
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Doctor gives hope to women who suffer from incontinence

In the villages where they come from mostly in Asia and Africa where young girls whose pelvics are not fully developed give birth thus creating what is termed obstetric fistulas - a horrible condition that keeps women trickling urine sometimes even feces from their vaginas. These women usually stink because they are unable to control this condition through normal washing and hygiene. They become the pariahs of their communities where people shun them and their husbands leave them. It is one of the worse things that could befall a young woman through no fault of her own. In most of these areas young women are forced into marriage before their time and when they force out children without access to C-section and modern medicine the result could be tragic.

Thanks to Doctor Lewis Wall, a God-sent deliverer for many of these women who can begin to see the light of day once again through his help. May God bless this man, he is a saviour. Dr. Wall is an ob-gyn at Washington University in St. Louis. A quiet, self-effacing but relentless man of 59, Dr. Wall has devoted his life to helping these most voiceless of the voiceless, promoting the $300 surgeries that repair fistulas and typically return the patients to full health. I hope the respective governments with the help of the international communities make this procedure available to women everywhere.
Please read the following story:

Op-Ed Columnist - New Life for the Pariahs -

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