basically caused by a deep resistance to life. It's an attempt to try and control life on a very deep level, which happens to the very best and the smartest people on this earth. It's not something we can avoid if our soul has come here to learn how to transcend one of the most challenging life experiences a human can have.
The first step to getting out of this black hole going nowhere, is understanding what depression is and why it happens to us. The reason why depression continues to manifest is our unconscious resistance and avoidance to an emotional trauma from our past. This avoidance manifests in the form of being distracted, keeping perpetually busy doing this and that, which creates an even greater energy drain. If we feel we are not strong enough to deal with our pain, we may creatively compensate by turning to drugs, alcohol, TV, sex, stimulants, or food. We may say we are just enjoy life to the max by pushing every entertainment button we can find, yet deep down we can see we're avoiding the pain that we fear facing inside. Whatever we resist, persists. The stronger the resistance, the more unable we become to find peace with the experience we are trying to avoid. If this avoidance is kept up over time, it will eventually drag both the mind and heart down the path of emotional despair, hopelessness and into a deep dark depression.
One of the greatest secrets to healing depression comes from investigating the goldmine of feelings that remain at the bottom of our deepest emotional abyss that has been covered by layers of addictions. Exploring the pain we have is not soooo unbearable when we know the real reason why it continues to remain there. The reason our pain never goes way is that it's naturally summoning us into our spiritual core. At the core of our innermost being is where our greatest stillness, silence and absolute healing abides. This magical core of our being is where the most profound spiritual realizations occur in one's life. When we come to realize that the greatest spiritual experience is waiting for us at the end of our darkness hour, the pain we were once avoiding suddenly becomes this greatest tantalizing mystery we can open up to explore.
All of this talk about depression can get quite depressing to say the least. Yet, when we know the secrets to handling any energy depleting monster, we will be able to look at it, talk about it, and explore it all day long and not by emotionally depleted by it. One of the greatest secrets to dealing with any emotional demon is simply learning how to face it with conscious gentle kindness. When we approach it with this tactic, we can slowly pull off all the masks that it's wearing.
Depression can seem to hide from us in a variety of ways, yet ultimately we are the ones hiding from it. The reason is because we don't want to revisit that wounded part of ourselves who feels attacked, scared, or simply wants to hang out with you in a safe place all day long. This wound is not trying to bring you more pain, its only trying to soften the ego so that you relax deeper into your true self and find out who you truly are. When we know this wound within is only needing more tenderness, patience and love, we aren't so quick to run the other direction and instead can meet it with a gentle curiosity. This gentle love changes everything and is the catalyst that summons in the greatest healing force that there is.
If any level of depression has been pulling you down in life, just stop and ask yourself one honest question, "What is that one thing you are holding onto and cannot let go of?" Find out your most honest answer to this conundrum and you'll discover the key to relieving yourself from a future visit to the psychotherapy clinic. There is always a deeper meaning behind every challenging life experience. The bigger the experience is in life, the greater the meaning and purpose it has. The purpose of depression is always to push us deeper down beyond our mind into the spiritual aspect of ourselves. This is so that we surrender, let go of life, and truly learn how to relax into our journey home. Depression is teaching us in a backwards sort of way how to trust life, and do a complete free fall into ourselves. If we don't learn to relax in life, the negative complaining mindset will simply eat away at us, and bury a hole in our emotional body until we surrender and learn to trust in something greater than ourselves.
"The secret of happiness lies in the mind's release from worldly ties." ~Buddha
Another secret to dealing with depression is understanding that everyone and everything in life has a dark and light side. We wouldn't know what night was unless we had day light, and there would be no long dark tunnel unless we were carving our way through a great mountain. Facing our darkness is not the end of us, but simply the dawn of a new beginning. Once we let go and trust depression, allowing it to plummet us into the deepest core of our being, we will soon find the source of true emptiness and actually become free. This is an emptiness that is not lacking anything, it is emptiness that is free from all great and lowly ideas about who we are, and who we are not. It is the greatest void that has been avoided by the western world out of fear, thinking we could never find a way through it. The great irony here is that there was nobody home in the first place to make it through the void.
Now this may seem quite confusing at first, yet the mixed bag of ideas we've clung to about who are and who we are not, are simply a mixed bag of ideas. The sum total of all the ideas we have about ourselves doesn't equate to who we are. The ideas we've become identified with is what we call our ego, and is not who we truly are. The real essence and eternal fire of awareness from our soul is what we truly are. All the ideas about who we are will come and they will go, they are not the truth of who we are.
Finding out who we is the essential key to transcending depression. To start this self inquiry journey ask yourself this question. Which ideas do you most cling to and why? When you take a closer look at what ideas you cling to and start to see who is doing all the clinging, you'll discover the ego. The ego here is not really real, it has the reality and sustenance of a shadow. Does a shadow really exist, or is it merely the absence of the Light?
"See the perfection in the seeming imperfection that seems to be." ~ Lester Levinson
A good analogy to use is that our awareness is like sunlight, and our mind is like a microscope which zooms in on whatever our awareness is shining upon. When we get stuck in a depression, the mind is simply caught in the habit of zooming on something we don't want to look at. We may be aware that we are focusing upon something we don't want, yet don't know that we have the power to redirect the mind towards the ideas we want to think about.
To take back your power simply takes practice. Just notice throughout your day, is your mind focusing on what it wants or what it doesn't want? Just notice, it's really that simple. Depression cannot continue when the mind is deeply aware of itself, and then regains the ability to focus on what it wants. This shift in focus can only occur when we know who we are, that we are the pure light of awareness. With awareness we can see when we're caught in the mind's habit of resisting feelings and thoughts, instead of focusing on the feelings and thoughts that our heart truly yearns to have.
Truly finding freedom from depression and transcending the sadness habit occurs when we release all over-identification with the mind. This means we completely let go all assumptions we've made thus far about ourselves, good and bad. When we see all the ideas we've believed to be true about ourselves, we catapult our potentiality naturally into an extremely positive and empowering direction. This leap into positivity simply happens on it's own accord. When we discover the lie we've living, we naturally become joyous, excited about living life again, and feel eager to greet each new day as the great adventure it is. We explore every little thing on our inner and outer world with an open child-like curiosity. We no longer live in fear of meeting any part of ourselves, and are courageous enough to remove any masks in the way from knowing this truly alive and radiant authentic being we actually are.
My invitation for you this week is to be rebellious with yourself, and take the time to question your reality and everything you've believed to be real. Use your laser like awareness to cut through to the core of all of your emotional compost, and discover the burning truth of who you actually are. When you do this, you'll find that no depression can linger inside. The fire of awareness will shine through all the shadows the mind was running from before. When you look within with compassion and curiosity, you will see that YOU are the Source of Awareness, who is all encompassing and truly beyond anything that is remotely depressing.
I've put together a program that will retrain your brain within 12 weeks to become a powerful ally that works for you, and not against you. This life changing online experience is one that you can instantly download and experience immediately in the next few minutes. All that is needed is an open mind and a willingness to invest some time for yourself each day to expand your version of reality. My program will serve as a daily guide for you, that will take you deeper each day inside yourself, holding your hand along the way until you discover how powerful you truly are. It's designed to assist you in manifesting the life you've always dreamed of having.
You'll receive 12 manifesting meditations on mp3 audio, and 27 super manifesting videos that cover a variety of enlightening topics ranging from how to manifest a more enlightening relationship, having financial freedom, to the bare bones basics about how manifesting works. You'll also receive my 250+ page Manifesting Manual which provides the exact steps you'll need to take to become a powerful manifesting magnet in your life! You'll also receive a 12 day money manifesting e-course and an 8 day manifesting magnet e-course. This online manifesting course may just be the greatest gift you've ever given yourself this year!
Everything you need to raise your vibration and manifest the life of your dreams is found in my online Super Manifesting Program. I guarantee when you do it, it will change your life! Believe me, it's much easier to deal with life when you have this proven manifesting technology to lean on. It will give you the manifesting exercises to do so you attract everything you want in the form of money, health, love, enlightening relationships, a career you enjoy, amazing sex, peak states of energy, and how to maintain a deep spiritual connection.
Whatever it is that you want in life can and will be yours, you deserve it! When you are following my proven manifesting routine for just 90 days you will feel unstoppable in your life! I know all of this sounds too good to be true, yet when you start raising your vibration and applying the ancient secrets found in my Manifesting Manual, you will feel more abundant and naturally start attracting more abundant situations and positive circumstances to you! Even after a few days you will start having soooooo much fun, that it will be hard for your life to go back to the way it was.
Things truly change by simply following this inspirational program for 90 days in a row. My life is living proof that it works, and that we can manifest anything and everything our heart desires! I know this all may sound outrageous yet this manifesting material is powerful, super effective and has been changing hundreds of thousands of peoples lives around the world since the year 2000. Once you download it, it will transform your life too in the most powerful and miraculous ways! Enjoy!
Enlightened being,
Self-sustaining ecosystem

David Latimer from Surrey England experimented with this closed ecosystem which he creyed in this bottle and did not water the plants since 1972 and here is proof it is striving on its own steam.
Very interesting. I'll try this
Here's another amazing thing
Yawning tree

Thursday, November 28, 2013
l-r: Peter Bjornson, Housing and Community Development Minister; Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, President and Vice-Chancellor, UWinnipeg; and James Allum, Education Minister announce a partnership that will see a 14-storey apartment building for students, families and individuals, go up near Portage Avenue and Memorial Boulevard by fall 2015.
Premier Greg Selinger (left) and Prime Minister Stephen Harper (right) hold ribbon aloft after cutting by CentrePort Canada CEO Diane Gray on PTH 190, one of the access points to the $212 million CentrePort Canada that will connect Manitoba's inland port to the core national highway system. The expressway will be known as CentrePort Canada Way.
Affordable Homes for manitobans
November 26, 2013
Development Brings Home Ownership Within Reach for New Canadians
A new condo building designed to meet the needs of low-income families celebrated its official opening today and was built with the support of the Government of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg, Housing and Community Development Minister Peter Bjornson and Mike Pagtakhan, councillor for Point Douglas, announced today.
“Families need a variety of housing options to meet their different needs and to fit individual financial circumstances,” Multiculturalism and Literacy Minister Flor Marcelino said at the official opening today on behalf of Minister Bjornson. “This new building makes home ownership affordable for families that might otherwise be shut out by high prices in a competitive market. That provides more stability for these families and strengthens the community.”
“This new vision and collaboration between the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba will help many Winnipeg families access quality and affordable housing,” said Councillor Pagtakhan.
The new building at 422 Ross Ave., which is a project of the Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corp., offers 10 affordable condos, all with three bedrooms. The condos are approximately 1,000 square feet in size and already eight have been sold to low- to moderate-income first-time homebuyers.
Construction cost about $2.1 million. The Manitoba government invested $828,000 through the HOMEWorks! initiative. The City of Winnipeg provided $177,995 toward the project. The balance will be bridge-financed through Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation (WHRC) until the condominiums are sold. WHRC will manage the property.
Five of the condos are visitable units at ground level, with no step entrances, 36-inch wide doorways, accessible washrooms and small, fenced back-yard patios. The other five condominiums are two-storey units with private balconies and ground-level main entrances.
Over the next three years, the Manitoba government will invest $100 million annually to restore and redevelop housing units in its portfolio. An additional $34 million will be dedicated annually to repair existing stock and provide quality home environments for tenants.
Manitoba will also build 500 more social housing units and 500 more affordable rental units over the next three years. This is in addition to the 1,500 social housing and 1,500 affordable housing units that are on schedule for 2014. These investments to build more affordable housing are in addition to increased benefits for employment income assistance recipients and other low-income Manitobans announced in Budget 2013 through an annual increase of $6.3 million in RentAid shelter benefits.
Through Manitoba’s housing strategy, HOMEWorks!, the Province of Manitoba and Government of Canada are contributing $378 million over two years for housing initiatives in Winnipeg and across the province. More information about HOMEWorks! is available at
– – –Development Brings Home Ownership Within Reach for New Canadians
“Families need a variety of housing options to meet their different needs and to fit individual financial circumstances,” Multiculturalism and Literacy Minister Flor Marcelino said at the official opening today on behalf of Minister Bjornson. “This new building makes home ownership affordable for families that might otherwise be shut out by high prices in a competitive market. That provides more stability for these families and strengthens the community.”
“This new vision and collaboration between the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba will help many Winnipeg families access quality and affordable housing,” said Councillor Pagtakhan.
The new building at 422 Ross Ave., which is a project of the Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corp., offers 10 affordable condos, all with three bedrooms. The condos are approximately 1,000 square feet in size and already eight have been sold to low- to moderate-income first-time homebuyers.
Construction cost about $2.1 million. The Manitoba government invested $828,000 through the HOMEWorks! initiative. The City of Winnipeg provided $177,995 toward the project. The balance will be bridge-financed through Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation (WHRC) until the condominiums are sold. WHRC will manage the property.
Five of the condos are visitable units at ground level, with no step entrances, 36-inch wide doorways, accessible washrooms and small, fenced back-yard patios. The other five condominiums are two-storey units with private balconies and ground-level main entrances.
Over the next three years, the Manitoba government will invest $100 million annually to restore and redevelop housing units in its portfolio. An additional $34 million will be dedicated annually to repair existing stock and provide quality home environments for tenants.
Manitoba will also build 500 more social housing units and 500 more affordable rental units over the next three years. This is in addition to the 1,500 social housing and 1,500 affordable housing units that are on schedule for 2014. These investments to build more affordable housing are in addition to increased benefits for employment income assistance recipients and other low-income Manitobans announced in Budget 2013 through an annual increase of $6.3 million in RentAid shelter benefits.
Through Manitoba’s housing strategy, HOMEWorks!, the Province of Manitoba and Government of Canada are contributing $378 million over two years for housing initiatives in Winnipeg and across the province. More information about HOMEWorks! is available at
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Improvement in Medical Care in Manitoba
November 27, 2013
All 12 physician assistants graduating this year have accepted positions within the province, ensuring their skills and expertise will benefit Manitobans seeking care, Health Minister Erin Selby announced today to mark Physician Assistant Day in the province.
“Physician assistants are providing capable and compassionate care across the province and we are extremely pleased to see this profession grow in Manitoba,” said Minister Selby. “Manitoba has led the country in training physician assistants, recognizing the important role they play in making health care more timely and accessible, and this is great news for Manitoba families.”
New physician assistant positions were created in priority areas of the health-care system to ensure graduates are working where they are needed most. Seven of the new positions are in the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in the primary care, emergency and cardiac departments. The other graduates will be working in:
•the Interlake Eastern Regional Health Authority -two positions in Selkirk’s emergency department;
•the Northern Regional Health Authority -one position in the emergency department in Thompson;
•the Prairie Mountain Health region -one position in the surgery department in Brandon; and
•the Southern Health – Santé Sud region -one position in primary care in Winkler.
“Physician Assistant Day is a great opportunity to highlight a very successful health-care initiative where Manitoba has led the country,” said Chris Rhule, president of the Canadian Association of Physician Assistants and a practising physician assistant in Winnipeg. “Physician assistants are an integral part of the 2015 promise and are working in the system to improve access to care and ensure system efficiencies.”
There are currently physician assistants working in every regional health authority in a variety of health-care settings including emergency departments, surgery, medical rehabilitation, family medicine and mental-health services. Working collaboratively with a physician, they conduct patient exams, order diagnostic tests, undertake minor procedures, and prescribe needed medications and treatments.
“I am thrilled we have successfully trained and retained 12 physician assistants to continue their work in Manitoba,” said Dr. Brian Postl, dean of medicine at the University of Manitoba. “These newly graduated physician assistants will provide much-needed care and attention to families in every corner of our province.”
The minister noted this program was the first of its kind in Canada when it was established in 2008. Since then, 46 people have graduated from the Physician Assistant Education Program. More than 87 per cent of graduates continue to provide care in Manitoba.
“Being a physician assistant means I can work collaboratively with the surgeons, nurses, patients and their families to have a positive impact on their care and make a difference,” said Jeff Harnden, a recent physician assistant graduate working in the surgery program at the Brandon Regional Health Centre in the Prairie Mountain Health region. “I’m excited to start my career here in Manitoba by working in a rural region where I can help people get the care they need.”
In 2009, Manitoba became the first province in Canada to put legislation in place that allowed physician assistant students to become associate members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba. This gives students the opportunity to provide care to patients and support to other health-care practitioners and physicians, while also being governed by the high standards of medical professionalism required by the college, the minister said.
Increasing the number of physician assistants is part of the province’s strategy to improve Manitobans’ access to primary health-care services including a commitment to have access to a family doctor for all Manitobans who want one by 2015.
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Upcoming Event - Sunrise Memorial Ceremony December 6
The Manitoba Women’s Advisory Council invites you to attend its annual Sunrise Memorial to commemorate Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. This memorial will be an opportunity to join with others across the country to take action and confront all forms of violence against girls and women, and to remember women who have died as a result of violence.
• Event is 8:00 a.m. Friday, December 6, 2013 at the Manitoba Legislative Building.
• Refreshments will follow.
• RSVP by Monday, December 2 — call 204-945-6281 in Winnipeg; toll free 1-800-263-0234 or email
This year, we are collecting new, unwrapped toys for families of missing and murdered women. Contributions are welcome.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Manitoba extends generosity to typhoon ravaged Philippine
Ashes of Cremated loved ones can be scattered on Crown Property
rules. manitoba
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Mangoes suck in our supermarkets
If you are craving mangoes, I have to tell you it is not a good time to buy. The stores are filled with forced ripe mangoes. Tonight I bought a mango at Price Choppers at Stafford and Pembina and it was horrible. It looked delicious on the outside but when you cut it it is black and stringy like hell.
I warned the clerk that will be taking it back.
I was assured they'd exchange or refund.
'The mangoes are quite expensive almost two dollars. This is ridiculous. Avoid the stuff until maybe closer to Christmas. Make sure to return bad good - it is the only way for the suppliers to learn the less.
When you get mangoes like this it is because the farmers picked them green and forced them to soften and appear ripe. This is just meant to dupe customers who do not know these things.
This is not right.
I warned the clerk that will be taking it back.
I was assured they'd exchange or refund.
'The mangoes are quite expensive almost two dollars. This is ridiculous. Avoid the stuff until maybe closer to Christmas. Make sure to return bad good - it is the only way for the suppliers to learn the less.
When you get mangoes like this it is because the farmers picked them green and forced them to soften and appear ripe. This is just meant to dupe customers who do not know these things.
This is not right.
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Crafty idea of turning pop bottles into peguins and stuff

Picture taken from FB - don't know the owner but this is good stuff they wanted to share
Check out this video
If we take the time to see people, we can sometimes see there humanity even under a pile of stuff but the stuff was taken off of this guy and from a dishevelled homeless guy and bright, handsome and beautiful soul appeared. You'll like this one
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Music to lift your soul
Check out music with a difference - deep relaxation - suited for the end of a busy or stressful day.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Great Idea
Join the Coworking Movement: Solid Winnipeg Value and Creative Colleagues
245 McDermot provides independent creative entrepreneurs and organizations with contemporary, affordable, shared workspace. Run by ACI Manitoba, 245 McDermot focuses on individuals and businesses that value creativity and collaboration. Members join a multidisciplinary community with tenants in various fields, all in a professional and creative cowork space. Here you can make connections, share ideas, encourage peers, be inspired, and work hard to move your creative venture forward. It’s already proving to be a perfect space for freelance editors and web content managers, small non-profit groups who need a part time office, professionals with a consulting practice, theater companies who need affordable rehearsal space, and others. Attached is a PDF that includes photos of the office and other facilities.
You can become part of the 245 McDermot cowork community starting at only $150 per month. Included in your hot desk rental are: shared reception service, WiFi, boardroom access, kitchen, cleaning, and coffee. Additional options include printer, photocopier, and fax service, rental of a permanent desk, a post box, private offices, and a classroom.
Come join us in the new heart of Manitoba’s creative sector and find out what coworking can do for you!
For more information, including a complete rate card:
And check out our 245 blog, with updates every week:
For an appointment to see the space, contact Cali Ramsey, Facility Animator and Consultant
Phone: 204.927.2787 or Email:
Phone: 204.927.2787 or Email:
Facility Rental Information
· 400 square feet
· Seats 14
· Ethernet and WiFi connectivity to the Internet
· Telephone
· Refreshment bar
· 12 foot ceiling, rich natural light
· Projector and screen
· 1,600 square feet
· Projector and screen
· Seats up to 60 with chairs and 10 interlocking tables
· Kitchenette with mini fridge, microwave, coffeemaker, and sink
· 14 foot ceiling, rich natural light from two sides, blackout curtains
· Ethernet and WiFi connectivity to the Internet, webinar-capable
· Suitable for meetings, training sessions, conferences, rehearsals and small performances
Sacred Circle
· 1,000 square feet
· Capacity for 40 in two rows of built-in seating
· Tyndall stone inner circle
245 McDermot
300-245 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S6
300-245 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S6
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
An Astronaut's wife tells all
Chris Hadfield is the Astronaut we all love and very little was said of the woman behind the man. There is one. Her name is Helene Hadfield and she and Chris were childhood sweethearts. She speaks to Chatelaine about what it is like being the wife of an astronaut and an attractive one at that. Very interesting.
Chris Hadfield is the Astronaut we all love and very little was said of the woman behind the man. There is one. Her name is Helene Hadfield and she and Chris were childhood sweethearts. She speaks to Chatelaine about what it is like being the wife of an astronaut and an attractive one at that. Very interesting.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Manitoba Donates to Philippine Earthquake disaster
October 16, 2013
“With a death toll well over 100, dozens missing, hundreds more injured and nearly three million people directly impacted by this horrific event, our thoughts and prayers are with all the families so suddenly and tragically affected,” said Selinger. “We offer this support on behalf of the province of Manitoba at this time of tragedy and great need.”
The assistance will administered by the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation (MCIC). MCIC is an independent coalition of development organizations that will identify on-the-ground needs and act to ensure assistance is distributed fairly and where it can provide the most benefit.
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(R to L) City Councillor Thomas Steen, Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux, Elmwood-Transcona MP Laurence Toet, Bob Fabbri, board member, Bronx Park Community Centre and Olympic gold medalist Clara Hughes, joined together today for the official opening of the Clara Hughes Park on Henderson Highway
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
International Day of The Girl Event
“Providing opportunities to girls and young women to make their voices heard is key to helping them build confidence and grow into future leaders,” said Selby, who attended today’s event on behalf of Family Services and Labour Minister Jennifer Howard, minister responsible for the status of women. “Girls face unique challenges every day and we want to offer them encouragement, empower them to make decisions and help them make a difference in their own lives and the lives of those around them.”
A total of 20 girls, aged 13 to 17, were selected after being nominated by various community sources, friends and family. They are be treated to an interesting, educational and entertaining day with the opportunity to learn from guest speakers and meet with members of the legislative assembly of Manitoba while focusing on global movements and ways to inspire change.
“It's a time to bring girls together to discuss issues of specific concern like health, education, safe relationships and future economic opportunities,” said Selby. “By standing together, we can all contribute to helping girls realize their full potential.”
Oct. 11 was declared the International Day of the Girl Child by the United Nations last year. Canada led the call to raise awareness about the particular challenges girls facearound the world and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights, said Selby.
For more information on the International Day of the Girl, visit the Manitoba government website at
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– – –Payday Lender in Violation of Manitoba's Payday Lending Law
Consequently, the office issued a refund demand to the Cash Store and Instaloans to reimburse 61 identified borrowers for unlawful fees charged, required or accepted in relation to payday loans in Manitoba during the period of time that Cash Store and Instaloans held valid payday lender licences in the province. The additional fees were charged in relation to cash cards associated with payday loans.
Residents of Manitoba who obtained a payday loan from Cash Store or Instaloans between Oct. 18, 2010, and Oct. 17, 2012, and were charged an additional fee for an electronic funds transfer or cash card may be eligible for a refund of the loan fee(s). Individuals should contact the Consumer Protection Office by telephone at 204-945-3800 or 1-800-782-0067 (toll-free) in Manitoba or by email at
Manitoba’s payday lending law states the maximum total credit cost of 17 per cent of the principal amount of the payday loan is to include any fees charged in relation to a cash card or other device issued or sold to a borrower to enable him or her to access money under a payday loan including the following fees:
- an activation fee;
- a reactivation fee;
- an inactivity fee;
- service fees charged to access money advanced for the first time following any advance of a payday loan; or
- the first charge for a periodic fee such as a maintenance fee.
The Consumer Protection Office shares information with consumers to help them make informed choices and is committed to protecting consumers as well as holding payday lenders accountable to Manitoba’s payday lending laws.
The Manitoba government is currently taking additional steps to protect Manitoba families through new legislation that would give the Consumer Protection Office greater authority to take action against businesses that break the rules. In addition, the department is currently reviewing high‑interest loan rules, including a review of what is happening in other provinces, to determine what additional measures could be taken to protect Manitoba consumers.
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Friday, October 11, 2013
Education Minister Nancy Allan Proclaims Bill That Protects Students From Bullying
October 10, 2013
Province Proclaims Bill 18, the Safe and Inclusive Schools Act
Some school divisions have already developed policies that relate to respect for human diversity and homophobic bullying including the Winnipeg, Louis Riel and Seven Oaks school divisions.
“While great work is already going on in many Manitoba schools and school divisions, the proclamation of Bill 18 and the requirements it puts in place will strengthen and expand that work throughout the province. This sends a clear message that all have the right to teach and learn in schools that are as inclusive and supportive as we can make them,” said Paul Olson, president, Manitoba Teachers’ Society.
“Bill 18 is part of an anti-bullying strategy that we launched a year ago. Despite opposition from some politicians, we’re taking the next step forward to protect every child by giving students, parents, educators and administrators more of the tools that they need to deal with bullying,” said Allan.
Manitoba’s anti-bullying action plan includes:
October 10, 2013
– – –Province Proclaims Bill 18, the Safe and Inclusive Schools Act
Manitoba schools now have more tools to fight bullying and cyberbullying and are able to create safer, more inclusive schools, said Education Minister Nancy Allan as she announced Bill 18, the Safe and Inclusive Schools Act, was officially proclaimed into law today. The minister made the announcement while talking with students at Kelvin High School’s gay-straight alliance.
“Every parent knows the impact that bullying can have on their children and their ability to learn. In recent years, the face of bullying has changed so much with the spread of cellphones and social media, and parents expect action,” said Allan. “That’s why I am proud that we have a new law in Manitoba that builds on our Safe Schools Charter to protect every child from bullying online and in the classroom.”
Under Bill 18, schools in Manitoba will be required to:
In addition, the province is requesting that Appropriate Use of the Internet and Human Diversity policies be in place in all school divisions and funded independent schools by June 30, 2014.“Every parent knows the impact that bullying can have on their children and their ability to learn. In recent years, the face of bullying has changed so much with the spread of cellphones and social media, and parents expect action,” said Allan. “That’s why I am proud that we have a new law in Manitoba that builds on our Safe Schools Charter to protect every child from bullying online and in the classroom.”
Under Bill 18, schools in Manitoba will be required to:
- report and act on cyberbullying incidents even if they take place outside of school or after-hours;
- expand policies related to the appropriate use of the Internet in schools to include social media, text messaging and instant messaging;
- accommodate students who want to establish and lead activities and organizations that fight all forms of bullying, and accommodate any student-led groups that want to use the name gay‑straight alliance or any other name consistent with the promotion of a positive school environment that is inclusive and accepting of all students; and
- establish respect for human diversity policies that are consistent with the principles of the Manitoba Human Rights Code and create a safe and inclusive learning environment that is accepting of all students.
Some school divisions have already developed policies that relate to respect for human diversity and homophobic bullying including the Winnipeg, Louis Riel and Seven Oaks school divisions.
“While great work is already going on in many Manitoba schools and school divisions, the proclamation of Bill 18 and the requirements it puts in place will strengthen and expand that work throughout the province. This sends a clear message that all have the right to teach and learn in schools that are as inclusive and supportive as we can make them,” said Paul Olson, president, Manitoba Teachers’ Society.
“Bill 18 is part of an anti-bullying strategy that we launched a year ago. Despite opposition from some politicians, we’re taking the next step forward to protect every child by giving students, parents, educators and administrators more of the tools that they need to deal with bullying,” said Allan.
Manitoba’s anti-bullying action plan includes:
- expanding the Tell Them From Me online survey so that schools can hear directly from grade 4 to 12 students in 550 schools across Manitoba on how they can improve safety and prevent bullying;
- introducing a new provincial code of conduct with clear and appropriate disciplinary consequences for bullying incidents;
- providing new resources and supports to educate parents, teachers and students to help them identify, prevent and deal with bullying;
- continuing to support Safe Schools Manitoba, a unique partnership between the provincial government, schools, law enforcement, social service agencies, parent councils, professional associations and community agencies; and
- hosting the second annual Safe and Caring Schools Provincial Leadership Forum with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection to bring together students, teachers, administrators and experts to share strategies on preventing and addressing cyberbullying.
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Thursday, October 10, 2013
Innovation, Energy and Mines Minister Dave Chomiak visits with grades five and six students at Donwood School to officially launch the new Manitoba Rocks! website.
October 9, 2013
For more information, visit Manitoba Rocks! at
October 9, 2013
Innovation, Energy and Mines Minister Dave Chomiak visited with grade 5 and 6 students at Donwood School today to officially launch Manitoba Rocks!, a new website featuring a wide variety of geoscience information designed to help young Manitobans learn more about Manitoba’s minerals and petroleum industry.
“Manitoba Rocks! is a dynamic online learning tool for kids, teens and anyone interested in exploring or expanding their knowledge about Manitoba’s rich minerals history and potential,” said Chomiak. “Visitors to this fun, interactive website will learn about Manitoba’s unique, diverse geological history and the role these resources play in our daily lives and our province’s future.”
The new website features:
Chomiak thanked the many mining and mineral organizations whose geosciences information links form an integral part of the Manitoba Rocks! website. This includes Mining Matters, a national charitable organization dedicated to bringing knowledge and awareness about Canada’s geology and mineral resources to students, educators and the general public. The minister also acknowledged Oak Hammock Marsh, the Childrens’ Museum and the Manitoba Museum for participating in the website launch, and the Canadian Geoscience Education Network for promoting Manitoba Rocks! beyond Manitoba.
Manitoba’s mining and petroleum industries are experiencing continued growth and remain two of the province’s key economic drivers. In 2012, it is estimated mining and petroleum provided jobs for more than 5,700 people, with another 18,000 people employed in spinoff businesses. The same year, the value of mineral and petroleum production totalled more than $3.13 billion. In 2012, capital expenditures on mining and petroleum development totalled an estimated $1.3 billion and the industries accounted for approximately seven per cent of provincial GDP and about 8.7 per cent of total exports.“Manitoba Rocks! is a dynamic online learning tool for kids, teens and anyone interested in exploring or expanding their knowledge about Manitoba’s rich minerals history and potential,” said Chomiak. “Visitors to this fun, interactive website will learn about Manitoba’s unique, diverse geological history and the role these resources play in our daily lives and our province’s future.”
The new website features:
- Kids Rock! – a children’s Fun Zone with memory and word games, puzzles, colouring and activity books, and geo-mysteries. Younger students can learn about the rock cycle, examine a geological time chart, and explore facts and legends on topics ranging from nickels and arrowheads to chunks of gold, space rocks and fossils, as well as gain knowledge of the Aboriginal perspective about Mother Earth and Turtle Island.
- Teens Rock! – offers teenage students a more in-depth look at the history of mining and exploration in Manitoba. Teens can take a video-guided geo-tour around the province, visit the Legends of Rock section to learn about some of the early explorers, geologists and prospectors whose spirit of adventure helped launch exciting discoveries around Manitoba and explore Opportunity Rocks, a web section devoted to information on mining-related careers.
Chomiak thanked the many mining and mineral organizations whose geosciences information links form an integral part of the Manitoba Rocks! website. This includes Mining Matters, a national charitable organization dedicated to bringing knowledge and awareness about Canada’s geology and mineral resources to students, educators and the general public. The minister also acknowledged Oak Hammock Marsh, the Childrens’ Museum and the Manitoba Museum for participating in the website launch, and the Canadian Geoscience Education Network for promoting Manitoba Rocks! beyond Manitoba.
For more information, visit Manitoba Rocks! at
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Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Winnipeg October 3, 2013 MANITOBA MOVES FORWARD WITH THREE-YEAR ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ACTION PLAN – – – Province Continues to make Strategic Investments in Improved Bike, Pedestrain Facilities; Continues to Establish Supportive Policies, Improve Safety: Lemieux On the same day as all three levels of government gathered to open a major new link in Winnipeg’s active transportation (AT) network, Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux announced two new initiatives under the province’s three-year, four-point AT action plan. “Over the past year, we’ve committed new capital dollars to support AT projects in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba, we’ve implemented new initiatives to improve safety and we’ve launched our AT web portal,” said Lemieux. “Today I am pleased to announce the establishment of a provincial AT policy framework and the creation of a standing AT Public Stakeholder Advisory Committee.” The Public Stakeholder Advisory Committee will provide advice to government and help further promote the benefits of AT across sectors such as law enforcement, heavy construction, education, health, tourism, local governments and public safety, the minister said. “Establishing a policy framework and creating an advisory committee are both part of our government’s multi-faceted approach to active transportation, which includes improved co-ordination, supportive policies and resources, increased investments, and improved education and awareness,” said Lemieux. “We are committed to an integrated approach to AT that is articulated as a broad provincial policy and also linked to focused efforts across multiple government departments.” The minister noted that both of the initiatives announced today are recommendations from the 2011 Greater Strides report, which the province commissioned to help set a vision for active transportation in Manitoba. Since 2011, Manitoba has invested or committed more than $17 million in support of AT including the Small Communities AT Fund, the Pembina Highway cycle tracks and the Osborne Bridge project. In 2009, Manitoba increased Winnipeg’s annual road funding in order to support the Disraeli project. The increased funding enabled the AT bridge to be included in the overall design and eliminated complete closure of the bridge for 16 months during construction, Lemieux noted. “Including AT facilities in major capital projects is critical to developing a safe and efficient AT network” said Lemieux. “Manitoba is committed to working in partnership with municipalities to build important projects like the Disraeli AT bridge.” Manitoba’s Active Transportation policy framework is available at - 30 -
Monday, October 07, 2013
Scott Fielding, City Councillor for St. James-Brooklands, Curtis Fehr, communications director for Sturgeon Heights Community Centre and Deanne Crothers, MLA for St. James announced the addition of a spray pad and playground structure to the Sturgeon Heights Community Centre complex at a formal ground-breaking for the project
Friday, October 04, 2013
Can we afford these high priced bureaucrats anymore?
Fat-cat bureaucrats at Manitoba’s largest school division are raking in the bucks with pay raises as high as 26% over the past two years, while school trustees demand taxpayers dig even deeper into their pockets for another round of property tax hikes this year. School trustees at the Winnipeg School Division keep telling us they have no choice but to jack up taxes every year in order to preserve important educational programs for kids. This year the division is considering a property tax increase of 6.8%. The proposed hike comes on the heels of a 7.8% property tax increase last year. And while some of that money will go towards teachers’ salaries and other legitimate cost increases, it will also go towards paying the skyrocketing salaries of senior bureaucrats at the division. WSD’s chief superintendent Pauline Clarke is the highest paid bureaucrat at the division. She took home $198,071 in pay in 2011, up a staggering 16.2% over what she got in 2009. Superintendent of inner-city schools Karen Seiler — representing one of the poorest neighbourhoods in the province — got a mind-boggling raise of 26.1% over the past two years, cashing in a paycheque worth $138,938 in 2011. And these bureaucrats try to tell us with a straight face that they have no choice but to jack up our taxes? Give me a break. Just to put the chief superintendent’s salary into perspective, she is paid 39% more than the premier of Manitoba. Premier Greg Selinger was paid $142,071 in 2011. In fact, the division’s assistant secretary-treasurer — yes, “assistant’ — is paid about the same as the premier of Manitoba. Go figure. Assistant secretary-treasurer Tom Bobby made just a little bit more than Selinger in 2011 at $142,502. What’s incredible is that the division still employs five high-paid superintendents — a chief superintendent and four area superintendents — on top of an army of directors, managers and consultants. Do taxpayers really need to pay for five superintendents at the Winnipeg School Division? Meanwhile, where do these pay raises come from, anyway? Seriously, raises of 16% and 19% over two years? I don’t know too many teachers getting annual raises of 8% and 9%. The reality is, the division has done nothing to curb its growing bureaucratic costs. Senior administrators happily give themselves outrageous wage increases and then cry poverty, claiming they’re not getting enough tax dollars from property owners. They’re actually talking about raising property taxes in this division by a stunning 14.6% over two years. Where do they think average taxpayers will get that money from? Sorry, but most of us aren’t getting 16.2% pay raises over two years, Ms. Clarke. Maybe you can afford a 14.6% property tax hike. But it’s a bit out of range for your average working-class stiff trying to pay the bills and keep up with other rising costs. These guys are completely out of control. They have the delegated authority from the Selinger government to jack up taxes every year and they face no repercussions for it. Education Minister Nancy Allan throws her hands in the air and claims there’s nothing she can do about it. She says school divisions have the authority to jack up taxes if they want. Actually, Ms. Allan, that legislative authority comes from you. Meanwhile, the little guy with the $125,000 home gets shafted with another higher tax bill. And what does that taxpayer get in return for paying the school division more money at triple the rate of inflation? Nothing. What an absolute sham.
October 1, 2013
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Province Committed to Economic Growth: Premier
FLIN FLON—The province will invest in upgrades to roads and bridges in the Flin Flon region that will produce a stronger transportation system, create hundreds of jobs and boost the regional economy, Premier Greg Selinger announced here today.
“The Flin Flon region has experienced healthy growth in the past decade, thanks in part to major investments in roads and infrastructure,” Selinger said. “The work we are planning to do in the next three years will strengthen the region’s provincial highway system and help create a stronger economy.”
The premier said the projects will include:
•Phased improvements over several years to a 21-kilometre stretch of PTH 10 between Bakers Narrows and Flin Flon, starting in the 2014 construction season.
◦The initial phase of this project includes intersection improvements and grade realignments to improve the safety of the road.
◦This will be followed by a large grading project and then paving.
•Grading and paving a 16-km stretch of PTH 39 from six kilometres west of PR 596 to 10 km east of PR 596.
The premier said Flin Flon and Snow Lake will also benefit from provincial investments in municipal road renewal projects through the Municipal Road Improvement Program and other funding. Specific projects include:
•repairing and renewing storm drains, new road base, curbs and asphalt topping along a 100-metre stretch of Flin Flon’s Oak Avenue, which provides the main access to municipal recreation facilities, seniors housing and local schools;
•renewing 500 m of roads with new asphalt along Elm Avenue and Hemlock Drive, Hart Avenue, Windsor Avenue and Balsam Avenue;
•paving of a 200-m section of Copper Road in Snow Lake, following upgrades to municipal utility infrastructure along this section of road in previous years.
These road improvements are part of Manitoba’s $1.8-billion Building and Renewal Plan to meet the province’s critical infrastructure needs including flood protection, municipal projects, health centres and schools, as well as roads.
The Building and Renewal Plan and the time-limited increase in the PST are building and improving Manitoba roads while stimulating the economy and creating thousands of jobs across the province.
“Over the past seven years, the Manitoba government has invested about $340 million in road projects across the north,” Selinger said. “These new investments will help Flin Flon continue to grow and attract more people and businesses."
Highlights of completed projects in the Flin Flon area include:
•replacing a bridge at Big Island Lake along PTH 10 south of Flin Flon,
•resurfacing over 27 km of PTH 10 from Cranberry Portage to Bakers Narrows, and
•preserving pavement with a sealcoat treatment on a 35-km section of PTH 291 from Suwanee River to Turnbull Lake access.
Motorists are reminded to slow down and use caution approaching and in construction zones, for their own safety and the safety of workers. The latest information on lane closures and road conditions is available anytime at 511 (toll-free), at or by following the Twitter account at
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