
Monday, August 27, 2007

Fourteen Year Old Kills Mother and Sister

People are reeling from this one. It seems like everytime you turn around a youth is committing a heinous crime. What is going on? I do not think that a child would kill his parent or mother in such apparent cold blood. Are we putting children with emotional problems to the test by allowing them the freedom that some may not be able to handle. Or are parents cuddling their emotionally challenged children. I believe that for a child to commit such a crime he had to be mentally unstable. So unstable that he cannot see his mother and sister as they are but as something threatening to his own well being. When these crimes are committed we look at the child as if he is a monster when in fact he may be suffering from a mental illness that distorts reality.
It is such a tragic loss and for it to happen in a small rural community I cannot begin to imagine the impact. It is tragic for everyone.

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