Thursday, September 30, 2010
Equality Rights Monitor - We're watching you!
For Immediate Release
LEAF Launches a New Website to Monitor Equality Rights
goes live September 29, 2010
September 29, 2010, Toronto – September 29, 2010 at noon (EST) is the public launch date of the Equality Rights Central (“ERC”) website, the first-of-its-kind online resource in Canada , to monitor developments in equality law.
The ERC is sponsored by LEAF, the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund, building on LEAF’s 25 years of expertise in advancing equality rights law and policy in Canada .
“It has been very exciting to see this project come together, and this is just the beginning, as equality rights advocates use it and contribute to it,” says the project’s coordinator, LEAF Staff Lawyer, Tamar Witelson.
The ERC will monitor all equality, human rights and discrimination issues, primarily in lower courts and tribunals. It will feature recently launched cases, equality-related news and analysis, legislative reform with an equality impact, and a nationwide events calendar. “Resources like examples of written factums from equality cases have gotten very enthusiastic feedback so far,” says Witelson.
LEAF Legal Director, Joanna Birenbaum says, “the ERC will help equality advocates to network and share information and resources to develop test cases”
“There is already discussion on the site about the meaning of consent in sexual assault cases when a person is unconscious; whether the federal government has to make its websites more accessible to people with visual impairments; and the equality implications of challenges to the Criminal Code provisions against polygamy and prostitution-related activity,” says Birenbaum.
The ERC idea has been in development for three years, with funding from the law foundations of British Columbia , Manitoba , Ontario , and New Brunswick , as well as the LEAF Foundation.
For more information, go online at:
or contact:
Tamar Witelson Joanna Birenbaum
LEAF Staff Lawyer LEAF Litigation Director
(416) 595-7170 ext. 231 (office) (416) 595-7170 ext. 223 (office)
(416) 587-1895 (cell) (647) 500-3005 (cell)
LEAF Website,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Upcoming Event - - Women's History Month - October 13, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The Aboriginal Centre of Winnipeg
This year’s theme is:
This year we celebrate the important social, cultural and economic contributions of Aboriginal women in Manitoba .
A light luncheon will be provided.
Please RSVP by October 13, 2010
Please note that limited parking is available at the Aboriginal Centre.
Paid parking is available at the Impark lot located at 182 Higgins Avenue ,
on Maple Street , or on Henry Avenue .
RSVP: Manitoba Status of Women
945-6281 or toll-free 1-800-263-0234
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
How 19th Century Prostitutes Were the Freest, Wealthiest, Most Educated Women of Their Time | | AlterNet
Feminism and prostitution have something in common. Prostitutes apparently were feminists before our intellectual bunch decided that it was a good thing. Prostitutes controlled their sexuality and had men pay big bucks for it and they did. Today we are trying to curtail these women's activities. And isn't it the use of our sexuality that separates women - those who give it away for the security of one man and those who give it away to control it themselves.
Interesting article however, take a read.
How 19th Century Prostitutes Were the Freest, Wealthiest, Most Educated Women of Their Time AlterNet
Interesting article however, take a read.
How 19th Century Prostitutes Were the Freest, Wealthiest, Most Educated Women of Their Time AlterNet
Upcoming Event - Book Launch Winnipeg Ladies from Hell
The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada
September 28, 2010
WINNIPEG, Manitoba: One of Canada’s most celebrated military units, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada will commemorate its 100th anniversary in the month of October.
The lead up to the Centennial activities will begin tomorrow evening, Wednesday September 29 at 7:00 P.M. as noted author and journalist Murray Burt launches his book, Winnipeg’s Ladies from Hell at the Minto Armoury, 969 St. Matthews Avenue (intersection of St. Mathews Avenue and Dominion Street).
All are welcome to attend and Members of the Regiment will welcome guests prior to the book launch with a demonstration of rappelling skills from the rafters of Minto Armoury and the Pipes and Drums of the Regiment will perform.
The book will be available for sale at the launch and author Murray Burt will be pleased to inscribe copies purchased.
The Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment, His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh writes in the Foreword to the Winnipeg’s Ladies from Hell, “ Military service, whether in peace or in war, makes great demands on all those who volunteer to give it, but while it is one thing to hear about their difficulties, challenges, triumphs and disasters through the media, there is nothing quite like getting it first hand from those who were there.”
Attending the book launch will be the Provincial Governments Special Envoy for Military Affairs, Bonnie Korzenowski; The Commanding Officer of the Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Brett W. Takeuchi; and serving and retired members of the Regiment.
For further information or to arrange interviews in advance of the event, please contact:
Brian Koshul - Telephone: (204) 770-3574
NOTE TO EDITORS: All in attendance will be available for interviews and all efforts will be made to accommodate the media.
Global Update - As Rabies Deaths Rise, Dog-Eating Gets a Closer Look -
While here in North America we pamper dogs like human beings, in other countries it is what keeps people alive but with the rise in rabies, those people might have to find another type of meat to eat. North Americans are aghast that in some countries people devour their pets like cats and dog. Some East Indians are appalled that we eat cows - for the Hindus it is like eating your mother. Cows give us milk like our mother did, how can we eat them. So before you turn up your nose at other people's delicacies, think about how awful your own might be to others.
Global Update - As Rabies Deaths Rise, Dog-Eating Gets a Closer Look -
Global Update - As Rabies Deaths Rise, Dog-Eating Gets a Closer Look -
Op-Ed Columnist - The New American Normal -
I am sick and tired of the whining middle class in America and blaming President Obama for the failings of George Bush and the Republicans who spent 8 years digging America into a deep hole. It will take half that time to rise to the surface again. Americans need patience. They ought to know they're not all that powerful and they have to eat humble pie like the rest of the world. Obama is doing his level best but with all the stalemating of the Republican Party that is still trying to fool the people in America that they have a plan, President Obama and the Democrats have to struggle for every single gain they make in the interest of all Americans.
It is good for people in America to experience poverty and hardship. They've had it too good for a long time and perhaps they will learn to live within their means and not reach for everything bigger and better. They should return to truth. As Suzie Orman advises all the time, Americans should stop lying by living beyond their means on credit card. Instead, they should read about the sacrifices of their fore parents and their lives will seem like apple pie. Be patient with the President. He is a smart guy, the smartest the White House has seen for a long time. He will deliver but he has to first get rid of the debris left by the previous administration.
Op-Ed Columnist - The New American Normal -
It is good for people in America to experience poverty and hardship. They've had it too good for a long time and perhaps they will learn to live within their means and not reach for everything bigger and better. They should return to truth. As Suzie Orman advises all the time, Americans should stop lying by living beyond their means on credit card. Instead, they should read about the sacrifices of their fore parents and their lives will seem like apple pie. Be patient with the President. He is a smart guy, the smartest the White House has seen for a long time. He will deliver but he has to first get rid of the debris left by the previous administration.
Op-Ed Columnist - The New American Normal -
Monday, September 27, 2010
Each Sunday morning, one of my past times is listening to the various religious leaders some shouting their message into the microphone as it the audience is deaf, others quietly bringing home the point that the Bible is the only true book of God without a doubt. The funny thing is only certain parts of the bible are always raised. The bible is such a huge book with all kinds of contradiction but someone the bad parts that these preachers cannot explain away they ignore.
My answer to the contradictions is that the Bible was created for a period when mankind was not as civilized as we are today. God promised never to leave us without a teacher. God has always sent teachrs but we have ignored them in our own stubborness to open our mind to God's messages because some of the messages does not bode well for some of our half-cooked preachers (- i.e. those preachers who study portions of the New Testament and Revelations, those who are not highly intelligent people) because in the new message from God, we do not need preachers, they are obsolete.
I urge all of those hypnotized Christians and religious believers to open their eyes and take a look at some other parts of the scripture when your minister does not touch upon. God made us with a brain to think for a reason so that we will not be duped by charlatons who feel they know the Bible more than you and me. Do not be afraid of the truth, it's only the truth shall set you free.
Frank Schaeffer
My answer to the contradictions is that the Bible was created for a period when mankind was not as civilized as we are today. God promised never to leave us without a teacher. God has always sent teachrs but we have ignored them in our own stubborness to open our mind to God's messages because some of the messages does not bode well for some of our half-cooked preachers (- i.e. those preachers who study portions of the New Testament and Revelations, those who are not highly intelligent people) because in the new message from God, we do not need preachers, they are obsolete.
I urge all of those hypnotized Christians and religious believers to open their eyes and take a look at some other parts of the scripture when your minister does not touch upon. God made us with a brain to think for a reason so that we will not be duped by charlatons who feel they know the Bible more than you and me. Do not be afraid of the truth, it's only the truth shall set you free.
Frank Schaeffer
Posted: August 3, 2010 04:29 PM
As I argue in my book, Patience With God: Faith for People Who Don't Like Religion (or Atheism), maybe if there is a God, or if Jesus spoke truth about how we are to care for others or if the Light of Love in my life has taught me anything, then the best thing a believer in any actual God can do is to admit that a lot of the Bible is hate-filled blasphemy.
There is a verse in Timothy that says that all Scripture is for our edification. This verse, not the many Bible stories of the many killings "ordained by God," is the scariest verse in the Bible.
In Timothy (3:16) we read; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
The "all Scripture" being spoken of is the Old Testament. The New Testament was just being written at the time. And these days, of course, for conservative Christians, the word "Scripture" covers "their" part of the Bible too.
How scary is this verse? Well, take every vile verse reeking of barbarity in the Bible and append the "All scripture is..." ending to it.
In this unsettling thought experiment for instance take St. Paul's New Testament "advice" to women: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." (1 Timothy 2:12) Then add, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." End of discussion! Be Silent!
"This is what the Lord Almighty says... 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'" (1 Samuel 15:3) "But Christ has changed all that mean stuff" the hopeful Evangelical says. Not so fast! "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
"So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight. When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, 'Get up; let's go.' But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home." (Judges 19:25-28) "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable..."
"Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel." (1 Peter 2:18) Say again? "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." And by the way, that pro-slavery teaching is a New Testament verse to boot!
When rape is sort of "condemned" in the Bible, a woman's rights aren't even mentioned. "If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife" (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). According to the Bible, the raped women are forced to marry the rapist and the only person made whole is her father! Never mind, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable..."
There is another choice besides rejecting religion outright or adopting an all-the-Bible-is-true fundamentalism, one too rarely made. The fact is too few religious people are willing to suffer the loss of approval by their religious leaders, friends and family to make this other choice: embrace faith in God by thinking for themselves and openly reject the parts of one's scriptures outright that fly in the face of fact, compassion and decency.
"But where would that leave me?" they ask. "I'd be adrift in an ocean of uncertainty!" they say. Yes, and perhaps that's the only honest place to be.
Maybe the actual God doesn't like -- or accept -- "The God-Of-The-Bible" any more than rational and compassionate people do. I hope that's true because if it's not, then it turns out that most people are a lot nicer than their "God," which begs the question: Where did that niceness come from... if (that is) God created everything?
Frank Schaeffer is a writer and author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back
In Timothy (3:16) we read; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
The "all Scripture" being spoken of is the Old Testament. The New Testament was just being written at the time. And these days, of course, for conservative Christians, the word "Scripture" covers "their" part of the Bible too.
How scary is this verse? Well, take every vile verse reeking of barbarity in the Bible and append the "All scripture is..." ending to it.
In this unsettling thought experiment for instance take St. Paul's New Testament "advice" to women: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." (1 Timothy 2:12) Then add, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." End of discussion! Be Silent!
"This is what the Lord Almighty says... 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'" (1 Samuel 15:3) "But Christ has changed all that mean stuff" the hopeful Evangelical says. Not so fast! "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
"So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight. When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, 'Get up; let's go.' But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home." (Judges 19:25-28) "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable..."
"Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel." (1 Peter 2:18) Say again? "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." And by the way, that pro-slavery teaching is a New Testament verse to boot!
When rape is sort of "condemned" in the Bible, a woman's rights aren't even mentioned. "If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife" (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). According to the Bible, the raped women are forced to marry the rapist and the only person made whole is her father! Never mind, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable..."
There is another choice besides rejecting religion outright or adopting an all-the-Bible-is-true fundamentalism, one too rarely made. The fact is too few religious people are willing to suffer the loss of approval by their religious leaders, friends and family to make this other choice: embrace faith in God by thinking for themselves and openly reject the parts of one's scriptures outright that fly in the face of fact, compassion and decency.
"But where would that leave me?" they ask. "I'd be adrift in an ocean of uncertainty!" they say. Yes, and perhaps that's the only honest place to be.
Maybe the actual God doesn't like -- or accept -- "The God-Of-The-Bible" any more than rational and compassionate people do. I hope that's true because if it's not, then it turns out that most people are a lot nicer than their "God," which begs the question: Where did that niceness come from... if (that is) God created everything?
Frank Schaeffer is a writer and author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Frisbee of Art -
Check this out art lovers or wanna be artists - there are great tips here to improve your amateur art
The Frisbee of Art -
The Frisbee of Art -
Sarah Talks About the Craigslist Ad -
First time revealed on Oprah
Sarah Talks About the Craigslist Ad -
Sarah Talks About the Craigslist Ad -
Micheli wrote letter on behalf of Craigslist rapist
Micheli wrote letter on behalf of Craigslist rapist
Could anyone understand this letter? Could you as the victim or family or loved one of the victim of this vicious rape want to see this man back on the street. He may have had a good track record before but something in him snapped and showed his dark side. Someone like this needs to exist behind bars not let back unto the streets to commit another such crime on any other woman. I am sorry. While we forgive we must protect innocent victim and not live through another such nightmare as he deliberately put an innocent woman through.
Why would a married man with two daughters of his own show no compassion?
Could anyone understand this letter? Could you as the victim or family or loved one of the victim of this vicious rape want to see this man back on the street. He may have had a good track record before but something in him snapped and showed his dark side. Someone like this needs to exist behind bars not let back unto the streets to commit another such crime on any other woman. I am sorry. While we forgive we must protect innocent victim and not live through another such nightmare as he deliberately put an innocent woman through.
Why would a married man with two daughters of his own show no compassion?
Manitoba Celebrates culture with Culture Days - Activities Galore to be Enjoyed
September 24, 2010
Events are being held across the province from today until Sunday as part of Culture Days, a national event celebrating the arts and cultural community, Culture, Heritage and Tourism Minister Flor Marcelino announced today.
“This weekend, Manitobans have the opportunity to attend dozens of family-friendly events around the province to learn more about our vibrant arts and culture communities,” said Marcelino. “Manitoba is proud to join other provinces and territories in celebrating this national initiative that aims to raise awareness, participation and engagement in arts and culture by all Canadians.”
Events put together by the Manitoba Culture Days organizing committee include:
· a needle and stitching event in Brandon tomorrow where embroiderers will create a sampler and teach needlework;
· prospecting and birch-bark biting demonstrations in Flin Flon today and tomorrow;
· a reading by writer Amy Jo Ehman at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon today as part of Thin Air, the Winnipeg International Writers Festival; and
· a drawing and mask-making workshop from 1 to 4 p.m. tomorrow at Gallery 1C03at the University of Winnipeg.
Included in Culture Days is Nuit Blanche tomorrow when numerous activities will take place throughout the night. This includes extended hours at the Manitoba Museum. The Winnipeg Art Gallery will be open from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Culture Days was inspired by and modelled after Quebec’s 13-year-old annual Journées de la culture event. Culture Days events across Canada feature free, hands-on, interactive activities that invite the public to discover the artistic world in their own community.
The province contributed $20,000 to support Culture Days Manitoba. Culture Days also complements activities underway to celebrate Manitoba Homecoming 2010 and the Winnipeg Arts Council’s Cultural Capital 2010 activities.
More information on Culture Days, including a complete list of Manitoba events, is available at
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Mosakahiken Cree Nation Opens New On-Reserve School
September 23, 2010
Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister Eric Robinson and Education Minister Nancy Allan today congratulated the Mosakahiken Cree Nation on the official opening of the community’s new on‑reserve school.
“This capital project is an example of working in partnership to improve educational opportunities for First Nations students no matter where they live in Manitoba,” Robinson said. “The new school will serve as a focal point for the community and ensure students are learning in a comfortable, modern environment that meets their needs.”
The Manitoba government contributed $4.6 million of the $30 million in overall project costs. In addition, the project received $8 million from the Manitoba School Board Association’s Manitoba Schools Insurance Program.
The kindergarten to Grade 12 school replaces the previous kindergarten to Grade 9 Frontier School Division school that was destroyed by fire in 2005. The 55,000-square-foot school can accommodate up to 650, which is double the capacity of the previous school.
The new facility includes space for two kindergarten classes, 22 regular classrooms, a science room, two multi-purpose rooms, a library, a gym/auditorium and weight room, two computer labs, home‑economics and industrial labs, a resource office, a special-education room a health room and other amenities. The teachers’ residences were also replaced.
“I want to congratulate Chief Philip Buck and the Mosakahiken Cree Nation on the opening of this new school which fulfills a long-time goal of community elders and leaders,” said Allan. “This expanded facility will quickly become a major asset for the growing community of Mosakahiken Cree Nation by reflecting the Cree culture and language of the community while providing students with the tools they need to pursue post-secondary education and employment.”
The province, through the Frontier School Division, partnered with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Mosakahiken Cree Nation on the project.
“This project collaboration reflects the spirit of the October 2009 letter of understanding between the governments of Canada and Manitoba, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) and the Southern Chiefs Organization to work together to help First Nation students in Manitoba fulfil their learning potential,” said MLA for The Pas Frank Whitehead, who attended the opening event on behalf of the government.
Mosakahiken Cree Nation,
Manitoba signs Agreement to attract more workers from the Philippines
September 20, 2010
Manitoba to Strengthen Relationship with Philippines Through Further Co-operation: Selinger
– – –Manitoba to Strengthen Relationship with Philippines Through Further Co-operation: Selinger
Premier Greg Selinger and Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz of the Philippines Department of Labour and Employment signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) today to continue a partnership that connects Filipino workers with potential employers, streamlines the immigration process and helps them prepare for a new life in Manitoba. In addition, Selinger said Manitoba will look for new opportunities to co‑operate with the Philippines in the areas of workforce development, health, education and culture.
“Our governments have worked together over the past two and a half years to make it easier and safer for skilled Filipino workers to find jobs and settle in Manitoba and we look forward to continuing this important partnership,” he said. “We also want to find opportunities and activities to give back to the Philippines including in the areas of health and education.”
The MOU identifies shared priorities and provides a framework for the orderly, ethical and effective recruitment and migration of temporary foreign workers that is consistent with labour laws in the Philippines and Manitoba’s Worker Recruitment and Protection Act. Highlights include quicker processing of applications and improved training opportunities in the Philippines to meet the requirements and standards for entry into Manitoba occupations.
Manitoba officials will work with their counterparts in the Philippines to develop an action plan of collaboration between the Philippines and Manitoba governments. Areas of co-operation could include:
· Workforce development – Examining opportunities to better communicate qualifications recognition requirements and identifying opportunities for skills-training development in trades, for example, in the Philippines.
· Health-sector collaboration – Collaborating regarding provision of surplus equipment and supplies, logistics and supply chain management, knowledge transfer, clinical interests such as diagnostics, women’s health and pediatrics, and administrative approaches such as planning, management and organization of health-care services.
· Education – Connecting post-secondary institutions in the Philippines with Manitoba post‑secondary institutions, facilitating partnerships between respective institutions and the kindergarten to Grade 12 sector, providing professional development opportunities and facilitating student/faculty exchanges.
· Culture – examining opportunities for cultural and artifact exchanges and community-based cross‑cultural experiences.
As a first pilot initiative under the initial MOU, Manitoba Labour and Immigration and Manitoba Health partnered with the Assiniboine, Parklands, Brandon and Central regional health authorities (RHAs) and the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba to recruit registered nurses from the Philippines.
The premier noted the health-sector initiative is a prime example of this successful partnership and its benefits to Manitoba’s workforce. In total, 122 nurses came to Manitoba and are currently living and working in their new communities and, to date, 119 have passed the Canadian registered nursing exam.
A total of 97 nurses applied under the Provincial Nominee Program to become permanent Manitoba residents and all of those processed under the program have been accepted.
“Regional health authorities have told us hiring these Filipino nurses has improved morale and ensured services could be continued,” Selinger said. “The RHAs have noted the nurses are integrating very well into their new communities and we are anticipating continued success with future recruitment efforts.”
Manitoba’s growing Filipino population accounted for 32 per cent of the province’s total immigration in 2009.
Manitoba School uses new Technology to help students succeed
September 21, 2010
Education Minister Nancy Allan today announced a pilot project that offers innovative technology-based teaching tools to assist students tackle difficult math concepts and help them succeed in school.
“The Pembina Trails and Frontier school divisions are pilot testing a new way to teach students about difficult concepts using short, informal video presentations in a YouTube-inspired format that is familiar to today’s youth,” Allan said. “This innovative approach has been spearheaded by the Pembina Trails School Division working with key industry partners to develop solutions that are expected to have a significant important impact on the way students receive help with in-class learning and homework.”
Recently-announced improvements to broadband and high-speed Internet services will benefit rural, northern and remote communities and benefit students and teachers by increasing access to learning and teaching resources, the minister said. Students will be able to use any computer connected to the Internet to access lessons whether they are at home, at school or at a public library.
“Manitoba Ed-U-Tube leverages the combination of teaching and technology to reach out and help students in a familiar, intuitive format that invites collaboration and self-paced learning,” said Dianne Zuk, board vice-chair, Pembina Trails School Division.
The Ed-U-Tube tutorials have been developed by a working group that included industry partners from Microsoft, Dell, Xerox, Smart Technology and Polycom. Students can choose to watch short animated or videotaped lessons produced in a YouTube-like video format. They will also be able to download notes, watch the lesson presented by a different teacher or see a fellow student explain a concept he or she also had difficulty understanding. Through technology such as the Office Communicator email program, students and teachers can participate in real-time tutoring sessions. The tutorials relate specifically to Manitoba school curricula, which ensures students have access to relevant, useful information tailored to their needs, the minister said.
“This pilot project is another way in which education stakeholders are working together to help students perform well in school because success in the classroom gives students more incentive to stay in school,” Allan said.
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Flu Shots, Flu Shots Come and Get your Flu Shots
September 22, 2010
Province Launches Annual Vaccine Program Encouraging Manitobans to Get the Shot, Not the Flu
– – –Province Launches Annual Vaccine Program Encouraging Manitobans to Get the Shot, Not the Flu
Manitobans are encouraged to Get the Shot, Not the Flu to protect themselves and the people they care for, as part of the 2010 provincial annual influenza vaccine program, Health Minister Theresa Oswald announced today.
“For this year, the flu vaccine will be available at no charge to all Manitobans, not just those in high‑risk groups,” said Oswald. “An annual flu shot helps to limit the spread of the flu and immunizations are a safe, effective way to protect the health of all Manitobans and their families.”
The annual Get the Shot, Not the Flu campaign will soon be underway across Manitoba. This fall’s seasonal flu shot will immunize against the most common strains of influenza as determined by the World Health Organization. This year that will include the H1N1 strain. The vaccine is approved by Health Canada and will be provided at no charge by Manitoba Health for everyone for the 2010-11 season.
People need the flu shot every year because protection provided by the vaccine is usually for one influenza season, said the minister.
An annual flu shot is especially important for Manitobans at increased risk of serious illness from the flu, their caregivers and close contacts, Oswald said. They include:
· seniors aged 65 years or older,
· residents of personal-care homes and long-term care facilities,
· children aged six months to four years of age,
· those with chronic illness,
· pregnant woman,
· health-care workers and first responders,
· individuals of Aboriginal ancestry, and
· people who are severely overweight or obese.
Manitobans can be immunized at public-health clinics or by their primary health-care provider throughout the province commencing in October. More information on specific clinic dates and locations is available from local public-health offices.
The viruses in the vaccine change each year based on international surveillance and scientists’ estimations about which types and strains will circulate in a given year. Last year, H1N1 flu was a new, emerging strain and was declared a pandemic. This season, it is part of the regular seasonal flu immunization for Canada.
Influenza is more severe than a cold. Contracting influenza can result in severe complications such as pneumonia, hospitalization or even death. Every year, it’s estimated that between 4,000 and 8,000 Canadians, mostly seniors, die from complications relating to the flu but not the flu itself.
Influenza is generally spread from person to person by sneezing, coughing and other direct physical contact. Symptoms may include fever and chills, cough, headaches, muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat and exhaustion.
Manitobans aged 65 and over, anyone living in a personal-care home or long-term care facility and people two to 64 years of age with specific health conditions are also eligible to get a no-cost pneumococcal shot at the same time they get their flu shot. This vaccination can prevent pneumonia, blood infection and meningitis caused by pneumococcal bacteria.
More information about flu shots and influenza symptoms is available at
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
National Council of Women Advocates for Retaining Long Gun Registry
September 15, 2010
For Immediate Release: National Council of Women Advocate for Public Safety and Retaining and Improving the Long Gun Registry
The National Council of Women of Canada, (NCWC), founded in 1893, is one of Canada's oldest advocacy associations and is a member of the International Council of Women. NCWC is a nonpartisan federation of voluntary women's organizations. Led by its first president, Lady Aberdeen, the NCWC became the champion of women and children, and its goal continues to be to improve the status of women, families and society through education and advocacy.
Now in the 21st century we continue to advocate for public safety. The long gun registry is just such an issue. We wholeheartedly supported the passage of C-68 bringing in the licensing and registration of long guns. The fact that bill C-391 is set to destroy this legislation fills us with fear. In rural Canada the long gun is the weapon of choice in domestic violence or suicide. Police chiefs, the RCMP report, emergency physicians all support the registry as do countless others. Why would we get rid of a tool that is for the public’s good?
There are women and children on a daily basis that are threatened in their own homes by a long gun. No one speaks out for them until a killing occurs. In rural Canada most homes have at least one long gun. We need to strengthen the existing law not get rid of it.
We all shudder with horror over the Massacre at Ecole Polytechnique, Taber High School and Dawson College to name just a few. We feel very strongly that effective registration and licensing may prevent some future tragedy and is necessary for the protection of all society. With gun ownership there is also a responsibility to properly store the weapon and ammunition. Society must make sure that anyone purchasing a gun has instruction in caring for and handling a weapon.
The National Council of Women of Canada urges all Members of Parliament to vote down C -391 on September 22nd, 2010 and work to strengthen the existing law for a safer Canada.
Mary Scott, President
For Immediate Release: National Council of Women Advocate for Public Safety and Retaining and Improving the Long Gun Registry
The National Council of Women of Canada, (NCWC), founded in 1893, is one of Canada's oldest advocacy associations and is a member of the International Council of Women. NCWC is a nonpartisan federation of voluntary women's organizations. Led by its first president, Lady Aberdeen, the NCWC became the champion of women and children, and its goal continues to be to improve the status of women, families and society through education and advocacy.
Now in the 21st century we continue to advocate for public safety. The long gun registry is just such an issue. We wholeheartedly supported the passage of C-68 bringing in the licensing and registration of long guns. The fact that bill C-391 is set to destroy this legislation fills us with fear. In rural Canada the long gun is the weapon of choice in domestic violence or suicide. Police chiefs, the RCMP report, emergency physicians all support the registry as do countless others. Why would we get rid of a tool that is for the public’s good?
There are women and children on a daily basis that are threatened in their own homes by a long gun. No one speaks out for them until a killing occurs. In rural Canada most homes have at least one long gun. We need to strengthen the existing law not get rid of it.
We all shudder with horror over the Massacre at Ecole Polytechnique, Taber High School and Dawson College to name just a few. We feel very strongly that effective registration and licensing may prevent some future tragedy and is necessary for the protection of all society. With gun ownership there is also a responsibility to properly store the weapon and ammunition. Society must make sure that anyone purchasing a gun has instruction in caring for and handling a weapon.
The National Council of Women of Canada urges all Members of Parliament to vote down C -391 on September 22nd, 2010 and work to strengthen the existing law for a safer Canada.
Mary Scott, President
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For further information: Mavis Moore, VP NCWC, 1 306 373 1274
The National Council of Women of Canada is a federation comprised of Local Councils, Provincial Councils, and National Organizations. Founded in 1893, it was incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1914 and has been designated by the Government of Canada as being of national historic significance for its role in Canadian women’s history. For more information, consult our web site at http://www.ncwc/
The National Council of Women of Canada is a federation comprised of Local Councils, Provincial Councils, and National Organizations. Founded in 1893, it was incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1914 and has been designated by the Government of Canada as being of national historic significance for its role in Canadian women’s history. For more information, consult our web site at http://www.ncwc/
Manitoba Youths working for rights of Women and Girls
Manitoba Youth Commissioners have hosted many events often using art to engage youth on equality rights. Using different means of creative expression such as drama, music, dance, fashion, cartoons, poetry and writing, Meghan Menzies and Buchi Nnadi worked with youth to voice their opinions and views on social justice issues.
Meghan said, "Overall this program was a great success. The youth presented a wide range of ideas on what types of discrimination exist in Canada, how they want that discrimination to change, and how they see that change coming about. Many youth commented on the fact that we've come a long way, but that we also have a long way to go. I can draw from this statement that although LEAF may have a long battle ahead, it's a battle that is seeing its fair share of victories. With programs like LEAF's Youth Commission we can be better assured that younger generations will feel prepared to join in the fight for justice and will be there to ensure that with every step backwards, we take two steps forward."

A New Name for High-Fructose Corn Syrup -
Why the need for change? Is it to dupe unsuspecting customers. Corn syrup, corn sugar it's al;l the same - bad for our health.
A New Name for High-Fructose Corn Syrup -
A New Name for High-Fructose Corn Syrup -
The Meaning of the Koran -
A balanced perspective on religious doctorines. Interesting read
The Meaning of the Koran -
The Meaning of the Koran -
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Calling Kenyans around the world - to contribute to Kenya's development
Dear Kenyans abroad
We have finally formed a global diaspora organization called Kenya Global Unity. Our main objective is for all the diasporans to have a voice and contribute in the development ofKenya .
Our hope is that eventually diaspora will be a constituency with an elected representative. And that the diaspora will vote in the nextKenya general election.
Being one of the top contributors toKenya economy, it is just fair that we have a voice through our vote and representation. However, ladies and gentlemen, we know our government and our leaders. It is a fact that if we dont demand for this now then 2012 will come and go and nothing will happen. Indeed 2017 may just be another day that the diasporans will be taken for granted.
It is in this regard that we the diaspora are in unison to demand for our rights this time. The only way we can achieve this is first to stand to be counted. The word out there is that we are 3 million kenyans abroad. For the government to take us seriously, our first step is conduct a correct census. In this era of Information and technology this is easily achievable. We are therefore requesting every Kenyan abroad to join Kenya Global Unity face book. If every Kenyan abroad sign up, then we will have atleast an approximate number of Kenyans abroad. After this we will request every Kenyan abroad to sign a census form which will be soon avalable in the Kenya Global Unity website soon to be created. This will eventually give us the accurate information on the number of Kenyans abroad.
Please note that this message is sent on my individual capacity but is very consistent with the spirit of the executive committee of Kenya Global Unity. What we know is that if we are not united then we will never be able to stand for any of our rights. Moreso it will be difficult for us as a blessed group to uplift our brothers at home from the dungeon of poverty. We will always be sending money but the money will simply be sunk into the pit of corruption, nepotism and tribalism. As well we will simply be always at the backseat of development. While our leaders will be busy distributing tenders to foreign owned companies, we will alwasys be left behind whispering in bars and internet.
As they say "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.". Please do not be a very good man doing nothing. Lets join hands to build a newKenya . Let all diasporans own up to their responsiblity of being our keeper and our brothers keeper
Dr. Barack Abonyo Dear Kenyans abroad
We have finally formed a global diaspora organization called Kenya Global Unity. Our main objective is for all the diasporans to have a voice and contribute in the development ofKenya .
Our hope is that eventually diaspora will be a constituency with an elected representative. And that the diaspora will vote in the nextKenya general election.
Being one of the top contributors toKenya economy, it is just fair that we have a voice through our vote and representation. However, ladies and gentlemen, we know our government and our leaders. It is a fact that if we dont demand for this now then 2012 will come and go and nothing will happen. Indeed 2017 may just be another day that the diasporans will be taken for granted.
It is in this regard that we the diaspora are in unison to demand for our rights this time. The only way we can achieve this is first to stand to be counted. The word out there is that we are 3 million kenyans abroad. For the government to take us seriously, our first step is conduct a correct census. In this era of Information and technology this is easily achievable. We are therefore requesting every Kenyan abroad to join Kenya Global Unity face book. If every Kenyan abroad sign up, then we will have atleast an approximate number of Kenyans abroad. After this we will request every Kenyan abroad to sign a census form which will be soon avalable in the Kenya Global Unity website soon to be created. This will eventually give us the accurate information on the number of Kenyans abroad.
Please note that this message is sent on my individual capacity but is very consistent with the spirit of the executive committee of Kenya Global Unity.
What we know is that if we are not united then we will never be able to stand for any of our rights. Moreso it will be difficult for us as a blessed group to uplift our brothers at home from the dungeon of poverty. We will always be sending money but the money will simply be sunk into the pit of corruption, nepotism and tribalism. As well we will simply be always at the backseat of development. While our leaders will be busy distributing tenders to foreign owned companies, we will alwasys be left behind whispering in bars and internet.
As they say "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
. Please do not be a very good man doing nothing. Lets join hands to build a newKenya . Let all diasporans own up to their responsiblity of being our keeper and our brothers keeper
Please tell others about this initiative.
Dr. Barack Otieno Abonyo
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Florida A and M University
1415 Martin Luther King Dr .
Tallahassee Fl, 32304
We have finally formed a global diaspora organization called Kenya Global Unity. Our main objective is for all the diasporans to have a voice and contribute in the development of
Our hope is that eventually diaspora will be a constituency with an elected representative. And that the diaspora will vote in the next
Being one of the top contributors to
It is in this regard that we the diaspora are in unison to demand for our rights this time. The only way we can achieve this is first to stand to be counted. The word out there is that we are 3 million kenyans abroad. For the government to take us seriously, our first step is conduct a correct census. In this era of Information and technology this is easily achievable. We are therefore requesting every Kenyan abroad to join Kenya Global Unity face book. If every Kenyan abroad sign up, then we will have atleast an approximate number of Kenyans abroad. After this we will request every Kenyan abroad to sign a census form which will be soon avalable in the Kenya Global Unity website soon to be created. This will eventually give us the accurate information on the number of Kenyans abroad.
Please note that this message is sent on my individual capacity but is very consistent with the spirit of the executive committee of Kenya Global Unity. What we know is that if we are not united then we will never be able to stand for any of our rights. Moreso it will be difficult for us as a blessed group to uplift our brothers at home from the dungeon of poverty. We will always be sending money but the money will simply be sunk into the pit of corruption, nepotism and tribalism. As well we will simply be always at the backseat of development. While our leaders will be busy distributing tenders to foreign owned companies, we will alwasys be left behind whispering in bars and internet.
As they say "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.". Please do not be a very good man doing nothing. Lets join hands to build a new
Dr. Barack Abonyo Dear Kenyans abroad
We have finally formed a global diaspora organization called Kenya Global Unity. Our main objective is for all the diasporans to have a voice and contribute in the development of
Our hope is that eventually diaspora will be a constituency with an elected representative. And that the diaspora will vote in the next
Being one of the top contributors to
It is in this regard that we the diaspora are in unison to demand for our rights this time. The only way we can achieve this is first to stand to be counted. The word out there is that we are 3 million kenyans abroad. For the government to take us seriously, our first step is conduct a correct census. In this era of Information and technology this is easily achievable. We are therefore requesting every Kenyan abroad to join Kenya Global Unity face book. If every Kenyan abroad sign up, then we will have atleast an approximate number of Kenyans abroad. After this we will request every Kenyan abroad to sign a census form which will be soon avalable in the Kenya Global Unity website soon to be created. This will eventually give us the accurate information on the number of Kenyans abroad.
Please note that this message is sent on my individual capacity but is very consistent with the spirit of the executive committee of Kenya Global Unity.
What we know is that if we are not united then we will never be able to stand for any of our rights. Moreso it will be difficult for us as a blessed group to uplift our brothers at home from the dungeon of poverty. We will always be sending money but the money will simply be sunk into the pit of corruption, nepotism and tribalism. As well we will simply be always at the backseat of development. While our leaders will be busy distributing tenders to foreign owned companies, we will alwasys be left behind whispering in bars and internet.
As they say "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
. Please do not be a very good man doing nothing. Lets join hands to build a new
Please tell others about this initiative.
Dr. Barack Otieno Abonyo
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Government Reaches out to help Newcomer succeed
September 13, 2010
Pre-arrival Services for Provincial Nominees to be Piloted in Manitoba
– – –Pre-arrival Services for Provincial Nominees to be Piloted in Manitoba
Beijing—Already a leader in attracting and integrating provincial nominees, Manitoba is partnering with the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) through the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP) to pilot a new pre-arrival initiative for provincial nominees destined for Manitoba. This initiative, funded by the federal Department of Citizenship and Immigration, was announced here today by Premier Greg Selinger and federal Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney.
“Manitoba is dedicated to providing more supports to assist provincial nominees to begin their employment and settlement planning before they arrive in our province,” said Selinger. “The more informed and prepared immigrants are before they arrive, the more likely they are to achieve their career goals and contribute to Manitoba’s economic growth.”
To start, the pilot initiative will provide Manitoba nominees in China and the Philippines with pre-arrival settlement orientation and labour-market preparation services. These services will include the development of a career plan based on Manitoba-specific labour-market information and guidance on qualifications recognition procedures. It will then be adapted for provincial nominees destined to other provincial jurisdictions as well as for Manitoba nominees in other parts of the world.
These new services for provincial nominees will be delivered through phase 2 of the CIIP, funded through a $15-million contribution agreement from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
“Pre-arrival services are an essential part of our strategy to help newcomers succeed. ACCC’s partnership with Manitoba to create province-specific CIIP information and services is an important step in our commitment to prepare immigrants before they arrive in Canada,” said Kenney. “This pilot demonstrates our aim to meet specific needs of newcomers destined for provinces across the country.”
“ACCC members play a vital role in the economic integration of newcomers in Canada,” said James Knight, president and CEO of ACCC. “Through ACCC’s overseas offices, they are also providing pre-arrival advice to federal skilled workers in their country of origin. Red River College has been delivering this service for three years and is now working with ACCC and the Manitoba government to develop overseas pre-arrival services for provincial nominees.”
Prior to arriving in Canada, nominees will also have access to Manitoba’s successful English Online language program which provides facilitated English-language training using Manitoba specific scenarios. Students will be able to interact with adult English-as-an-additional-language teachers based in Manitoba, who will provide one-on-one guidance throughout the student’s training.
The initiative will begin in November with approximately 40 Manitoba nominees. CIIP services for provincial nominees will be available at all CIIP locations in the coming year.
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Monday, September 13, 2010
5 Foods That Starve Cancer | The Dr. Oz Show
5 Foods That Starve Cancer The Dr. Oz Show
- Cooked Tomatoes
- Bok Choy
- Flounder
- Strawberries
- Cooked Tomatoes
- Bok Choy
- Flounder
- Strawberries
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Cosmetics Racket: Why the Beauty Industry Can Get Away with Charging a Fortune for Makeup | | AlterNet
Stop those who make millions on your insecurities - we are all beautiful people. The cosmetic industry is making us ugly.
The Cosmetics Racket: Why the Beauty Industry Can Get Away with Charging a Fortune for Makeup AlterNet
The Cosmetics Racket: Why the Beauty Industry Can Get Away with Charging a Fortune for Makeup AlterNet
Thursday, September 09, 2010
YouTube - Anna Falls in Top 10 Performance on America's Got Talent
Anna could not conceal her tear of disappointment for falling down during the performance last evening. They were trying out something new but she got up and finished the dance. Good job - you go girl.
YouTube - Anna Falls in Top 10 Performance on America's Got Talent
YouTube - Anna Falls in Top 10 Performance on America's Got Talent
Upcoming Event - Winnipeg Eritrean Community
Upcoming Events
Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group: Lunch and Exhibition, September 18The newly formed Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group of Manitoba (EHRGM), cordially invites you to attend a special event on Saturday, September 18, 2010, 11 am at the Bulman Centre in the University of Winnipeg.
The event will feature an exhibition, informational presentations and a traditional Eritrean lunch and music.
EHRGM aims to educate on human rights, support Eritrean culture, participate in community building and to establish connections with other justice organizations. The event is free of charge and open to the public.
For more information contact Bereket Yohannes at 782-6562 or Ghezae Hagos at 293-3838.
Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group: Lunch and Exhibition, September 18The newly formed Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group of Manitoba (EHRGM), cordially invites you to attend a special event on Saturday, September 18, 2010, 11 am at the Bulman Centre in the University of Winnipeg.
The event will feature an exhibition, informational presentations and a traditional Eritrean lunch and music.
EHRGM aims to educate on human rights, support Eritrean culture, participate in community building and to establish connections with other justice organizations. The event is free of charge and open to the public.
For more information contact Bereket Yohannes at 782-6562 or Ghezae Hagos at 293-3838.
Manitoba Celebrates the 21st season of Great Tastes of Manitoba
September 8, 2010
Great Tastes of Manitoba, the longest-running cooking show in Canada, is forging its way into history with the launch of its 21st season promoting the excellence of locally produced foods, Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Stan Struthers announced today.
“Learning about our agriculture industry, the fine foods produced locally in our province and the quick, easy and delicious ways to prepare it is what this program is all about,” said Struthers. “It is the ultimate hands-on promotion of Manitoba’s many quality food products.”
The minister noted Great Tastes of Manitoba is the top-rated cooking show in this provincial market including all food shows running on the Food Network.
Recipes from the program are published in partnership with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) and handpicked by the food experts from eight Manitoba producer organizations including the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, Manitoba Canola Growers Association, Manitoba Cattle Producers Association, Manitoba Chicken Producers, Manitoba Mushroom Growers Association, Manitoba Pork, Manitoba Pulse Growers Association and Manitoba Turkey Producers. Recipe booklets are available at Manitoba Liquor Control Commission outlets and Sobeys retail stores or online at
“In co-operation with MAFRI, these farm groups have been encouraging the use of local, healthy food for over two decades,” said Struthers. “We are proud that our province enjoys a co-operative relationship between the producer organizations and government in furthering the common goal of connecting consumers and the local foods produced from the farms and fields of Manitoba.”
The 21st season of Great Tastes of Manitoba starts with the program scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. on CTV Winnipeg.
Great Tastes of Manitoba, the longest-running cooking show in Canada, is forging its way into history with the launch of its 21st season promoting the excellence of locally produced foods, Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Stan Struthers announced today.
“Learning about our agriculture industry, the fine foods produced locally in our province and the quick, easy and delicious ways to prepare it is what this program is all about,” said Struthers. “It is the ultimate hands-on promotion of Manitoba’s many quality food products.”
The minister noted Great Tastes of Manitoba is the top-rated cooking show in this provincial market including all food shows running on the Food Network.
Recipes from the program are published in partnership with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) and handpicked by the food experts from eight Manitoba producer organizations including the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, Manitoba Canola Growers Association, Manitoba Cattle Producers Association, Manitoba Chicken Producers, Manitoba Mushroom Growers Association, Manitoba Pork, Manitoba Pulse Growers Association and Manitoba Turkey Producers. Recipe booklets are available at Manitoba Liquor Control Commission outlets and Sobeys retail stores or online at
“In co-operation with MAFRI, these farm groups have been encouraging the use of local, healthy food for over two decades,” said Struthers. “We are proud that our province enjoys a co-operative relationship between the producer organizations and government in furthering the common goal of connecting consumers and the local foods produced from the farms and fields of Manitoba.”
The 21st season of Great Tastes of Manitoba starts with the program scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. on CTV Winnipeg.
Tasty Vegan Food? Cupcakes Show It Can Be Done -
Love Cupcakes, here are some excellent recipes
Tasty Vegan Food? Cupcakes Show It Can Be Done -
Tasty Vegan Food? Cupcakes Show It Can Be Done -
Boy orphaned by crash talks about parents - Yahoo! Canada News
All this boy wanted people to know about his family that all died in a car crash is that they were nice people. Isn't that beautiful. They were nice people. What a wise and smart child.
Boy orphaned by crash talks about parents - Yahoo! Canada News
Boy orphaned by crash talks about parents - Yahoo! Canada News
Upcoming-Event - Dance Auditions - ACOMI Resource Centre
ACOMI Music and Dance Ensemble
The ACOMI Resource Centre in collaboration with Casimiro Nhusi of NAfro Dance Productions is looking to recruit dancers/performers and musicians from age 18 years or more to create the ACOMI MUSIC & DANCE ENSEMBLE to represent African culture as a whole, at the Folklorama Africa Pavilion here in Winnipeg, Manitoba and also at other venues.
The artists that will be part of the ACOMI Music & Dance Ensemble will be selected from the African Communities in Manitoba. Casimiro, together with ACOMI Resource Centre will cast the artists. Casting begins on Friday September 10th till Friday September 25th 2010.
Rehearsals of this project will take place at the NAfro Dance Studio located at 109 Pulford Street, Winnipeg. This project will use eighteen (18) artists including six (6) dancers, six (6) musician and six (6) singers. They will work two days per week at two (2) hours per day. All artists in this project will sign an agreement of commitment, and they will be paid symbolic performing fees.
If you are interested or need more information, please send your name, age, address and phone number to any of the contacts below:
ACOMI Resource Centre: 101-421 Kennedy Street
Phone: (204) 221-6696
Acomi Secretariat
African Communities of Manitoba Inc.
101-421 Kennedy St. Winnipeg, MB. R3B 2N2
Phone: (204) 221-6696 Fax: (204) 221-4609
Email: Web:
The ACOMI Resource Centre in collaboration with Casimiro Nhusi of NAfro Dance Productions is looking to recruit dancers/performers and musicians from age 18 years or more to create the ACOMI MUSIC & DANCE ENSEMBLE to represent African culture as a whole, at the Folklorama Africa Pavilion here in Winnipeg, Manitoba and also at other venues.
The artists that will be part of the ACOMI Music & Dance Ensemble will be selected from the African Communities in Manitoba. Casimiro, together with ACOMI Resource Centre will cast the artists. Casting begins on Friday September 10th till Friday September 25th 2010.
Rehearsals of this project will take place at the NAfro Dance Studio located at 109 Pulford Street, Winnipeg. This project will use eighteen (18) artists including six (6) dancers, six (6) musician and six (6) singers. They will work two days per week at two (2) hours per day. All artists in this project will sign an agreement of commitment, and they will be paid symbolic performing fees.
If you are interested or need more information, please send your name, age, address and phone number to any of the contacts below:
ACOMI Resource Centre: 101-421 Kennedy Street
Phone: (204) 221-6696
Acomi Secretariat
African Communities of Manitoba Inc.
101-421 Kennedy St. Winnipeg, MB. R3B 2N2
Phone: (204) 221-6696 Fax: (204) 221-4609
Email: Web:
Upcoming Event - Army Cadet September 11 Walk About
September 9, 2009
WINNIPEG, Manitoba:
This coming Saturday, September 11, is Army Cadet Tag Day in Winnipeg. Hundreds of Army Cadets will be at the entrances to shopping malls and other locations throughout the city to greet shoppers and to offer Army Cadet tags in exchange for donations. The Army Cadets will be in place offering their tags Saturday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. All monies raised will go towards supporting the youth programs offered by the Army Cadets, part of the largest and longest operating youth program in Canada.
Over the past 97 years the Army Cadets have provided tens of thousands of Winnipeg youth the opportunity to develop into young adults with a valuable tool kit of skills to take into their future careers, an appreciation of their responsibilities as citizens, and a high level of self-confidence.
The Cadet Program is open to all young people in Canada aged from 12 to 18 years. There are no membership or sign-up fees and all activity and training costs and uniform expenses are assumed by the Department of National Defence with support from the Army Cadet League and local sponsoring organizations. However, a parent or legal guardian is required to sign a consent form prior to the registration of his or her child.
Cadets participate in training on a minimum of one night per week with optional weekend activities during the academic school year, with the opportunity to advance to summer training based on their achievements and level of instruction. He or she may participate in rappelling, adventure training or expedition exercises. Cadets are also provided the opportunity to participate in marksmanship and biathlon competitions, map and compass exercises, as well as drill. Other activities focus on developing their leadership, self-discipline and citizenship skills. Method of instruction, public speaking and healthy living courses are also practical components of the regular Army Cadet Program. Furthermore, cadets frequently enjoy sports, environmental challenges, and music instruction (pipes and drums, or band). Each cadet also participates in a minimum of three field exercises per year.
There are six Army Cadet Corps in Winnipeg, the oldest of which is 407 Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps formed August 17, 1913. The others and their dates of formation are:
- 1226 Fort Garry Horse Cadet Corps, June 18, 1925
- 526 Winnipeg Grenadiers Cadet Corps, October 1, 1946
- the 2295 Royal Winnipeg Rifles Cadet Corps, June 10, 1947,
- the 2701 Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Cadet Corps, January 1, 1962
- the 553 Sgt Tommy Prince, MM Army Cadet Corps (PPCLI) formed October 1, 1999
Many Cadets have the opportunity to attend advanced training at national and regional centres each summer. During the summer period, cadets are able to further develop their skills while experiencing new challenges and adventures in one of the 28 Canadian Forces-conducted Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC). Summer training is both an enhancement of local headquarters training and an introduction to new programs. Many of these courses are offered in settings that take advantage of their proximity to nature by conducting outdoor activities such as canoeing, camping, hiking, meteorology, sailing, and mountain climbing. Summer training courses range from two to six weeks depending on the specialty being offered.
International exchanges provide another unique experience for a number of senior cadets each summer. These cadets are selected based on merit, and are given the opportunity to visit foreign locations such as Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Singapore and the United States. Cadets taking part in exchanges represent Canada as youth ambassadors abroad, and participate in training and cultural activities with their foreign cadet counterparts.
Specialized summer training can include national and international marksmanship competitions for advanced cadets, and Regular Force parachute courses for others. In addition to the obvious benefits of experiencing different cultures and meeting new people from all over Canada and the world, all cadets undergoing summer training also receive a weekly training bonus.
For further information please contact:
Brian Koshul
Director, Army Cadet League of Canada (Manitoba)
Telephone: 770-3574
September 9, 2009
WINNIPEG, Manitoba:
This coming Saturday, September 11, is Army Cadet Tag Day in Winnipeg. Hundreds of Army Cadets will be at the entrances to shopping malls and other locations throughout the city to greet shoppers and to offer Army Cadet tags in exchange for donations. The Army Cadets will be in place offering their tags Saturday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. All monies raised will go towards supporting the youth programs offered by the Army Cadets, part of the largest and longest operating youth program in Canada.
Over the past 97 years the Army Cadets have provided tens of thousands of Winnipeg youth the opportunity to develop into young adults with a valuable tool kit of skills to take into their future careers, an appreciation of their responsibilities as citizens, and a high level of self-confidence.
The Cadet Program is open to all young people in Canada aged from 12 to 18 years. There are no membership or sign-up fees and all activity and training costs and uniform expenses are assumed by the Department of National Defence with support from the Army Cadet League and local sponsoring organizations. However, a parent or legal guardian is required to sign a consent form prior to the registration of his or her child.
Cadets participate in training on a minimum of one night per week with optional weekend activities during the academic school year, with the opportunity to advance to summer training based on their achievements and level of instruction. He or she may participate in rappelling, adventure training or expedition exercises. Cadets are also provided the opportunity to participate in marksmanship and biathlon competitions, map and compass exercises, as well as drill. Other activities focus on developing their leadership, self-discipline and citizenship skills. Method of instruction, public speaking and healthy living courses are also practical components of the regular Army Cadet Program. Furthermore, cadets frequently enjoy sports, environmental challenges, and music instruction (pipes and drums, or band). Each cadet also participates in a minimum of three field exercises per year.
There are six Army Cadet Corps in Winnipeg, the oldest of which is 407 Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps formed August 17, 1913. The others and their dates of formation are:
- 1226 Fort Garry Horse Cadet Corps, June 18, 1925
- 526 Winnipeg Grenadiers Cadet Corps, October 1, 1946
- the 2295 Royal Winnipeg Rifles Cadet Corps, June 10, 1947,
- the 2701 Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Cadet Corps, January 1, 1962
- the 553 Sgt Tommy Prince, MM Army Cadet Corps (PPCLI) formed October 1, 1999
Many Cadets have the opportunity to attend advanced training at national and regional centres each summer. During the summer period, cadets are able to further develop their skills while experiencing new challenges and adventures in one of the 28 Canadian Forces-conducted Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC). Summer training is both an enhancement of local headquarters training and an introduction to new programs. Many of these courses are offered in settings that take advantage of their proximity to nature by conducting outdoor activities such as canoeing, camping, hiking, meteorology, sailing, and mountain climbing. Summer training courses range from two to six weeks depending on the specialty being offered.
International exchanges provide another unique experience for a number of senior cadets each summer. These cadets are selected based on merit, and are given the opportunity to visit foreign locations such as Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Singapore and the United States. Cadets taking part in exchanges represent Canada as youth ambassadors abroad, and participate in training and cultural activities with their foreign cadet counterparts.
Specialized summer training can include national and international marksmanship competitions for advanced cadets, and Regular Force parachute courses for others. In addition to the obvious benefits of experiencing different cultures and meeting new people from all over Canada and the world, all cadets undergoing summer training also receive a weekly training bonus.
For further information please contact:
Brian Koshul
Director, Army Cadet League of Canada (Manitoba)
Telephone: 770-3574
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Report of findings: Online consultations with the public and stakeholders on ministerial instructions
In sum, the consultations with the public and stakeholders yielded several key findings:
•Language skills are very important indicators of economic success.
•The current ministerial instructions list is seen as at least somewhat relevant; health occupations are most relevant today.
•Significant labour shortages are expected in Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations.
The information gathered as part of these consultations is deemed to give a good indication of views on issues related to the updating of ministerial instructions, including factors for economic success in Canada, labour market pressures and possible ways to address labour shortages in the future. The findings will continue to inform policy development on labour-market-related areas
Report of findings: Online consultations with the public and stakeholders on ministerial instructions
•Language skills are very important indicators of economic success.
•The current ministerial instructions list is seen as at least somewhat relevant; health occupations are most relevant today.
•Significant labour shortages are expected in Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations.
The information gathered as part of these consultations is deemed to give a good indication of views on issues related to the updating of ministerial instructions, including factors for economic success in Canada, labour market pressures and possible ways to address labour shortages in the future. The findings will continue to inform policy development on labour-market-related areas
Report of findings: Online consultations with the public and stakeholders on ministerial instructions
Books of The Times - Many Universes in Stephen Hawking’s ‘Grand Design’ -
The smartest man on the planet has come out with some startling new theories. There are many universes but none needs God - how about that? Mr. Hawkings, I think you should look again, you will find God in the details of your research.
Books of The Times - Many Universes in Stephen Hawking’s ‘Grand Design’ -
Books of The Times - Many Universes in Stephen Hawking’s ‘Grand Design’ -
YouTube - Winnipeg Police - High-risk Traffic-stop
This is a you tube video. It happen on Sept 05 2010 at Cumberland and Kennedy, Winnipeg. The two guys are a New Somali immigrant who doesn't speak english well. Thanks no was hurt seriously
YouTube - Winnipeg Police - High-risk Traffic-stop
Ibrahim Mustafa,
President Somali Association
YouTube - Winnipeg Police - High-risk Traffic-stop
Ibrahim Mustafa,
President Somali Association
Volunteering Pays - Youths can volunteer for bursary
Did you know that students who volunteer for an organization for more than 100 hours per year are eligible for a bursary from the Manitoba government? See the website for more details - and pass this info on to people who might be interested.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Upcoming Event - MATCH - Women's History Month - Peace
MATCH International - Manitoba
invites you to join women working locally and globally
for equality, justice, development and peace, 2010-2011
October 2010 Celebrating Women’s History Month,
Noon, date tba, Legislative Building
MATCH display and networking
Friday, November 5, 2010, 6:30 p.m. West End Cultural Centre
Saturday, November 6,2010, 8:30 a.m., University of Winnipeg
Global Justice Film Festival : Courage to Dream
MATCH display and networking
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mary Scott: Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign at UN
5:30 p.m., Wolseley Family Place, 691 Wolseley Ave.
January 2011
Nellie McClung
UofW tba¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
Sunday, February 6, 2011
International Development Week Annual Fundraising Luncheon
Yenat Restaurant, 330 Ellice
Tuesday, March 8, 2011, International Women's Day
Legislative Building, event t.b.a.
MATCH display and networking
Monday, April 25, 2011, Annual General Meeting
MDG’s Countdown to 2015 on Maternal Health: Women”s Health Clinic
5:30 p.m., Wolseley Family Place, 691 Wolseley Ave.
Business Meetings,5:30pm Mon.Aug.30/10 Yenat Restaurant, 330 Ellice¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
8:30am Mon.Dec.6/10 Leg cafeteria
5:30pm Mon.May 2/11 Union meeting room
5:30pm Mon.June 6/11 Giselle Saurette Roch, 426 Charles St
MATCH International gratefully accepts donations for work with partners in the south.
Tax receipts are issued for donations $10.00 and over:
MATCH INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, 1386 Richmond Rd, PO Box 32021, Ottawa, Ontario, K2B8BO
MATCH Manitoba gratefully acknowledges Wolseley Family Place for generously donating meeting space.
For further information and/or luncheon tickets contact Stella 489-3531, Irene 261-1363, or Helen 895-8108
invites you to join women working locally and globally
for equality, justice, development and peace, 2010-2011
October 2010 Celebrating Women’s History Month,
Noon, date tba, Legislative Building
MATCH display and networking
Friday, November 5, 2010, 6:30 p.m. West End Cultural Centre
Saturday, November 6,2010, 8:30 a.m., University of Winnipeg
Global Justice Film Festival : Courage to Dream
MATCH display and networking
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mary Scott: Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign at UN
5:30 p.m., Wolseley Family Place, 691 Wolseley Ave.
January 2011
Nellie McClung
UofW tba¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
Sunday, February 6, 2011
International Development Week Annual Fundraising Luncheon
Yenat Restaurant, 330 Ellice
Tuesday, March 8, 2011, International Women's Day
Legislative Building, event t.b.a.
MATCH display and networking
Monday, April 25, 2011, Annual General Meeting
MDG’s Countdown to 2015 on Maternal Health: Women”s Health Clinic
5:30 p.m., Wolseley Family Place, 691 Wolseley Ave.
Business Meetings,5:30pm Mon.Aug.30/10 Yenat Restaurant, 330 Ellice¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
8:30am Mon.Dec.6/10 Leg cafeteria
5:30pm Mon.May 2/11 Union meeting room
5:30pm Mon.June 6/11 Giselle Saurette Roch, 426 Charles St
MATCH International gratefully accepts donations for work with partners in the south.
Tax receipts are issued for donations $10.00 and over:
MATCH INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, 1386 Richmond Rd, PO Box 32021, Ottawa, Ontario, K2B8BO
MATCH Manitoba gratefully acknowledges Wolseley Family Place for generously donating meeting space.
For further information and/or luncheon tickets contact Stella 489-3531, Irene 261-1363, or Helen 895-8108
Upcoming Event - Screening of film - BIlly - story of Billy Beal
Hello Everyone ,
I would like to introduce you to Ernesto Griffith, a very talented Manitoban
actor and director, who will be releasing his first feature film, entitled
"Billy", profiling the life and times of Billy Beals, one of the first
documented Black people to settle in Manitoba. Please see Ernesto's message
below for more information about the movie.
The movie showings which will take place on Sunday, September 26, 2010 at
the Park Theater at 698 Osborne Street. There are 3 shows at 4:15 p.m., 6:30
p.m., & 8:30 p.m.
thanks Chris Melnick
Ernesto Griffith cordially invites you to attend a movie presentation of the
feature film "Billy." The presentation is a fund raiser for the film. The
film is based on the real life and achievements of Billy Beal, one of the
first documented Black people to settle in Manitoba.
Billy Beal was born in Chelsea, Massachusets in 1874 and grew up in
Minneapolis. He arrived in the Big Woody, Swan River area in 1906 to work as
a steam engineer at a saw mill. He enjoyed the area so much, he decided to
stay. He applied for and received a patent for 30 acres of land after
clearing it over an 8 year period. He was a man of many talents. He was an
inventor and an electrician who made the first radio in Swan River. He made
electrified fences for cattle farmers. He also made furniture & toys which
he often gave to his friends and neighbors.
Billy became involved in the formation of the Big Woody School District in
1912 and was elected the first Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board &
held that position for 37 years. He was instrumental in the creation of a
circulating library within the school system. He also served as the first
secretary when the Big Woody Sunday School was formed.
Billy formed a literary society, debating teams, directed plays, had poetry
readings, & help organize musical concerts. He had a library in his home &
had a vast knowledge of philosophy, politics, astronomy, law and medicine.
Some believe he was trained as a doctor in the U.S. He even helped Dr. Edwin
Bruce give inoculations for small pox, dyptheria, & influenza. He even
carried his own medical bag.
Billy was also a photographer who captured images of his friends, neighbors
& surroundings and archived early pioneer life in Manitoba. An area of the
museum in Swan River is dedicated to Billy Beal. Billy passed away at the
Eventide Home in The Pas in 1968 at the age of 94.
RSVP by calling me at 918-9300 or email - Please specify
which show you would like to attend.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ernesto Griffith
I would like to introduce you to Ernesto Griffith, a very talented Manitoban
actor and director, who will be releasing his first feature film, entitled
"Billy", profiling the life and times of Billy Beals, one of the first
documented Black people to settle in Manitoba. Please see Ernesto's message
below for more information about the movie.
The movie showings which will take place on Sunday, September 26, 2010 at
the Park Theater at 698 Osborne Street. There are 3 shows at 4:15 p.m., 6:30
p.m., & 8:30 p.m.
thanks Chris Melnick
Ernesto Griffith cordially invites you to attend a movie presentation of the
feature film "Billy." The presentation is a fund raiser for the film. The
film is based on the real life and achievements of Billy Beal, one of the
first documented Black people to settle in Manitoba.
Billy Beal was born in Chelsea, Massachusets in 1874 and grew up in
Minneapolis. He arrived in the Big Woody, Swan River area in 1906 to work as
a steam engineer at a saw mill. He enjoyed the area so much, he decided to
stay. He applied for and received a patent for 30 acres of land after
clearing it over an 8 year period. He was a man of many talents. He was an
inventor and an electrician who made the first radio in Swan River. He made
electrified fences for cattle farmers. He also made furniture & toys which
he often gave to his friends and neighbors.
Billy became involved in the formation of the Big Woody School District in
1912 and was elected the first Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board &
held that position for 37 years. He was instrumental in the creation of a
circulating library within the school system. He also served as the first
secretary when the Big Woody Sunday School was formed.
Billy formed a literary society, debating teams, directed plays, had poetry
readings, & help organize musical concerts. He had a library in his home &
had a vast knowledge of philosophy, politics, astronomy, law and medicine.
Some believe he was trained as a doctor in the U.S. He even helped Dr. Edwin
Bruce give inoculations for small pox, dyptheria, & influenza. He even
carried his own medical bag.
Billy was also a photographer who captured images of his friends, neighbors
& surroundings and archived early pioneer life in Manitoba. An area of the
museum in Swan River is dedicated to Billy Beal. Billy passed away at the
Eventide Home in The Pas in 1968 at the age of 94.
RSVP by calling me at 918-9300 or email - Please specify
which show you would like to attend.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ernesto Griffith
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