
Monday, August 17, 2009

Aboriginals being shafted again?

I heard on the news this morning that the First Nations people are protesting that the hydroelectric development project in northern Manitoba because it is not honouring their obligation to hire more local Aboriginal people to work here.

As an immigrant person living in Winnipeg, I am grateful to be here but I am disgusted at the way my First Nations brothers and sisters are being treated. This is their home and for many it's the only home they will ever know - they are not going to migrate to another country to live so I do not understand why more effort is not being put into training First Nations people for the jobs that are available within their own communities. I do not think it is fair to overlook First Nations. There should be First Nations staff positions at all levels of the project.

This project did not happen overnight, it took planning. Part of that plan should have been to ensure First Nations people are trained and ready to work on the project. It's about time First Nations should be treated as first class and not third world citizens.

Blockades and disruptions are what happens when people believe they are being overlooked and mistreated. I think the people responsible should do the responsible thing and honour the people who live in these areas with work so that they can provide decent housing and opportunities for their families.

I hope the First Nations people recognize the age old strategy of Divide and conquer and not to allow this to taint relationships between First Nations peoples over who gets work. I am sure there is enough work to go around.

Come on man, it's Aboriginal time to shine.

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