October 31, 2008
Regulations are now in place to include more workers under the Workers Compensation Board (WCB), adding over 30 industries, Labour and Immigration Minister Nancy Allan, minister responsible for the board, announced today.
“Covering additional industries provides wage replacement and health-care treatment for workers. Employers will also receive protection against lawsuits for workplace injuries and illness,” said Allan. “Once the new workers and industries are added by the WCB, an outreach effort will be launched to encourage voluntary coverage for industries not covered by the WCB.”
The province had announced earlier this summer that additional industries would be brought under the Workers Compensation Board. Today, regulations to this effect were put in place.
The additional industries join those already covered by the WCB, effective Jan. 1, 2009. An extensive review and public consultations resulted in the additional industries being covered by regulation. The consultations included a mail out of 43,000 consultation packages by the WCB.
Up to 30,000 more workers and 7,500 potential employers will now be covered by WCB. In January 2007, the Manitoba government extended compulsory WCB coverage to about 6,400 workers.
The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba had the second-lowest average assessment rate in Canada in 2006 and 2007 and the third-lowest in 2008. The time-loss injury rate has also decreased by 25 per cent since 2000.
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Friday, October 31, 2008
October 31, 2008
Committee Recommends Site North of Brandon As Best to Maximize Economic Benefits
The committee established to identify the best location for a new casino in southwest Manitoba has recommended a site just north of Brandon, Attorney General Dave Chomiak, minister responsible for the Gaming Control Act, and Grand Chief Ron Evans of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), announced today.
“This site is the best location to capture the market potential of this region,” Chomiak said. “It will create opportunities for economic development for the benefit of all Manitoba First Nations. As a significant entertainment attraction, it will also create economic spinoffs for the entire region.”
The site is located in the Rural Municipality of Elton, north of the Trans-Canada Highway and on the west side of PTH 10. It was proposed by a group comprised of the Keeseekoowenin First Nation, Rolling River First Nation and Waywayseecappo First Nation.
The selection of this recommendation stems from a process launched by the AMC and the province following a market study done in 2007. In response to a request for expressions of interest issued in June 2008, four proposals were submitted by First Nation site sponsors.
“The site selection committee was mandated to identify a site that will provide the most benefits for all 64 of the First Nations in Manitoba,” said Evans. “This was not an easy job to do and we commend the members of the committees for their unwavering commitment to the site selection process.”
The casino will be planned and developed under a separate process led by the AMC and will be operated on behalf of all Manitoba First Nations. The land where the new casino will be built will be converted to reserve status. The casino will operate under the same regulatory and operational framework that applies to South Beach and Aseneskak casinos.
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NOTE: The committee’s report, the 2007 Market Study and other background material are available on the AMC website at www.manitobachiefs.com/ and the Manitoba Gaming Control Commission website at www.mgcc.mb.ca.
The Government of Manitoba is distributing this news release on behalf of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Government of Manitoba.
Committee Recommends Site North of Brandon As Best to Maximize Economic Benefits
The committee established to identify the best location for a new casino in southwest Manitoba has recommended a site just north of Brandon, Attorney General Dave Chomiak, minister responsible for the Gaming Control Act, and Grand Chief Ron Evans of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), announced today.
“This site is the best location to capture the market potential of this region,” Chomiak said. “It will create opportunities for economic development for the benefit of all Manitoba First Nations. As a significant entertainment attraction, it will also create economic spinoffs for the entire region.”
The site is located in the Rural Municipality of Elton, north of the Trans-Canada Highway and on the west side of PTH 10. It was proposed by a group comprised of the Keeseekoowenin First Nation, Rolling River First Nation and Waywayseecappo First Nation.
The selection of this recommendation stems from a process launched by the AMC and the province following a market study done in 2007. In response to a request for expressions of interest issued in June 2008, four proposals were submitted by First Nation site sponsors.
“The site selection committee was mandated to identify a site that will provide the most benefits for all 64 of the First Nations in Manitoba,” said Evans. “This was not an easy job to do and we commend the members of the committees for their unwavering commitment to the site selection process.”
The casino will be planned and developed under a separate process led by the AMC and will be operated on behalf of all Manitoba First Nations. The land where the new casino will be built will be converted to reserve status. The casino will operate under the same regulatory and operational framework that applies to South Beach and Aseneskak casinos.
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NOTE: The committee’s report, the 2007 Market Study and other background material are available on the AMC website at www.manitobachiefs.com/ and the Manitoba Gaming Control Commission website at www.mgcc.mb.ca.
The Government of Manitoba is distributing this news release on behalf of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Government of Manitoba.
new location,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
October 30, 2008
Disadvantaged students who need added encouragement to stay in school and pursue a college or university education will receive community-based supports from the first four new initiatives funded under the province’s $1-million Bright Futures Fund, Advanced Education and Literacy Minister Diane McGifford and Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson announced today.
Besides additional encouragement and support, students participating in Bright Futures initiatives will also receive scholarships or a registered education savings plan (RESP) grant toward the cost of post-secondary education.
“Manitoba has one of the most affordable and accessible post-secondary education systems in Canada, but we still have many disadvantaged students who feel college or university isn’t an option for them. Bright Futures initiatives address specific social, educational and financial barriers that might otherwise discourage such young Manitobans from pursuing a post-secondary education,” said McGifford, who made the announcement at the site of a homework tutoring program today.
“All Manitobans deserve a quality education. By empowering low-income and disadvantaged students, Bright Futures equips students with the supports required to stay in school and the encouragement needed to continue with college or university,” said Bjornson.
The first four new initiatives under the Bright Futures Fund include:
· Power Up
This homework tutoring program is receiving $60,960 this year to expand to six Winnipeg sites. The initiative encourages at-risk secondary-school students to mentor younger peers, empowering them to succeed in school while improving the confidence, social skills and attitudes of both age groups. Each high-school teenage mentor in the program will receive a $1,000 RESP contribution for each year in which they successfully volunteer their time.
· Career Trek
This initiative, which exposes 10- and 11-year-old students to up to 80 careers in 16 fields, will be expanded in the Parkland region and established in Westman. Career Trek, which will establish a $500 RESP for each successful student in the new or expansion site, incorporates family involvement, mentors and opportunities for employment after post-secondary graduation. During 2008-09, Career Trek will receive $297,297.
· Community School Investigators’ (CSI)
Working with six‑ to 13-year-old Winnipeg inner-city students for five weeks over the summer break, students are engaged in activities that focus on literacy, numeracy, and science and field trips to keep them focused on learning. Receiving $287,162 in this fiscal year, the CSI Summer Learning Enrichment Program will contribute $400 to an RESP for each student who completes the program at any of its sites.
The Seven Oaks School Division is also working with the Winnipeg School Division, the Community Education Development Association (CEDA) and the Mount Carmel Clinic to develop an intervention program for grade 9 to 12 students that will include tutoring, mentoring and scholarship incentives to empower students to complete high school and pursue post-secondary education. This project will receive $350,000 in funding during 2008-09 and will provide $1,000 scholarships to successful students in each of the four years.
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Disadvantaged students who need added encouragement to stay in school and pursue a college or university education will receive community-based supports from the first four new initiatives funded under the province’s $1-million Bright Futures Fund, Advanced Education and Literacy Minister Diane McGifford and Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson announced today.
Besides additional encouragement and support, students participating in Bright Futures initiatives will also receive scholarships or a registered education savings plan (RESP) grant toward the cost of post-secondary education.
“Manitoba has one of the most affordable and accessible post-secondary education systems in Canada, but we still have many disadvantaged students who feel college or university isn’t an option for them. Bright Futures initiatives address specific social, educational and financial barriers that might otherwise discourage such young Manitobans from pursuing a post-secondary education,” said McGifford, who made the announcement at the site of a homework tutoring program today.
“All Manitobans deserve a quality education. By empowering low-income and disadvantaged students, Bright Futures equips students with the supports required to stay in school and the encouragement needed to continue with college or university,” said Bjornson.
The first four new initiatives under the Bright Futures Fund include:
· Power Up
This homework tutoring program is receiving $60,960 this year to expand to six Winnipeg sites. The initiative encourages at-risk secondary-school students to mentor younger peers, empowering them to succeed in school while improving the confidence, social skills and attitudes of both age groups. Each high-school teenage mentor in the program will receive a $1,000 RESP contribution for each year in which they successfully volunteer their time.
· Career Trek
This initiative, which exposes 10- and 11-year-old students to up to 80 careers in 16 fields, will be expanded in the Parkland region and established in Westman. Career Trek, which will establish a $500 RESP for each successful student in the new or expansion site, incorporates family involvement, mentors and opportunities for employment after post-secondary graduation. During 2008-09, Career Trek will receive $297,297.
· Community School Investigators’ (CSI)
Working with six‑ to 13-year-old Winnipeg inner-city students for five weeks over the summer break, students are engaged in activities that focus on literacy, numeracy, and science and field trips to keep them focused on learning. Receiving $287,162 in this fiscal year, the CSI Summer Learning Enrichment Program will contribute $400 to an RESP for each student who completes the program at any of its sites.
The Seven Oaks School Division is also working with the Winnipeg School Division, the Community Education Development Association (CEDA) and the Mount Carmel Clinic to develop an intervention program for grade 9 to 12 students that will include tutoring, mentoring and scholarship incentives to empower students to complete high school and pursue post-secondary education. This project will receive $350,000 in funding during 2008-09 and will provide $1,000 scholarships to successful students in each of the four years.
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October 30, 2008
Province Requests Declaration To Save Winnipeg's Flight Attendant Base
The Manitoba government has filed a notice of application in the Court of Queen’s Bench seeking a declaration that Air Canada’s decision to close the Winnipeg flight attendant base is in breach of the federal Air Canada Public Participation Act, which requires the corporation to maintain operational and overhaul centres in the city of Winnipeg, Competitiveness, Training, and Trade Minster Andrew Swan announced today.
“We are asking the court to clarify the legal authority under which Winnipeg’s flight attendant base is being closed,” said Swan. “When the federal government privatized Air Canada in 1988, Manitobans were assured jobs, including those of flight attendants, would be maintained in Winnipeg. We are relying on the wording of the legislation to keep that commitment.”
Swan pointed specifically to section 6(1)(d) of the Air Canada Public Participation Act, which requires “the Corporation to maintain operational and overhaul centres in the City of Winnipeg, the Montreal Urban Community and the City of Mississauga.” He also noted further assurances to this effect were provided by parliamentarians at the time this legislation was debated in the House of Commons.
“Air Canada’s decision to close the flight attendant base seems inconsistent with what was contemplated in the federal legislation and we want the court to provide clarification on this point,” said Swan.
Province Requests Declaration To Save Winnipeg's Flight Attendant Base
The Manitoba government has filed a notice of application in the Court of Queen’s Bench seeking a declaration that Air Canada’s decision to close the Winnipeg flight attendant base is in breach of the federal Air Canada Public Participation Act, which requires the corporation to maintain operational and overhaul centres in the city of Winnipeg, Competitiveness, Training, and Trade Minster Andrew Swan announced today.
“We are asking the court to clarify the legal authority under which Winnipeg’s flight attendant base is being closed,” said Swan. “When the federal government privatized Air Canada in 1988, Manitobans were assured jobs, including those of flight attendants, would be maintained in Winnipeg. We are relying on the wording of the legislation to keep that commitment.”
Swan pointed specifically to section 6(1)(d) of the Air Canada Public Participation Act, which requires “the Corporation to maintain operational and overhaul centres in the City of Winnipeg, the Montreal Urban Community and the City of Mississauga.” He also noted further assurances to this effect were provided by parliamentarians at the time this legislation was debated in the House of Commons.
“Air Canada’s decision to close the flight attendant base seems inconsistent with what was contemplated in the federal legislation and we want the court to provide clarification on this point,” said Swan.
October 30, 2008
More than $2.8 million in new funding will be invested to create teams of healthy living professionals to address chronic disease prevention and promote healthy living services across the province, Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross announced today.
“Chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis and asthma are leading causes of illness, disability and poor quality of life,” said Irvin-Ross. “This team-based approach will allow highly skilled wellness specialists to help Manitobans guard against disease and increase awareness of healthy living initiatives that can reduce the risk of chronic illness.”
Funding has been provided to each of Manitoba’s regional health authorities to create community teams across the province. In total, approximately 44 new health professionals will be hired across Manitoba to strengthen disease-prevention services and boost healthy living awareness.
The new teams will deliver a range of services including:
· enhancing regional and community capacity for healthy living initiatives including physical activity, healthy eating, smoking cessation and mental health;
· expanding regional diabetes assessment and treatment programs across the province including First Nation and Métis communities;
· working with high-risk groups to promote chronic disease prevention and wellness;
· supporting prevention and health promotion initiatives such as Manitoba in motion, Healthy Schools, Get Better Together! and the Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative.
“Teams of health-care providers will work with patients to provide a wide range of information about disease prevention and management,” said Kathy McPhail, chief executive officer of the Central Regional Health Authority. “I know this team will work together to help individuals and communities in our region better understand how they can make healthier choices in their lives and better maintain their health.”
The minister also noted the province is providing $300,000 over two years to the Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital to co-ordinate and support the delivery of the Get Better Together! program across the province.
“Research has shown that programs like Get Better Together! give people with a chronic disease needed information and supports so they can maintain their health and manage their condition,” said Irvin-Ross. “These kinds of programs result not only in better health outcomes but also improved quality of life for people with chronic conditions.”
“People with multiple chronic conditions face real barriers to making healthy lifestyle choices. If you are in pain or chronically fatigued, it’s that much more difficult to be physically active,” said Carrie Solmundson, chief operating officer of Seven Oaks General Hospital. “The good news for health care is that the positive steps participants of the Get Better Together! program make to take charge of their health have been shown to prevent hospitalization. That’s good for the participants and good for efficient use of health-care resources.”
More than $2.8 million in new funding will be invested to create teams of healthy living professionals to address chronic disease prevention and promote healthy living services across the province, Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross announced today.
“Chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis and asthma are leading causes of illness, disability and poor quality of life,” said Irvin-Ross. “This team-based approach will allow highly skilled wellness specialists to help Manitobans guard against disease and increase awareness of healthy living initiatives that can reduce the risk of chronic illness.”
Funding has been provided to each of Manitoba’s regional health authorities to create community teams across the province. In total, approximately 44 new health professionals will be hired across Manitoba to strengthen disease-prevention services and boost healthy living awareness.
The new teams will deliver a range of services including:
· enhancing regional and community capacity for healthy living initiatives including physical activity, healthy eating, smoking cessation and mental health;
· expanding regional diabetes assessment and treatment programs across the province including First Nation and Métis communities;
· working with high-risk groups to promote chronic disease prevention and wellness;
· supporting prevention and health promotion initiatives such as Manitoba in motion, Healthy Schools, Get Better Together! and the Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative.
“Teams of health-care providers will work with patients to provide a wide range of information about disease prevention and management,” said Kathy McPhail, chief executive officer of the Central Regional Health Authority. “I know this team will work together to help individuals and communities in our region better understand how they can make healthier choices in their lives and better maintain their health.”
The minister also noted the province is providing $300,000 over two years to the Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital to co-ordinate and support the delivery of the Get Better Together! program across the province.
“Research has shown that programs like Get Better Together! give people with a chronic disease needed information and supports so they can maintain their health and manage their condition,” said Irvin-Ross. “These kinds of programs result not only in better health outcomes but also improved quality of life for people with chronic conditions.”
“People with multiple chronic conditions face real barriers to making healthy lifestyle choices. If you are in pain or chronically fatigued, it’s that much more difficult to be physically active,” said Carrie Solmundson, chief operating officer of Seven Oaks General Hospital. “The good news for health care is that the positive steps participants of the Get Better Together! program make to take charge of their health have been shown to prevent hospitalization. That’s good for the participants and good for efficient use of health-care resources.”
October 30, 2008
Manitoba Justice reports results for the first half of Manitoba’s youth electronic monitoring pilot project are now available. The one-year project is designed to assess the effectiveness of using GPS technology to continually supervise very high-risk young auto thieves while they are in the community.
Up to 20 offenders can be tracked at a time and a total of 41 cases have been referred to the project since it began on April 5. Most of the youth referred to the project are still in custody and won’t be fitted with monitors until their sentences reach the point where they must be released into the community.
Twenty-two youth have been fitted with the devices since the project began. Responses have varied from resistant to compliant. Some youth have indicated the device has helped them to comply with their conditions. Others have had significant challenges, particularly with charging the devices for the correct length of time. Staff helped youth to keep the devices working properly, using reminders and cautions when needed, and no one has had to return to custody for failing to charge a device.
Of the 22 youth fitted with the device:
· Nine remain on active electronic monitoring supervision in the community.
· Six have successfully completed their terms without incident.
· One youth on the device was rearrested for auto theft. The device helped to establish where he was in relation to the crime.
· Seven youth removed their devices. One remains at large, while the other six were rearrested.
· One youth attempted to remove the device but was unsuccessful. That youth was arrested and charged.
· One youth breached probation conditions by violating curfew. Staff found the monitoring helpful in locating him and monitoring his return home.
Six cases that did not meet the project criteria were rejected and three exceptional cases that did not meet the criteria have been included.
Some youth being monitored as part of the project have also been charged for violating conditions that they not be in contact with certain other people, although that was not a direct result of using the electronic monitoring technology.
Issues around the way the technology is performing continue to be of some concern and efforts to resolve technological issues with both the software and hardware continue. The equipment has been upgraded to address intermittent location failures which are instances where the tracking system temporarily loses contact with the bracelets. Troubleshooting at the monitoring firm has helped to avoid unnecessary emergency responses by corrections staff and the police in these instances.
Evaluation of the technology will continue, with more youth being added in the coming months. The project will continue to assess the implications, challenges and potential of electronic monitoring for auto theft youth.
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Manitoba Justice reports results for the first half of Manitoba’s youth electronic monitoring pilot project are now available. The one-year project is designed to assess the effectiveness of using GPS technology to continually supervise very high-risk young auto thieves while they are in the community.
Up to 20 offenders can be tracked at a time and a total of 41 cases have been referred to the project since it began on April 5. Most of the youth referred to the project are still in custody and won’t be fitted with monitors until their sentences reach the point where they must be released into the community.
Twenty-two youth have been fitted with the devices since the project began. Responses have varied from resistant to compliant. Some youth have indicated the device has helped them to comply with their conditions. Others have had significant challenges, particularly with charging the devices for the correct length of time. Staff helped youth to keep the devices working properly, using reminders and cautions when needed, and no one has had to return to custody for failing to charge a device.
Of the 22 youth fitted with the device:
· Nine remain on active electronic monitoring supervision in the community.
· Six have successfully completed their terms without incident.
· One youth on the device was rearrested for auto theft. The device helped to establish where he was in relation to the crime.
· Seven youth removed their devices. One remains at large, while the other six were rearrested.
· One youth attempted to remove the device but was unsuccessful. That youth was arrested and charged.
· One youth breached probation conditions by violating curfew. Staff found the monitoring helpful in locating him and monitoring his return home.
Six cases that did not meet the project criteria were rejected and three exceptional cases that did not meet the criteria have been included.
Some youth being monitored as part of the project have also been charged for violating conditions that they not be in contact with certain other people, although that was not a direct result of using the electronic monitoring technology.
Issues around the way the technology is performing continue to be of some concern and efforts to resolve technological issues with both the software and hardware continue. The equipment has been upgraded to address intermittent location failures which are instances where the tracking system temporarily loses contact with the bracelets. Troubleshooting at the monitoring firm has helped to avoid unnecessary emergency responses by corrections staff and the police in these instances.
Evaluation of the technology will continue, with more youth being added in the coming months. The project will continue to assess the implications, challenges and potential of electronic monitoring for auto theft youth.
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Attention Youths
Want to know more about your human rights? Here is a nifty website that is interactive, informative and a lot of fun too. Check it out
Want to know more about your human rights? Here is a nifty website that is interactive, informative and a lot of fun too. Check it out
WINNIPEG, MB - Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Winnipeg has accepted an invitation to serve as a commissioner on the Aspen Institute's Dialogue and Commission on Arctic Climate Change. The Commission is composed of scientists, policy experts, oil company executives, and representatives from Arctic native peoples and environmental organizations including David Suzuki, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Prince Albert of Monaco and Gro Brundtland of Norway.
Recognizing that the circumpolar Arctic region is experiencing significant ecological changes, the Aspen Institute is convening a civil society Commission and Dialogue to assess the implications of global warming for the region's inhabitants and resources.
This initiative compliments Dr. Axworthy and The University of Winnipeg’s keen commitment to the north and specifically, development of a holistic and integrated sustainability plan for Churchill. On August 22, 2008, UWinnipeg and the Town of Churchill signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to identify ways to improve the ecological, economic and social conditions of Churchill, made possible by a significant and generous donation of $100,000 from OmniTRAX, Inc.
The Aspen Institute has bases in Washington, DC, Aspen, Colorado, on the Wye River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and has an international network of partners.
Over the next two years, the Commission will assess the adequacy of current institutional arrangements and international policies to effectively and sustainably manage new levels of commercial and economic activities in the region. The Commission and its work groups will pay particular attention to the need for greater international cooperation in promoting conservation, sustainable development, and shared responsibility.
The Commission will ultimately recommend governance principles and actions that can assist the region's inhabitants to meet the challenges of climate change and help governments and organizations work cooperatively toward a sustainable future.
Detailed information is available at:
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Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135, C: 204.782.3279 E: d.poulin@uwinnipeg.ca
WINNIPEG, MB - Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Winnipeg has accepted an invitation to serve as a commissioner on the Aspen Institute's Dialogue and Commission on Arctic Climate Change. The Commission is composed of scientists, policy experts, oil company executives, and representatives from Arctic native peoples and environmental organizations including David Suzuki, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Prince Albert of Monaco and Gro Brundtland of Norway.
Recognizing that the circumpolar Arctic region is experiencing significant ecological changes, the Aspen Institute is convening a civil society Commission and Dialogue to assess the implications of global warming for the region's inhabitants and resources.
This initiative compliments Dr. Axworthy and The University of Winnipeg’s keen commitment to the north and specifically, development of a holistic and integrated sustainability plan for Churchill. On August 22, 2008, UWinnipeg and the Town of Churchill signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to identify ways to improve the ecological, economic and social conditions of Churchill, made possible by a significant and generous donation of $100,000 from OmniTRAX, Inc.
The Aspen Institute has bases in Washington, DC, Aspen, Colorado, on the Wye River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and has an international network of partners.
Over the next two years, the Commission will assess the adequacy of current institutional arrangements and international policies to effectively and sustainably manage new levels of commercial and economic activities in the region. The Commission and its work groups will pay particular attention to the need for greater international cooperation in promoting conservation, sustainable development, and shared responsibility.
The Commission will ultimately recommend governance principles and actions that can assist the region's inhabitants to meet the challenges of climate change and help governments and organizations work cooperatively toward a sustainable future.
Detailed information is available at:
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Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135, C: 204.782.3279 E: d.poulin@uwinnipeg.ca
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caribbean woman statue unveiled
The statue is a tribute to African-Caribbean women
London's first public statue of an African-Caribbean woman has been unveiled as a memorial to women in the Caribbean community.
The 3m (10ft) high Bronze Woman statue of a woman holding a baby has been installed in Stockwell Memorial Garden, south London.
The anonymous figure is based on a poem of the same name by Guyana-born Cecile Nobrega, who lives in Stockwell.
The statue comes after a 10-year-long campaign by Ms Nobrega.
Olmec, a community investment foundation, raised £84,000 funding and found the sculptors and a location for the statue.
The statue was unveiled by a "circle" of women of Caribbean origin including artist Anissa-Jane, Baroness Rosalind Howells OBE and Music of Black Origin (MOBO) Awards founder Kanya King.
Windrush anniversary
An initial model of the statue was first designed by sculptor Ian Walters, who also created the Nelson Mandela statue in Parliament Square in 2005.
Following his death in August 2006 the project was completed by Aleix Barbat, a final year sculpture student at Heatherley's School of Fine Art in London.
Olmec director Tanzeem Ahmed said the monument was "a tribute to the diverse communities that make up British society and a symbol of the potential of women everywhere".
The installation of the statue marks the 60th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush ship to Britain carrying 500 West Indian immigrants, and the 200th anniversary of the end of the transatlantic slave trade..

DIGNITARIES AND family gathered at the Tony Thwaites Wing of the University Hospital of the West Indies yesterday to witness veteran bandleader Byron Lee receive the Order of Jamaica (OJ), Jamaica's fourth highest civic honour.
The 73-year-old Lee, known as the Dragon, received the award from Governor General Sir Kenneth Hall who cited his 'contribution to the development of Jamaican music'.
Prime Minister Bruce Golding, Minister of Information Olivia Grange and Lee's wife Sheila observed the event.
Insisted on being home
Julianne Lee-Samuels, the fifth of Lee's six children, said her father insisted on being brought home to accept the award. He had been in Miami receiving treatment for transitional cell cancer at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital.
"He's fully aware, fully alert and has been vigorously fighting," Lee-Samuels told The Gleaner. Lee was diagnosed with bladder cancer two years ago.
In a separate ceremony yesterday, Lee was presented with the Knight of St George's medal by Father Frank Ryan, his football coach at St George's College.
It was at St George's College in the early 1950s that Lee started the Dragonaires band which recorded several calypso hits including 1959's Dumplings which was produced by Edward Seaga.
During the early 1960s the band hit it big with Jamaican Ska, a homage to the jazz-inspired beat that was the local rage. That decade saw him starting Dynamic Sounds, which became a leading distributor in the Caribbean for major American music companies including Atlantic Records and Columbia Records.
Record for big-name acts
Dynamic also became the place to record for big-name acts like the Rolling Stones and Paul Simon. The 'Stones' cut their 1973 album, Goat Head Soup there while Simon recorded his international hit song Mother and Child Reunion at Dynamic the previous year.
Like his contemporary, The Mighty Sparrow of Trinidad and Tobago, Lee embraced the uptempo soca beat which emerged in the Eastern Caribbean during the late 1970s. The Dragonaires had hits in that genre with Give Me Soca and Tiney Winey.
In 1990, Lee's ambition to stage a mass soca festival in Jamaica was realised with the inaugural Jamaica Carnival which celebrates its 20th anniversary next year.
Two years ago, Lee released Music That Memories are Made Of, a five-disc set of the Dragonaires' work.
Byron lee,
Province of Manitoba: News Releases
October 29, 2008
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$8.2-Million Investment Strengthens Training For High-wage, High-skill Jobs: Swan
Building a race car to Formula One specifications, learning to use leading equipment to design commercial and passenger jets, and designing fashions that could land on international modelling runways are among the cutting-edge, new student projects that will benefit from over $8.2 million in investments from the Manitoba government, Competitiveness, Training and Trade Minister Andrew Swan announced today.
An additional $1.2 million is being invested in trades programming this year to support students who are seeking opportunities in high-wage, high-skilled jobs to meet a growing demand for workers who are trained in technical-vocational professions.
“This initiative offers not only valuable experience and knowledge, but students are also encouraged to develop innovation, imagination and ingenuity - skills that will serve them throughout their lives and qualities that will ensure Manitoba’s workforce remains a competitive player in world markets,” said Swan. “Building partnerships between our schools and world-class companies such as Boeing, our students can also develop valuable relationships that offer long-term, high-wage jobs after they graduate.”
One of the new initiatives includes the Formula 1 or F1 In Schools project. Nine secondary schools, Red River College and the University of Manitoba are participating in the international engineering design competition which will see students design, create and test F1 racers based on scientific principles such as virtual wind tunnel-tests, which are used to improve designs for greater efficiency. The first F1 time trials in Manitoba will be held in early spring at Red River Community College.
“Opportunities such as the F1 In Schools project, and aerospace and engineering careers reflect the changing face of technical vocational professions. In addition to traditional trades, such as plumbing and automotive repair, students are now exploring exciting careers computer-assisted design, automation and electronic diagnostics,” said Advanced Education and Literacy Minister Diane McGifford.
Manitoba schools will be the first province to provide state-of-the-art computer-aided three‑dimensional interactive application (CATIA) software which Boeing used to design its latest Dreamliner 787 passenger jet.
“This investment will allow students in the public school system to obtain the skills and knowledge required to help us meet our growing demand for a highly skilled workforce in an ever-increasing competitive global economy,” said Willy Geary, general manager, Boeing Winnipeg.
The initiative also has supported the purchase of major equipment such as downdraft automotive spray booths, industry-standard computer-assisted design, plasma welding and cutting equipment, diagnostic scan tools and GPS mapping systems that have applications in high-tech agriculture.
“Trades are increasingly becoming more high-tech and in responding to these advances, we must to respond with innovative approaches that allow students to use their imagination and to develop the kind of creative, outside-the-box approaches to conceptualization their professions demand,” said Bjornson.
Rapidly changing technology and economic demands require a skilled, adaptable labour force that can compete in a knowledge-based global economy. The innovations and equipment support to Manitoba’s schools and colleges through the Technical Vocational Initiative help to ensure Manitoba students are ready to compete and succeed in these challenging and changing global markets, the minister concluded.
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October 29, 2008
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$8.2-Million Investment Strengthens Training For High-wage, High-skill Jobs: Swan
Building a race car to Formula One specifications, learning to use leading equipment to design commercial and passenger jets, and designing fashions that could land on international modelling runways are among the cutting-edge, new student projects that will benefit from over $8.2 million in investments from the Manitoba government, Competitiveness, Training and Trade Minister Andrew Swan announced today.
An additional $1.2 million is being invested in trades programming this year to support students who are seeking opportunities in high-wage, high-skilled jobs to meet a growing demand for workers who are trained in technical-vocational professions.
“This initiative offers not only valuable experience and knowledge, but students are also encouraged to develop innovation, imagination and ingenuity - skills that will serve them throughout their lives and qualities that will ensure Manitoba’s workforce remains a competitive player in world markets,” said Swan. “Building partnerships between our schools and world-class companies such as Boeing, our students can also develop valuable relationships that offer long-term, high-wage jobs after they graduate.”
One of the new initiatives includes the Formula 1 or F1 In Schools project. Nine secondary schools, Red River College and the University of Manitoba are participating in the international engineering design competition which will see students design, create and test F1 racers based on scientific principles such as virtual wind tunnel-tests, which are used to improve designs for greater efficiency. The first F1 time trials in Manitoba will be held in early spring at Red River Community College.
“Opportunities such as the F1 In Schools project, and aerospace and engineering careers reflect the changing face of technical vocational professions. In addition to traditional trades, such as plumbing and automotive repair, students are now exploring exciting careers computer-assisted design, automation and electronic diagnostics,” said Advanced Education and Literacy Minister Diane McGifford.
Manitoba schools will be the first province to provide state-of-the-art computer-aided three‑dimensional interactive application (CATIA) software which Boeing used to design its latest Dreamliner 787 passenger jet.
“This investment will allow students in the public school system to obtain the skills and knowledge required to help us meet our growing demand for a highly skilled workforce in an ever-increasing competitive global economy,” said Willy Geary, general manager, Boeing Winnipeg.
The initiative also has supported the purchase of major equipment such as downdraft automotive spray booths, industry-standard computer-assisted design, plasma welding and cutting equipment, diagnostic scan tools and GPS mapping systems that have applications in high-tech agriculture.
“Trades are increasingly becoming more high-tech and in responding to these advances, we must to respond with innovative approaches that allow students to use their imagination and to develop the kind of creative, outside-the-box approaches to conceptualization their professions demand,” said Bjornson.
Rapidly changing technology and economic demands require a skilled, adaptable labour force that can compete in a knowledge-based global economy. The innovations and equipment support to Manitoba’s schools and colleges through the Technical Vocational Initiative help to ensure Manitoba students are ready to compete and succeed in these challenging and changing global markets, the minister concluded.
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Congratulations to UNPAC for your 46 workshops on the Manitoba Budget. Great information to know.
Speaking of statistics, a CBC news article this morning reports a huge discrepancy between the city's numbers of sexual assaults and that of Stats Canada, a ten-fold plus difference! The number of sexual assaults in CrimeStat Winnipeg to date in 2008 is listed at 87 while the Stats Canada figure for Manitoba sexual assautls for 2007 was 1248, most of which were committed in Winnipeg. The reason provided is that at this point in time, the city's stats are limited to stranger assaults. Shouldn't we all who are concerned about security, peace and social justice, respond to the issue of listing the violence against women perpetrated on them by known individuals? Considering that we are fast approaching November, month for the prevention of violence against women, culminating on December 6 with the commemoration of the Montreal massacre, this is a very timely topic.
One argument presented against including the total reported incidents of sexual assaults is that it would frighten people....!!! It is estimated that 90% of the assaults being perpetrated against women by family members/ former partnwers/ "friends"/ acquaintances do not get reported at all so to report the ones that are brought forth would allegedly skew the reality....!!!!
I would argue then, in terms of homicides (femicide, really) do they extricate the cases involving a partner or former partner/family member killings from the Winnipeg statistics as well? Are they currently included or not in the city's statistics? Isn't that frightening as well? In my opinion, it is very paternalistic to make this decision unilaterally.... What is the bottom line here? Is it too great of an obstacle for Sam Katz's tourist industry to our fair city?
What about our Stolen Sisters? More than 500 unsolved "disappearances" across Canada. I agree that it is terribly frightening. But don't we have the right to know this information in order to better protect ourselves, our sisters, our children, our cousins, mothers, our friends and neighbours- in order to begin addressing this issue with the seriousness it deserves!
FYI and consideration,
Gisele Saurette Roch, Co-chair
Grassroots Women MB
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer deGroot [mailto:project@unpac.ca]
Subject: demographic information from our gender budget project
Hi everyone,
I thought you might be interested in these stats which were included in the final report for our project to Status of Women:
The nearly 500 women who attended one of our 46 budget workshops held across the province. These women represented a wide range of backgrounds. Close to 75% of participants filled out a informal demographics questionnaire which collected some of this information
o Age: 3% of women who filled out the survey identified as teenagers,
36% as young women, 42% as being in their middle years and 18% as seniors.
o Income: 34% of participants identified as low-income, 54% as
average income and 12% as high income
o Children: Approximately 30% of participants had no children or
dependants while 70% did.
o Race: Two-thirds of participants identified as white, 17% as
Aboriginal, Métis or Inuit, 12% as people of colour and 4% as other.
o Geography: 45% of participants were from Winnipeg while the rest
were from throughout rural and Northern Manitoba.
o Language: 80% of participants were comfortable speaking English or
English and another language while the others preferred French, Cree, Ojibway or another language.
o Ability: Unfortunately we did not keep track of statistics on
ability. We did organize two workshops specifically for women living with disabilities.
Speaking of statistics, a CBC news article this morning reports a huge discrepancy between the city's numbers of sexual assaults and that of Stats Canada, a ten-fold plus difference! The number of sexual assaults in CrimeStat Winnipeg to date in 2008 is listed at 87 while the Stats Canada figure for Manitoba sexual assautls for 2007 was 1248, most of which were committed in Winnipeg. The reason provided is that at this point in time, the city's stats are limited to stranger assaults. Shouldn't we all who are concerned about security, peace and social justice, respond to the issue of listing the violence against women perpetrated on them by known individuals? Considering that we are fast approaching November, month for the prevention of violence against women, culminating on December 6 with the commemoration of the Montreal massacre, this is a very timely topic.
One argument presented against including the total reported incidents of sexual assaults is that it would frighten people....!!! It is estimated that 90% of the assaults being perpetrated against women by family members/ former partnwers/ "friends"/ acquaintances do not get reported at all so to report the ones that are brought forth would allegedly skew the reality....!!!!
I would argue then, in terms of homicides (femicide, really) do they extricate the cases involving a partner or former partner/family member killings from the Winnipeg statistics as well? Are they currently included or not in the city's statistics? Isn't that frightening as well? In my opinion, it is very paternalistic to make this decision unilaterally.... What is the bottom line here? Is it too great of an obstacle for Sam Katz's tourist industry to our fair city?
What about our Stolen Sisters? More than 500 unsolved "disappearances" across Canada. I agree that it is terribly frightening. But don't we have the right to know this information in order to better protect ourselves, our sisters, our children, our cousins, mothers, our friends and neighbours- in order to begin addressing this issue with the seriousness it deserves!
FYI and consideration,
Gisele Saurette Roch, Co-chair
Grassroots Women MB
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer deGroot [mailto:project@unpac.ca]
Subject: demographic information from our gender budget project
Hi everyone,
I thought you might be interested in these stats which were included in the final report for our project to Status of Women:
The nearly 500 women who attended one of our 46 budget workshops held across the province. These women represented a wide range of backgrounds. Close to 75% of participants filled out a informal demographics questionnaire which collected some of this information
o Age: 3% of women who filled out the survey identified as teenagers,
36% as young women, 42% as being in their middle years and 18% as seniors.
o Income: 34% of participants identified as low-income, 54% as
average income and 12% as high income
o Children: Approximately 30% of participants had no children or
dependants while 70% did.
o Race: Two-thirds of participants identified as white, 17% as
Aboriginal, Métis or Inuit, 12% as people of colour and 4% as other.
o Geography: 45% of participants were from Winnipeg while the rest
were from throughout rural and Northern Manitoba.
o Language: 80% of participants were comfortable speaking English or
English and another language while the others preferred French, Cree, Ojibway or another language.
o Ability: Unfortunately we did not keep track of statistics on
ability. We did organize two workshops specifically for women living with disabilities.
A celebration of Women’s History Month 2008 was hosted at the Legislative Building today by Labour and Immigration Minister Nancy Allan, minister responsible for the status of women.
Women who have taken the lead to make important social changes in Manitoba’s recent history had a special place in this year’s event, said Allan.
“Many Manitoba women have brought positive change to our world through their vision for what is possible and their ability to work toward it,” said the minister. “This year, we celebrate the inspiration they give us all. We applaud their commitment to engaging and collaborating with the community and their ability to ensure that community members’ voices are heard.”
Women’s History Month is held nationally each year in October to celebrate the advances and contributions of women in all aspects of Canadian society.
This year the celebration included the release of Taking the Lead: Women Who Have Made a Difference in Manitoba. The publication showcases the accomplishments of five Manitoba women who have worked to make the province a better place to live: Edith Regier, Diana DeLaronde‑Colombe, Dr. June Marion James, Karen Busby and Myrna Phillips. It will also be available online at www.gov.mb.ca/msw/publications/publications.html.
The guest speaker was Lee Newton, founder of Winnipeg Harvest and winner of a YWCA Women of Distinction Award. The event also featured a performance by singer, songwriter, pianist and guitar player Sheena Grobb, a rising musical star with a deep commitment to women’s issues.
“While we look back with pride this month on the many accomplishments of women over the years, we are also encouraged by the passion and energy of those who continue to strive to achieve social change locally, nationally and globally,” said Allan.
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Manitoba Women's Directorate | Publications
A celebration of Women’s History Month 2008 was hosted at the Legislative Building today by Labour and Immigration Minister Nancy Allan, minister responsible for the status of women.
Women who have taken the lead to make important social changes in Manitoba’s recent history had a special place in this year’s event, said Allan.
“Many Manitoba women have brought positive change to our world through their vision for what is possible and their ability to work toward it,” said the minister. “This year, we celebrate the inspiration they give us all. We applaud their commitment to engaging and collaborating with the community and their ability to ensure that community members’ voices are heard.”
Women’s History Month is held nationally each year in October to celebrate the advances and contributions of women in all aspects of Canadian society.
This year the celebration included the release of Taking the Lead: Women Who Have Made a Difference in Manitoba. The publication showcases the accomplishments of five Manitoba women who have worked to make the province a better place to live: Edith Regier, Diana DeLaronde‑Colombe, Dr. June Marion James, Karen Busby and Myrna Phillips. It will also be available online at www.gov.mb.ca/msw/publications/publications.html.
The guest speaker was Lee Newton, founder of Winnipeg Harvest and winner of a YWCA Women of Distinction Award. The event also featured a performance by singer, songwriter, pianist and guitar player Sheena Grobb, a rising musical star with a deep commitment to women’s issues.
“While we look back with pride this month on the many accomplishments of women over the years, we are also encouraged by the passion and energy of those who continue to strive to achieve social change locally, nationally and globally,” said Allan.
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Manitoba Women's Directorate | Publications
women's history
Congratulations are in order
National Council of Women of Canada Celebrates 115 Years of Service
On October 27, 1893, at a public meeting in Toronto, over 1,500 women joined forces to form the National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC), knowing that by working together and speaking with a united voice, they would be much more effective. Looking back over the last 115 years, NCWC has played a pivotal role in advancing the status of women in Canada. In the 1990’s, the Government of Canada recognized NCWC as having National Historic Significance, and in 2005 Parks Canada and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada formally unveiled a plaque to this effect in Allan Park in Toronto, site of that first NCWC meeting.
One hundred and fifteen years later, our mission continues to be: “To empower all women to work together towards improving the quality of life for women, families, and society through a forum of member organizations and individuals”.
Today NCWC represents many thousands of Canadian women from extremely diverse backgrounds, through our membership which consists of 17 Local Councils, 24 Nationally Organized Societies, and 5 Provincial Councils. Some of the issues that we are currently focusing on include: advocating for a National Water Strategy and a National Energy Strategy; reform of the Employment Insurance system; and the need to maintain and strengthen one-tier universal health care.
"This is a pivotal time in history for women in our country," said President Karen Dempsey. "There is still much more work to be done, and most importantly, we have to be vigilant to ensure that what we have accomplished is not "undone.”
To commemorate this historic occasion, we have launched the NCWC Firm the Foundation Fund. Monies raised will enable the Council to continue their efforts on behalf of women, families, and society. For information, please call 1-613-232-5025, email ncwc@magma.ca, and visit our website at www.ncwc.ca.
National Council of Women of Canada Celebrates 115 Years of Service
On October 27, 1893, at a public meeting in Toronto, over 1,500 women joined forces to form the National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC), knowing that by working together and speaking with a united voice, they would be much more effective. Looking back over the last 115 years, NCWC has played a pivotal role in advancing the status of women in Canada. In the 1990’s, the Government of Canada recognized NCWC as having National Historic Significance, and in 2005 Parks Canada and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada formally unveiled a plaque to this effect in Allan Park in Toronto, site of that first NCWC meeting.
One hundred and fifteen years later, our mission continues to be: “To empower all women to work together towards improving the quality of life for women, families, and society through a forum of member organizations and individuals”.
Today NCWC represents many thousands of Canadian women from extremely diverse backgrounds, through our membership which consists of 17 Local Councils, 24 Nationally Organized Societies, and 5 Provincial Councils. Some of the issues that we are currently focusing on include: advocating for a National Water Strategy and a National Energy Strategy; reform of the Employment Insurance system; and the need to maintain and strengthen one-tier universal health care.
"This is a pivotal time in history for women in our country," said President Karen Dempsey. "There is still much more work to be done, and most importantly, we have to be vigilant to ensure that what we have accomplished is not "undone.”
To commemorate this historic occasion, we have launched the NCWC Firm the Foundation Fund. Monies raised will enable the Council to continue their efforts on behalf of women, families, and society. For information, please call 1-613-232-5025, email ncwc@magma.ca, and visit our website at www.ncwc.ca.
NCW 115-years,
Monday, October 27, 2008
October 27, 2008
PEGUIS FIRST NATION - Attorney General Dave Chomiak and Chief Judge Raymond Wyant joined members of the Peguis First Nation here today in officially opening a new circuit court location for sittings of the provincial court.
“When cases are heard closer to home, courts are able to better serve the communities’ needs and local residents can play a more active role in the justice system,” said Chomiak. “Many victims and witnesses will find it easier than having to travel to Fisher Branch for court.”
“This is a historic day for citizens of Peguis and neighbouring communities as well as for the provincial court,” said Wyant. “The opening of this circuit point continues the effort of the court to expand its sittings to Manitoba’s First Nations. This allows us to provide accessible and more meaningful justice for the citizens we serve and honours an important recommendation of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry.”
There are now 12 court locations outside of Winnipeg, along with 55 court circuit points. A total of 29 circuit point locations are in First Nations communities. Last year, courts outside of Winnipeg dealt with more than 25,000 new charges.
The provincial court will begin regular sittings in Peguis in January. Hearings in Peguis will also serve citizens from Fisher River and Jackhead. Regular sittings will continue to be held in Fisher Branch as well.
PEGUIS FIRST NATION - Attorney General Dave Chomiak and Chief Judge Raymond Wyant joined members of the Peguis First Nation here today in officially opening a new circuit court location for sittings of the provincial court.
“When cases are heard closer to home, courts are able to better serve the communities’ needs and local residents can play a more active role in the justice system,” said Chomiak. “Many victims and witnesses will find it easier than having to travel to Fisher Branch for court.”
“This is a historic day for citizens of Peguis and neighbouring communities as well as for the provincial court,” said Wyant. “The opening of this circuit point continues the effort of the court to expand its sittings to Manitoba’s First Nations. This allows us to provide accessible and more meaningful justice for the citizens we serve and honours an important recommendation of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry.”
There are now 12 court locations outside of Winnipeg, along with 55 court circuit points. A total of 29 circuit point locations are in First Nations communities. Last year, courts outside of Winnipeg dealt with more than 25,000 new charges.
The provincial court will begin regular sittings in Peguis in January. Hearings in Peguis will also serve citizens from Fisher River and Jackhead. Regular sittings will continue to be held in Fisher Branch as well.
Want to get your upcoming events check out the Manitoba Women's Advisory Council Website for up to date information:
Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Friday, October 24, 2008

Manitoba's first French-language adult learning centre will prepare French-speaking students to finish high school and upgrade employment skills in their first language. Minister Diane McGifford was joined by Denis Ferré, Division scolaire franco-manitobaine, students and staff at the official opening.
October 23, 2008
Homelessness, hunger and street-life issues will be introduced to kindergarten to Grade 12 students across Canada through a new Ladybug Foundation initiative with the province’s support of $450,000 over three years, Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson announced today.
“When young Hannah Taylor decided to help homeless people in Winnipeg, she proved one person can make a profound difference in the lives of many,” Bjornson said. “This new Ladybug Foundation initiative encourages good citizenship and motivates youth to get involved in community-based social issues and we’re proud to support it.”
The new initiative, called Make Change, helps students to build awareness of the issues surrounding street life and they are also encouraged to participate in community action that will reduce the effects of poverty.
The educational resource kit includes user-friendly, age-appropriate content such as lesson plans, suggestions and actions enhanced by effective multimedia resources, teacher support and feedback. Manitoba’s support of the foundation will ensure that over the next three years Manitoba schools will receive a set of the kits free of charge, said Bjornson.
“Make Change resulted from one young person’s vision of a better world,” the minister added. “The Ladybug Foundation’s education program will help rally the energy and ideas of Manitoba students around social consciousness and compassion for others, and will extend the program to students across the country over the next three years.”
Taylor has been recognized as a social activist throughout North America and the Ladybug Foundation’s message is now being heard in various countries worldwide. More information is available on the foundation’s website at www.ladybugeducation.ca.
Homelessness, hunger and street-life issues will be introduced to kindergarten to Grade 12 students across Canada through a new Ladybug Foundation initiative with the province’s support of $450,000 over three years, Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson announced today.
“When young Hannah Taylor decided to help homeless people in Winnipeg, she proved one person can make a profound difference in the lives of many,” Bjornson said. “This new Ladybug Foundation initiative encourages good citizenship and motivates youth to get involved in community-based social issues and we’re proud to support it.”
The new initiative, called Make Change, helps students to build awareness of the issues surrounding street life and they are also encouraged to participate in community action that will reduce the effects of poverty.
The educational resource kit includes user-friendly, age-appropriate content such as lesson plans, suggestions and actions enhanced by effective multimedia resources, teacher support and feedback. Manitoba’s support of the foundation will ensure that over the next three years Manitoba schools will receive a set of the kits free of charge, said Bjornson.
“Make Change resulted from one young person’s vision of a better world,” the minister added. “The Ladybug Foundation’s education program will help rally the energy and ideas of Manitoba students around social consciousness and compassion for others, and will extend the program to students across the country over the next three years.”
Taylor has been recognized as a social activist throughout North America and the Ladybug Foundation’s message is now being heard in various countries worldwide. More information is available on the foundation’s website at www.ladybugeducation.ca.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Immigrant Talent ShowJoin talented immigrants and refugee families at the University of Winnipeg's Bulman Centre (515 Portage Ave) as they share their cultural heritage with their new community. The 2008 Diversity Talent Show is taking place November 22 from 2 - 5 pm.
This free event is looking for entries in the following age categories: immigrant/refugee children (8-12), youth (13-17), and adults (over 18). Compete for prizes.
Presented by the International Centre, the talent show will be attended by local politicians and the media, ensuring the greater public hears these unique stories. If not participating yourself, stop by to take in the multicultural performing groups, folk singers, African drum team, and Aboriginal dance group already on the bill.
Dance, music, demonstrations and cultural displays will abound. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Prizes will be raffled off with ticket proceeds going towards the purchase of a van for the International Centre.
For more information call Si-il Park at 943-9158 ext. 300.
This free event is looking for entries in the following age categories: immigrant/refugee children (8-12), youth (13-17), and adults (over 18). Compete for prizes.
Presented by the International Centre, the talent show will be attended by local politicians and the media, ensuring the greater public hears these unique stories. If not participating yourself, stop by to take in the multicultural performing groups, folk singers, African drum team, and Aboriginal dance group already on the bill.
Dance, music, demonstrations and cultural displays will abound. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Prizes will be raffled off with ticket proceeds going towards the purchase of a van for the International Centre.
For more information call Si-il Park at 943-9158 ext. 300.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
October 22, 2008
The debt load of 4,295 low-income post-secondary students will be reduced with an investment of $18.8-million in bursaries from Manitoba and the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation this year, Advanced Education and Literacy Minister Diane McGifford announced today.
“The Manitoba government is continuing to ensure post-secondary education is accessible and affordable to as many individuals as possible and we’re proud to say that among all of the provinces participating in the Canada Student Loan Program, Manitoba has the lowest student debt levels after loan remission,” McGifford said. “Reducing debt levels helps students manage the cost of earning a diploma or degree.”
The joint loan-reduction program is funded by $10.6 million from the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation and $8.2 million from the Manitoba government. The combined loan remission reduces student debt to a maximum of $5,900 for the most recently completed academic year. A total of 2,183 students are receiving an average of $4,850 through the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation this year. As well, 2,112 more low-income students will receive an average of $3,775 from the Manitoba Bursary Program.
Funds currently being awarded are for debt incurred in the 2007-08 academic year. The bursary funds are paid directly to lenders and are applied against a student’s outstanding loan. The benefit is provided to students each year at the end of their study period. Letters will be mailed to students in the next two weeks to let them know the remission they can expect this year.
The province is also assisting military reservists who are on active duty by placing their student loans on interest- and payment-free status to align with a policy decision of the federal government. This program will be implemented in the near future.
The minister noted the most recent provincial budget further improved affordability by reducing the interest charged on student loans by one per cent to 1.5 per cent above the prime lending rate. Prime is 4.75 per cent, which means students are charged 6.25 per cent on their Manitoba student loans. Many provinces still charge 2.5 per cent above prime on their provincial student loans.
The proportion of non-repayable student aid varies significantly from province to province, from a low of 12 per cent in B.C. to a high of 48 per cent in Manitoba, producing differences in the debt burdens of students in each province.
Earlier this year, the Manitoba government conducted a student satisfaction survey. Questions included information about the loan application process to ensure information was readily available, easy to understand and user-friendly. About 1,100 students currently attending Manitoba’s public post-secondary institutions responded to the survey. In response, an overwhelming 91 per cent majority of students surveyed said they believed their education was worth the cost to complete.
“Manitobans understand the value of post-secondary education and are motivated to work hard to achieve their long-term goals,” McGifford said.
As well, more than 4,600 Manitobans have taken advantage of the province’s tuition rebate program in its first year. Of the 4,670 graduates accessing the rebate, which is intended to both retain and attract people to Manitoba, 431 were graduates from institutions outside of Manitoba. The initiative provides post-secondary graduates with a 60 per cent income tax rebate on eligible tuition fees helping recent graduates living and working in Manitoba to pay for their education.
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The debt load of 4,295 low-income post-secondary students will be reduced with an investment of $18.8-million in bursaries from Manitoba and the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation this year, Advanced Education and Literacy Minister Diane McGifford announced today.
“The Manitoba government is continuing to ensure post-secondary education is accessible and affordable to as many individuals as possible and we’re proud to say that among all of the provinces participating in the Canada Student Loan Program, Manitoba has the lowest student debt levels after loan remission,” McGifford said. “Reducing debt levels helps students manage the cost of earning a diploma or degree.”
The joint loan-reduction program is funded by $10.6 million from the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation and $8.2 million from the Manitoba government. The combined loan remission reduces student debt to a maximum of $5,900 for the most recently completed academic year. A total of 2,183 students are receiving an average of $4,850 through the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation this year. As well, 2,112 more low-income students will receive an average of $3,775 from the Manitoba Bursary Program.
Funds currently being awarded are for debt incurred in the 2007-08 academic year. The bursary funds are paid directly to lenders and are applied against a student’s outstanding loan. The benefit is provided to students each year at the end of their study period. Letters will be mailed to students in the next two weeks to let them know the remission they can expect this year.
The province is also assisting military reservists who are on active duty by placing their student loans on interest- and payment-free status to align with a policy decision of the federal government. This program will be implemented in the near future.
The minister noted the most recent provincial budget further improved affordability by reducing the interest charged on student loans by one per cent to 1.5 per cent above the prime lending rate. Prime is 4.75 per cent, which means students are charged 6.25 per cent on their Manitoba student loans. Many provinces still charge 2.5 per cent above prime on their provincial student loans.
The proportion of non-repayable student aid varies significantly from province to province, from a low of 12 per cent in B.C. to a high of 48 per cent in Manitoba, producing differences in the debt burdens of students in each province.
Earlier this year, the Manitoba government conducted a student satisfaction survey. Questions included information about the loan application process to ensure information was readily available, easy to understand and user-friendly. About 1,100 students currently attending Manitoba’s public post-secondary institutions responded to the survey. In response, an overwhelming 91 per cent majority of students surveyed said they believed their education was worth the cost to complete.
“Manitobans understand the value of post-secondary education and are motivated to work hard to achieve their long-term goals,” McGifford said.
As well, more than 4,600 Manitobans have taken advantage of the province’s tuition rebate program in its first year. Of the 4,670 graduates accessing the rebate, which is intended to both retain and attract people to Manitoba, 431 were graduates from institutions outside of Manitoba. The initiative provides post-secondary graduates with a 60 per cent income tax rebate on eligible tuition fees helping recent graduates living and working in Manitoba to pay for their education.
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October 22, 2008
The outstanding contributions of seniors and their communities were recognized today by Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross, minister responsible for seniors, as she distributed the Manitoba Council on Aging (MCA) Recognition Awards.
“These awards give much-deserved recognition to Manitobans including older adults who have gone above and beyond to help seniors in their communities,” said Irvin-Ross. “October being Seniors’ Month makes this a great time to reflect on the tremendous work people are doing in communities all over our province.”
The 2008 individual recipients of the award include:
· Hannah Bazlik, Churchill;
· Jack Oatway, Winnipeg;
· Phyllis Spigelman, Winnipeg;
· Brian and Valerie Wilson, Thompson;
· Bernice Minshull, Pierson;
· Lois Creith, Manitou;
· Kathy Horkoff, Winnipeg;
· May Petrie, Brandon; and
· Randell Pappel, Altona.
The 2008 Murray Smith Award went to Margaret Barbour. The award was established in honour of the late Murray Smith, former chair of the Manitoba Council on Aging. Smith was a prominent educator and an active volunteer and advocate for seniors. The award is presented to an individual who demonstrates exceptional skills in the areas of advocacy, volunteerism and policy influence.
Manitoba has developed the Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative to support seniors in leading active, socially engaged, independent lives that contribute to healthy aging. The provincial initiative works together with communities to enhance many programs and services that support the health, independence and well-being of all Manitoba seniors. The goal is to make Manitoba the most age‑friendly province in Canada.
The Manitoba Council on Aging was established in 1980 as an advisory body to the minister responsible for seniors. The awards were established in 1996 to recognize extraordinary individuals and organizations for their exemplary efforts on behalf of seniors. In addition to the award winners, honourable mention certificates were presented to individuals in recognition of October as Seniors’ and Elders’ Month in Manitoba.
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Phyllis Spigelman
• Has been a member of the National Council of Jewish Women for over 50 years and has held executive positions at both local and national levels.
• Currently serving on the board of directors at Gwen Sector Creative Living Centre (Food Services Committee), the Sharon Home and the Winnipeg Multiple Appeals commission.
• Currently a member of the Etz Chayim Synagogue and past member of the board of directors and executive of Rosh Pina Synagogue.
Bernice Minshull
• Has long supported community organizations and activities such as curling, hockey, figure skating, Sunday school, baseball, school functions, wedding showers and farewells.
• Is an active volunteer with the Huntington’s Society.
• Moved to Pierson Lodge in 1999 where she continues to organize activities.
• Is an active member of the Pierson Friendship Centre where she has held various offices and served on the entertainment committee for several years.
Randell Pappel
• Has been a contributor to various communities including the RM of Rhineland, the Village of Halbstadt and the Town of Altona.
• Has served on the board of directors and as president for the Halbstadt/Altona Credit Union board of directors.
• Has served as a member of various community committees such as the Halbstadt Community Church, Altona and Area Recreation District Board, Mennonite Central Committee and Rhineland School Division.
• Was chair of the Manitoba Pool Board for eight years and a member for 16 years.
• Was instrumental in getting an assisted-living program in the Ebenezer Seniors Home in Altona.
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May Petrie
• Serves as Kookum (grandmother in Ojibway) to many teenage girls and mothers.
• Since 2003, has served on the board of directors of the Friendship Center in Brandon.
• Is an advocate for Aboriginal older adults.
• Is involved in a variety of community committees such as the Indigenous Council of Elders, Brandon Regional Health Authority Recruitment and Retention Committee, and the Prairie Health Matters Regional Diabetes Committee.
• Is involved in Partners Seeking Solutions with Seniors’ Canada Drug Strategy Project providing assistance in evaluating the project, served as a panelist during the Partners Seeking Solutions with Seniors 2008 Conference and served as a consultant in older adult peer helper training in Brandon.
Jack Oatway
• Is a former president and member of the South Interlake 55+ board of directors.
• Is currently the Manitoba Society of Seniors reporter for the south Interlake district.
• Is chair of the Stonewall and District Health Centre Funds for the Future committee. And a former chair and current member of the Stonewall and District Health Centre Foundation Board.
• Is a former member of the South Interlake Seniors Resource Centre Council board.
• Is a former trustee of the Little Mountain School Division Board.
• Is a member of the Rosewood Lodge Expansion Committee.
• Spearheaded the founding of the Handi-van system for the south Interlake district.
Kathy Horkoff
• Has volunteered for Neighbourhood Watch as a block captain for many years and was one of the original members of the Earl Grey Neighbourhood Safety Association.
• Organized a drop-in for seniors at the Earl Grey Community Centre.
• Is a past board member and current volunteer with the South Winnipeg Seniors Resource Council.
• Volunteers with Art Beat, a non-profit, mental-health support organization.
• Canvassed for cancer donations for over 15 years.
• Served on the Winnipeg Community Revitalization Program for the Fort Rouge community.
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Lois Creith
• His volunteer efforts led to the development of the Lodge seniors housing development.
• Was instrumental in setting up the Blair Morrison Foundation and Whiteman Fund, financial organizations providing funding through donations by past residents for local projects.
• Was a member of the board of executives of the La Rivière and Community Recreation Association.
• Was a member of the La Rivière United Church board, has been secretary-treasurer since1966 and is president of the La Rivière United Church Women.
• Has served the Manitou/La Rivière Pastoral Charge, United Church of Canada since 1996. Currently, she is the lay representative and chair-elect of the Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Conference of the United Church of Canada.
• Is a member of the Central Region Regional Palliative Care Team.
• Is vice-chair of the southwest District Health Advisory Committee.
Brian and Valerie Wilson
• The Wilsons have taken on leadership roles in their church as members and chairs of various committees.
• Both are past City of Thompson councillors. Brian was the deputy mayor.
• Valerie is the current school board chair.
• Brian is very involved in the Thompson Race Relations Committee.
• Both are active members of the performing arts group Thompson Playhouse.
• Both were chairs of the City of Thompson 50th Anniversary Committee.
Hannah Bazlik
• Was ordained as the Anglican Minister and ministers on a voluntary basis to the congregation of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, hospital patients in Churchill and many communities in the Kivalliq region.
• Provides leadership within the church.
• Counsels family and youth facing difficulties such as addictions, relationships problems, terminal illness or grief and loss, and financial problems.
• Advocates for seniors and disabled persons.
• Is an active member of the Churchill Ladies Club which supports community projects which focus on seniors, youth and families.
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Murray Smith Award – Margaret Barbour
• Is the current chair of the Manitoba Association of Multi-purpose Senior Centres and a board member for 10 years.
• Is involved with Age & Opportunity Inc. in various capacities including past board chair and currently member of the Elder Abuse Committee.
• Is a board member of the national Active Living Coalition for Older Adults.
• Is a founding member and past chair of the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba.
• Is a member of the Manitoba Committee of Seniors.
• Is a Creative Retirement Manitoba board member.
• Is past chair of the diabetes project for Winnipeg Older Adults.
• Is past chair of the Reh-Fit Centre board.
• Is secretary of the Canadian Association of Gerontology, Social Sciences Division, as well as chair of the Policy and Resolution Committee of the Manitoba Association of Gerontology.
• Has participated on various federal, provincial and territorial committees on issues related to older adults.
• Is a founding member of the Manitoba Association of Recreation Directors.
• In the past, has also volunteered with the United Way of Winnipeg, West Broadway Girls and Boys Clubs, Elizabeth Fry Society, Women’s Auxiliary of the Manitoba Home for Girls, North Winnipeg Women’s Resource Centre and the Canadian Red Cross, Manitoba Division.
Honourable Mentions
• Everett Lloyd
• John D. & Verna Olenick
• Carolyn Levesque
• Glenn Hibbert
• J. Ernest Davis
• Amy Dellebuur
• Allen Johnson
• Nancy Cornish
• Lionel Laval
• Leona Christiansen
• Lucien Guénette
• Volunteer Team Transcona Congregate Meal Program
• Le Théâtre des Aînés (TDA)
The outstanding contributions of seniors and their communities were recognized today by Healthy Living Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross, minister responsible for seniors, as she distributed the Manitoba Council on Aging (MCA) Recognition Awards.
“These awards give much-deserved recognition to Manitobans including older adults who have gone above and beyond to help seniors in their communities,” said Irvin-Ross. “October being Seniors’ Month makes this a great time to reflect on the tremendous work people are doing in communities all over our province.”
The 2008 individual recipients of the award include:
· Hannah Bazlik, Churchill;
· Jack Oatway, Winnipeg;
· Phyllis Spigelman, Winnipeg;
· Brian and Valerie Wilson, Thompson;
· Bernice Minshull, Pierson;
· Lois Creith, Manitou;
· Kathy Horkoff, Winnipeg;
· May Petrie, Brandon; and
· Randell Pappel, Altona.
The 2008 Murray Smith Award went to Margaret Barbour. The award was established in honour of the late Murray Smith, former chair of the Manitoba Council on Aging. Smith was a prominent educator and an active volunteer and advocate for seniors. The award is presented to an individual who demonstrates exceptional skills in the areas of advocacy, volunteerism and policy influence.
Manitoba has developed the Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative to support seniors in leading active, socially engaged, independent lives that contribute to healthy aging. The provincial initiative works together with communities to enhance many programs and services that support the health, independence and well-being of all Manitoba seniors. The goal is to make Manitoba the most age‑friendly province in Canada.
The Manitoba Council on Aging was established in 1980 as an advisory body to the minister responsible for seniors. The awards were established in 1996 to recognize extraordinary individuals and organizations for their exemplary efforts on behalf of seniors. In addition to the award winners, honourable mention certificates were presented to individuals in recognition of October as Seniors’ and Elders’ Month in Manitoba.
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Phyllis Spigelman
• Has been a member of the National Council of Jewish Women for over 50 years and has held executive positions at both local and national levels.
• Currently serving on the board of directors at Gwen Sector Creative Living Centre (Food Services Committee), the Sharon Home and the Winnipeg Multiple Appeals commission.
• Currently a member of the Etz Chayim Synagogue and past member of the board of directors and executive of Rosh Pina Synagogue.
Bernice Minshull
• Has long supported community organizations and activities such as curling, hockey, figure skating, Sunday school, baseball, school functions, wedding showers and farewells.
• Is an active volunteer with the Huntington’s Society.
• Moved to Pierson Lodge in 1999 where she continues to organize activities.
• Is an active member of the Pierson Friendship Centre where she has held various offices and served on the entertainment committee for several years.
Randell Pappel
• Has been a contributor to various communities including the RM of Rhineland, the Village of Halbstadt and the Town of Altona.
• Has served on the board of directors and as president for the Halbstadt/Altona Credit Union board of directors.
• Has served as a member of various community committees such as the Halbstadt Community Church, Altona and Area Recreation District Board, Mennonite Central Committee and Rhineland School Division.
• Was chair of the Manitoba Pool Board for eight years and a member for 16 years.
• Was instrumental in getting an assisted-living program in the Ebenezer Seniors Home in Altona.
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May Petrie
• Serves as Kookum (grandmother in Ojibway) to many teenage girls and mothers.
• Since 2003, has served on the board of directors of the Friendship Center in Brandon.
• Is an advocate for Aboriginal older adults.
• Is involved in a variety of community committees such as the Indigenous Council of Elders, Brandon Regional Health Authority Recruitment and Retention Committee, and the Prairie Health Matters Regional Diabetes Committee.
• Is involved in Partners Seeking Solutions with Seniors’ Canada Drug Strategy Project providing assistance in evaluating the project, served as a panelist during the Partners Seeking Solutions with Seniors 2008 Conference and served as a consultant in older adult peer helper training in Brandon.
Jack Oatway
• Is a former president and member of the South Interlake 55+ board of directors.
• Is currently the Manitoba Society of Seniors reporter for the south Interlake district.
• Is chair of the Stonewall and District Health Centre Funds for the Future committee. And a former chair and current member of the Stonewall and District Health Centre Foundation Board.
• Is a former member of the South Interlake Seniors Resource Centre Council board.
• Is a former trustee of the Little Mountain School Division Board.
• Is a member of the Rosewood Lodge Expansion Committee.
• Spearheaded the founding of the Handi-van system for the south Interlake district.
Kathy Horkoff
• Has volunteered for Neighbourhood Watch as a block captain for many years and was one of the original members of the Earl Grey Neighbourhood Safety Association.
• Organized a drop-in for seniors at the Earl Grey Community Centre.
• Is a past board member and current volunteer with the South Winnipeg Seniors Resource Council.
• Volunteers with Art Beat, a non-profit, mental-health support organization.
• Canvassed for cancer donations for over 15 years.
• Served on the Winnipeg Community Revitalization Program for the Fort Rouge community.
- 3 -
Lois Creith
• His volunteer efforts led to the development of the Lodge seniors housing development.
• Was instrumental in setting up the Blair Morrison Foundation and Whiteman Fund, financial organizations providing funding through donations by past residents for local projects.
• Was a member of the board of executives of the La Rivière and Community Recreation Association.
• Was a member of the La Rivière United Church board, has been secretary-treasurer since1966 and is president of the La Rivière United Church Women.
• Has served the Manitou/La Rivière Pastoral Charge, United Church of Canada since 1996. Currently, she is the lay representative and chair-elect of the Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Conference of the United Church of Canada.
• Is a member of the Central Region Regional Palliative Care Team.
• Is vice-chair of the southwest District Health Advisory Committee.
Brian and Valerie Wilson
• The Wilsons have taken on leadership roles in their church as members and chairs of various committees.
• Both are past City of Thompson councillors. Brian was the deputy mayor.
• Valerie is the current school board chair.
• Brian is very involved in the Thompson Race Relations Committee.
• Both are active members of the performing arts group Thompson Playhouse.
• Both were chairs of the City of Thompson 50th Anniversary Committee.
Hannah Bazlik
• Was ordained as the Anglican Minister and ministers on a voluntary basis to the congregation of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, hospital patients in Churchill and many communities in the Kivalliq region.
• Provides leadership within the church.
• Counsels family and youth facing difficulties such as addictions, relationships problems, terminal illness or grief and loss, and financial problems.
• Advocates for seniors and disabled persons.
• Is an active member of the Churchill Ladies Club which supports community projects which focus on seniors, youth and families.
- 4 -
Murray Smith Award – Margaret Barbour
• Is the current chair of the Manitoba Association of Multi-purpose Senior Centres and a board member for 10 years.
• Is involved with Age & Opportunity Inc. in various capacities including past board chair and currently member of the Elder Abuse Committee.
• Is a board member of the national Active Living Coalition for Older Adults.
• Is a founding member and past chair of the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba.
• Is a member of the Manitoba Committee of Seniors.
• Is a Creative Retirement Manitoba board member.
• Is past chair of the diabetes project for Winnipeg Older Adults.
• Is past chair of the Reh-Fit Centre board.
• Is secretary of the Canadian Association of Gerontology, Social Sciences Division, as well as chair of the Policy and Resolution Committee of the Manitoba Association of Gerontology.
• Has participated on various federal, provincial and territorial committees on issues related to older adults.
• Is a founding member of the Manitoba Association of Recreation Directors.
• In the past, has also volunteered with the United Way of Winnipeg, West Broadway Girls and Boys Clubs, Elizabeth Fry Society, Women’s Auxiliary of the Manitoba Home for Girls, North Winnipeg Women’s Resource Centre and the Canadian Red Cross, Manitoba Division.
Honourable Mentions
• Everett Lloyd
• John D. & Verna Olenick
• Carolyn Levesque
• Glenn Hibbert
• J. Ernest Davis
• Amy Dellebuur
• Allen Johnson
• Nancy Cornish
• Lionel Laval
• Leona Christiansen
• Lucien Guénette
• Volunteer Team Transcona Congregate Meal Program
• Le Théâtre des Aînés (TDA)
October 22, 2008
After a rigorous public competition overseen by the Government of Manitoba’s Civil Service Commission, Manitoba has selected the province’s first fairness commissioner to be responsible for the implementing the Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act and improving qualifications recognition for skilled immigrants to Manitoba, Labour and Immigration Minister Nancy Allan announced today
The act, passed in 2007, will help to ensure that regulated professions are governed by registration practices that are transparent, objective, impartial and fair, said the minister. It calls for the appointment of a fairness commissioner to work with regulators to improve pathways to recognition and employment for skilled immigrants trying to establish their careers in Manitoba, as well as professional licensing practices for all Manitobans.
The new fairness commissioner is Ximena Munoz. Munoz, herself an immigrant professional, came to Canada from Chile and has spent over two decades working to improve settlement and labour market services for immigrants. As director of the Manitoba Settlement and Labour Market Services Branch, she has worked extensively with provincial departments and with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Manitoba’s Settlement Strategy, developed under her leadership, has set new directions for Manitoba to develop services and supports that meet the needs of increasing immigration to the province, said Allan.
“We are delighted to welcome Ms. Munoz as the first fairness commissioner in Manitoba. Her experience and commitment to qualifications recognition will undoubtedly be an asset to helping immigrants and individuals from out of province establish successful careers in Manitoba.”
Throughout her career, Munoz has been committed to the improvement of qualifications recognition practices for internationally educated professionals. In 2001, she organized Manitoba’s first think‑tank meeting bringing together immigrants, regulators, employers, policy-makers and other stakeholders which led to the development a Qualifications Recognition Strategy that was the first of its kind in Canada. On the basis of this strategy, Munoz and her colleagues in the Immigration and Multiculturalism Division worked in collaboration with regulators, employers and educational partners to establish a series of several ground-breaking demonstration projects. For example, the Internationally Educated Engineers Qualifications Recognition Program is now a model being replicated throughout Canada.
Under the Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act, the responsibilities of the fairness commissioner will include providing information and advice to regulated professions concerning the requirements of the act, reviewing the registration practices of those professions for compliance with these requirements, recommending improvements and reporting to the minister of labour and immigration on registration practices related to internationally educated individuals and reporting to other ministers on matters related to implementation of the act.
Munoz is expected to begin her new duties by the middle of November, said Allan. Among her first responsibilities will be the establishment of an Office of the Fairness Commissioner and working with professional regulators to develop regulations for the new legislation as well as a common strategy to implement the requirements of the act.
More information on the fairness commissioner and the Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act is available from the Immigration and Multiculturalism Division at 204-945-8310.
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After a rigorous public competition overseen by the Government of Manitoba’s Civil Service Commission, Manitoba has selected the province’s first fairness commissioner to be responsible for the implementing the Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act and improving qualifications recognition for skilled immigrants to Manitoba, Labour and Immigration Minister Nancy Allan announced today
The act, passed in 2007, will help to ensure that regulated professions are governed by registration practices that are transparent, objective, impartial and fair, said the minister. It calls for the appointment of a fairness commissioner to work with regulators to improve pathways to recognition and employment for skilled immigrants trying to establish their careers in Manitoba, as well as professional licensing practices for all Manitobans.
The new fairness commissioner is Ximena Munoz. Munoz, herself an immigrant professional, came to Canada from Chile and has spent over two decades working to improve settlement and labour market services for immigrants. As director of the Manitoba Settlement and Labour Market Services Branch, she has worked extensively with provincial departments and with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Manitoba’s Settlement Strategy, developed under her leadership, has set new directions for Manitoba to develop services and supports that meet the needs of increasing immigration to the province, said Allan.
“We are delighted to welcome Ms. Munoz as the first fairness commissioner in Manitoba. Her experience and commitment to qualifications recognition will undoubtedly be an asset to helping immigrants and individuals from out of province establish successful careers in Manitoba.”
Throughout her career, Munoz has been committed to the improvement of qualifications recognition practices for internationally educated professionals. In 2001, she organized Manitoba’s first think‑tank meeting bringing together immigrants, regulators, employers, policy-makers and other stakeholders which led to the development a Qualifications Recognition Strategy that was the first of its kind in Canada. On the basis of this strategy, Munoz and her colleagues in the Immigration and Multiculturalism Division worked in collaboration with regulators, employers and educational partners to establish a series of several ground-breaking demonstration projects. For example, the Internationally Educated Engineers Qualifications Recognition Program is now a model being replicated throughout Canada.
Under the Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act, the responsibilities of the fairness commissioner will include providing information and advice to regulated professions concerning the requirements of the act, reviewing the registration practices of those professions for compliance with these requirements, recommending improvements and reporting to the minister of labour and immigration on registration practices related to internationally educated individuals and reporting to other ministers on matters related to implementation of the act.
Munoz is expected to begin her new duties by the middle of November, said Allan. Among her first responsibilities will be the establishment of an Office of the Fairness Commissioner and working with professional regulators to develop regulations for the new legislation as well as a common strategy to implement the requirements of the act.
More information on the fairness commissioner and the Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act is available from the Immigration and Multiculturalism Division at 204-945-8310.
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Manitoba Public Insurance is warning the public not to give out any personal information to an automated voice-messaging system that is offering to renew members' Autopac policies or driver's licenses over the phone. Several people in the Dauphin, Virden and Erickson areas were contacted recently under this apparent scam, MPI said. The automated messaging system asked them to renew either their Autopac policy or driver's license, and then requested the person's credit card number.
Please Note:
· MPI does not conduct business in this manner. Brokers never phone customers individually to renew coverage.
· People contacted in this manner should immediately hang up.
Source: Winnipeg Free Press
Other Email/Phone Scams:
A very wealthy stranger has died and you are asked to assist with banking and to share the wealth.
Letters concerning the "request for urgent business transaction" usually the transfer of millions of dollars. These letters are commonly referred to as Nigerian Letter Scams or West African Fraud Letters.
The classic prize pitch scam which involves notification by post, phone, or e-mail indicating you have won a prize (monetary or other valued item).
It's not always easy to spot phone or e-mail scams and new ones are invented every day. If you suspect that you may be a target of fraud, or if you have already sent funds, don't be embarrassed - you're not alone. If you want to report a fraud, or if you need more information contact Phonebusters toll-free at 1-888-495-8501, or online at www.phonebusters.com.
The government's Anti-Spam solution will filter out the majority of e-mail scams; however some still get through the system. When you receive a scam e-mail at work – report it to the anti-spam system.
Please Note:
· MPI does not conduct business in this manner. Brokers never phone customers individually to renew coverage.
· People contacted in this manner should immediately hang up.
Source: Winnipeg Free Press
Other Email/Phone Scams:
A very wealthy stranger has died and you are asked to assist with banking and to share the wealth.
Letters concerning the "request for urgent business transaction" usually the transfer of millions of dollars. These letters are commonly referred to as Nigerian Letter Scams or West African Fraud Letters.
The classic prize pitch scam which involves notification by post, phone, or e-mail indicating you have won a prize (monetary or other valued item).
It's not always easy to spot phone or e-mail scams and new ones are invented every day. If you suspect that you may be a target of fraud, or if you have already sent funds, don't be embarrassed - you're not alone. If you want to report a fraud, or if you need more information contact Phonebusters toll-free at 1-888-495-8501, or online at www.phonebusters.com.
The government's Anti-Spam solution will filter out the majority of e-mail scams; however some still get through the system. When you receive a scam e-mail at work – report it to the anti-spam system.
Manitoba Public Insurance is warning the public not to give out any personal information to an automated voice-messaging system that is offering to renew members' Autopac policies or driver's licenses over the phone. Several people in the Dauphin, Virden and Erickson areas were contacted recently under this apparent scam, MPI said. The automated messaging system asked them to renew either their Autopac policy or driver's license, and then requested the person's credit card number.
Please Note:
· MPI does not conduct business in this manner. Brokers never phone customers individually to renew coverage.
· People contacted in this manner should immediately hang up.
Source: Winnipeg Free Press
Other Email/Phone Scams:
A very wealthy stranger has died and you are asked to assist with banking and to share the wealth.
Letters concerning the "request for urgent business transaction" usually the transfer of millions of dollars. These letters are commonly referred to as Nigerian Letter Scams or West African Fraud Letters.
The classic prize pitch scam which involves notification by post, phone, or e-mail indicating you have won a prize (monetary or other valued item).
It's not always easy to spot phone or e-mail scams and new ones are invented every day. If you suspect that you may be a target of fraud, or if you have already sent funds, don't be embarrassed - you're not alone. If you want to report a fraud, or if you need more information contact Phonebusters toll-free at 1-888-495-8501, or online at www.phonebusters.com.
The government's Anti-Spam solution will filter out the majority of e-mail scams; however some still get through the system. When you receive a scam e-mail at work – report it to the anti-spam system.
To view a video tutorial on how to report spam to the anti-spam system, click on the following link http://gww.internal/info_security/How-tos/Anti-SPAM/how%20to%20report%20spam%20v1.htm
Please Note:
· MPI does not conduct business in this manner. Brokers never phone customers individually to renew coverage.
· People contacted in this manner should immediately hang up.
Source: Winnipeg Free Press
Other Email/Phone Scams:
A very wealthy stranger has died and you are asked to assist with banking and to share the wealth.
Letters concerning the "request for urgent business transaction" usually the transfer of millions of dollars. These letters are commonly referred to as Nigerian Letter Scams or West African Fraud Letters.
The classic prize pitch scam which involves notification by post, phone, or e-mail indicating you have won a prize (monetary or other valued item).
It's not always easy to spot phone or e-mail scams and new ones are invented every day. If you suspect that you may be a target of fraud, or if you have already sent funds, don't be embarrassed - you're not alone. If you want to report a fraud, or if you need more information contact Phonebusters toll-free at 1-888-495-8501, or online at www.phonebusters.com.
The government's Anti-Spam solution will filter out the majority of e-mail scams; however some still get through the system. When you receive a scam e-mail at work – report it to the anti-spam system.
To view a video tutorial on how to report spam to the anti-spam system, click on the following link http://gww.internal/info_security/How-tos/Anti-SPAM/how%20to%20report%20spam%20v1.htm
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Maude Barlow named first UN water adviser
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 21, 2008
CBC News
Maude Barlow serves up cake in a mock birthday party for U.S. President George W. Bush across from Parliament Hill in Ottawa on July 6, 2006, to show concern about Canadian sovereignty.(Patrick Doyle/Canadian Press)
Canadian activist Maude Barlow has been appointed as the United Nation's first senior adviser on water issues, a role she hopes to use to establish water as a human right and to convince Canada to "change its shameful position" on the issue.
Barlow, chair of the citizens' advocacy group Council of Canadians, will work with the current president of the UN General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann.
"This is a wonderful opportunity to advance a more democratic and transparent method of policy making around water at the global level than now exists," Barlow said in a press release. "Water is a commons, a public trust and a human right."
Barlow said there's "growing momentum" in the international community for water justice but will focus some of her attention on her home country.
"I also plan to take this opportunity to get the Canadian government to change its shameful position, and to finally join the international community in recognizing water as a human right," said Barlow.
D�Escoto extolled on Barlow�s ability to �combine humanitarian vision with a practical approach to problem solving� and has expressed support for her crusade, calling water a "human right as basic as the air we breathe."
Barlow holds six honorary doctorates and has written or co-written 16 books. She is also co-founder of the Blue Planet Project, a group that works to protect fresh water from trade and privatization around the world.
The United Nations estimates 42,000 people die every week from diseases related to bad water and poor sanitation.
With files from the Canadian Press
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 21, 2008
CBC News
Maude Barlow serves up cake in a mock birthday party for U.S. President George W. Bush across from Parliament Hill in Ottawa on July 6, 2006, to show concern about Canadian sovereignty.(Patrick Doyle/Canadian Press)
Canadian activist Maude Barlow has been appointed as the United Nation's first senior adviser on water issues, a role she hopes to use to establish water as a human right and to convince Canada to "change its shameful position" on the issue.
Barlow, chair of the citizens' advocacy group Council of Canadians, will work with the current president of the UN General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann.
"This is a wonderful opportunity to advance a more democratic and transparent method of policy making around water at the global level than now exists," Barlow said in a press release. "Water is a commons, a public trust and a human right."
Barlow said there's "growing momentum" in the international community for water justice but will focus some of her attention on her home country.
"I also plan to take this opportunity to get the Canadian government to change its shameful position, and to finally join the international community in recognizing water as a human right," said Barlow.
D�Escoto extolled on Barlow�s ability to �combine humanitarian vision with a practical approach to problem solving� and has expressed support for her crusade, calling water a "human right as basic as the air we breathe."
Barlow holds six honorary doctorates and has written or co-written 16 books. She is also co-founder of the Blue Planet Project, a group that works to protect fresh water from trade and privatization around the world.
The United Nations estimates 42,000 people die every week from diseases related to bad water and poor sanitation.
With files from the Canadian Press
Local News
New citizens share hopes
Updated: October 17, 2008 at 12:24 AM CDT
Red River College hosted a citizenship ceremony at its Princess Street campus Thursday, but this one came with a twist.Instead of the usual speech-making (although there was plenty of that later), this one started with 10 round-table forums that tossed new Canadians together with older Canadians, life-long Canadians and the odd journalist to swap stories about life in Canada.
After the expected jokes about the weather, what was most striking was the earnestness of this new batch of 38 Canadians as they shared what they liked -- and what they wanted -- of their new country.
Amatjeet Hirkewal, who led the discussion at her table, became a Canadian citizen when she left her native India several years ago.
But she said she has always been conscious of a barrier between "new Canadians and old citizens."
It is something that can be overcome, she said, "but we need more opportunities to come together and socialize."
The enhanced ceremony at RRC was a step in that direction, she said.
At Table Seven, Svitlana Matkiuska from Ukraine said people come to Canada looking for a better life for their kids. "But we soon realize, we have it better, too. We have peace and freedom. If you are not lazy, you can get everything you wish for."
Her son, Yuri, busy at the kids' table, appeared to be getting what he wished for.
"Canadians are well-mannered," he said "... and there are more electronics."
Matkiuska was there to see her husband Ihor and her sons Yuri and Ihor become Canadians. She was in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution and followed her family here later. She has to wait a few more months before she can join them as citizens.
Reuben Garang, his wife Rachel and their daughter Adior also became Canadians Thursday. The family fled Sudan as refugees four years ago. Their youngest daughter, Ayen, who was born here, is already a citizen.
"Some people come here with (no English)," Garang said. "We can't even help our children learn." He'd like to see more ESL classes offered so parents can help their children -- and keep up to them, once the kids start school themselves.
After about 45 minutes of discussion, a welcome by RRC elder-in-residence Jules Lavallee and speeches by RRC president Jeff Zabudsky and Citizenship Judge Harold Gilleshammer, the 38 candidates took the oath of citizenship, shook hands with John Ralston Saul, husband of Canada's former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson and voila, they were Canadians -- part of the tide of 11,000 that now come to Manitoba each year.
New citizens share hopes
Updated: October 17, 2008 at 12:24 AM CDT
Red River College hosted a citizenship ceremony at its Princess Street campus Thursday, but this one came with a twist.Instead of the usual speech-making (although there was plenty of that later), this one started with 10 round-table forums that tossed new Canadians together with older Canadians, life-long Canadians and the odd journalist to swap stories about life in Canada.
After the expected jokes about the weather, what was most striking was the earnestness of this new batch of 38 Canadians as they shared what they liked -- and what they wanted -- of their new country.
Amatjeet Hirkewal, who led the discussion at her table, became a Canadian citizen when she left her native India several years ago.
But she said she has always been conscious of a barrier between "new Canadians and old citizens."
It is something that can be overcome, she said, "but we need more opportunities to come together and socialize."
The enhanced ceremony at RRC was a step in that direction, she said.
At Table Seven, Svitlana Matkiuska from Ukraine said people come to Canada looking for a better life for their kids. "But we soon realize, we have it better, too. We have peace and freedom. If you are not lazy, you can get everything you wish for."
Her son, Yuri, busy at the kids' table, appeared to be getting what he wished for.
"Canadians are well-mannered," he said "... and there are more electronics."
Matkiuska was there to see her husband Ihor and her sons Yuri and Ihor become Canadians. She was in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution and followed her family here later. She has to wait a few more months before she can join them as citizens.
Reuben Garang, his wife Rachel and their daughter Adior also became Canadians Thursday. The family fled Sudan as refugees four years ago. Their youngest daughter, Ayen, who was born here, is already a citizen.
"Some people come here with (no English)," Garang said. "We can't even help our children learn." He'd like to see more ESL classes offered so parents can help their children -- and keep up to them, once the kids start school themselves.
After about 45 minutes of discussion, a welcome by RRC elder-in-residence Jules Lavallee and speeches by RRC president Jeff Zabudsky and Citizenship Judge Harold Gilleshammer, the 38 candidates took the oath of citizenship, shook hands with John Ralston Saul, husband of Canada's former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson and voila, they were Canadians -- part of the tide of 11,000 that now come to Manitoba each year.
Monday, October 20, 2008
On Canada Day 2008, The Dominion Institute released the results of a national survey of what Canadians felt were the 101 people, places, symbols, events and accomplishments that most define Canada. We invited Canadians to vote for what they thought was missing from the list and what should be #1. Over 20,000 people have already visited www.101things.ca.
To mark the release of the book 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada, the Dominion Institute invites Canadians to have a say on what does NOT define our country.
Does hockey (#2) deserve a place in the top ten?
Should Céline Dion (#27), Don Cherry (#76) and the Queen (#87) grace a list of Canadas greats?
Does Tim Hortons (#58) define Canada?
Log on to www.101things.ca and vote one off!
Available in bookstores across the country, 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada (Key Porter Books) is a collection of short essays by some of Canadas leading authors, actors and historians including Roch Carrier, Tomson Highway, Jack Granatstein, Rick Mercer and Paul Gross. The essays are complemented by illustrations by The Globe and Mails Anthony Jenkins.
À la Fête du Canada 2008, l'Institut du Dominion a publié les résultats dun sondage national sur ce que les Canadien(ne)s considèrent les 101 personnes, endroits, symboles, événements et réussites qui définissent le mieux le Canada. Nous avons invité les Canadien(ne)s à voter pour lélément qui, selon eux, manquaient à la liste et celui qui devrait figurer en première place. Plus de 20 000 personnes ont déjà visité www.101choses.ca.
Pour marquer la sortie du livre 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada (en anglais seulement), lInstitut du Dominion invite les Canadien(ne)s à sexprimer sur ce qui ne définit PAS notre pays.
Est-ce que le hockey (#2) mérite sa place parmi les dix premiers?
Est-ce que Céline Dion (#27), Don Cherry (#76) et la Reine (#87) devraient figurer parmi les grandes personnalités canadiennes?
Le restaurant Tim Hortons (#58) définit-il vraiment le Canada?
Visitez www.101choses.ca et votez pour éliminer l'intrus!
En librairie à travers le pays, 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada (Key Porter Books, en anglais seulement) est un recueil de mini-essais écrits par certains des auteurs, des comédiens et des historiens les plus notables au Canada, dont Roch Carrier, Tomson Highway, Jack Granatstein, Rick Mercer et Paul Gross. Les essais sont accompagnés dillustrations par Anthony Jenkins du journal The Globe and Mail.
To mark the release of the book 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada, the Dominion Institute invites Canadians to have a say on what does NOT define our country.
Does hockey (#2) deserve a place in the top ten?
Should Céline Dion (#27), Don Cherry (#76) and the Queen (#87) grace a list of Canadas greats?
Does Tim Hortons (#58) define Canada?
Log on to www.101things.ca and vote one off!
Available in bookstores across the country, 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada (Key Porter Books) is a collection of short essays by some of Canadas leading authors, actors and historians including Roch Carrier, Tomson Highway, Jack Granatstein, Rick Mercer and Paul Gross. The essays are complemented by illustrations by The Globe and Mails Anthony Jenkins.
À la Fête du Canada 2008, l'Institut du Dominion a publié les résultats dun sondage national sur ce que les Canadien(ne)s considèrent les 101 personnes, endroits, symboles, événements et réussites qui définissent le mieux le Canada. Nous avons invité les Canadien(ne)s à voter pour lélément qui, selon eux, manquaient à la liste et celui qui devrait figurer en première place. Plus de 20 000 personnes ont déjà visité www.101choses.ca.
Pour marquer la sortie du livre 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada (en anglais seulement), lInstitut du Dominion invite les Canadien(ne)s à sexprimer sur ce qui ne définit PAS notre pays.
Est-ce que le hockey (#2) mérite sa place parmi les dix premiers?
Est-ce que Céline Dion (#27), Don Cherry (#76) et la Reine (#87) devraient figurer parmi les grandes personnalités canadiennes?
Le restaurant Tim Hortons (#58) définit-il vraiment le Canada?
Visitez www.101choses.ca et votez pour éliminer l'intrus!
En librairie à travers le pays, 101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada (Key Porter Books, en anglais seulement) est un recueil de mini-essais écrits par certains des auteurs, des comédiens et des historiens les plus notables au Canada, dont Roch Carrier, Tomson Highway, Jack Granatstein, Rick Mercer et Paul Gross. Les essais sont accompagnés dillustrations par Anthony Jenkins du journal The Globe and Mail.
The 2nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS)
University of Ottawa, June 1-3, 2009
This conference brings together academics, activists, NGOs, policy makers, government representatives, and forced migrants themselves from a wide array of disciplinary and regional backgrounds in order to discuss diverse issues related to forced migration within and across borders. We invite participants from a range of perspectives to engage in a series of interdisciplinary dialogues in order to explore, debate and understand the varied aspects of forced migration. The conference will feature keynote and plenary speeches from leading figures in the field while panels will explore a number of sub-themes and important issues outlined below. We invite proposals for individual papers as well as organized panels structured around three broad sub-themes:
1) Forced Migration, Global Politics and the International Arena
2) Settlement, Security and Social Justice
3) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Forced Migration Research
Borders are featured prominently in the discussion and practice of
migration: they exist as physical barriers and control points; they permeate our understanding of insiders and outsiders; they are implicit on the definitions of forced migrants and our perceptions about them.
Governments are adopting "multiple borders" strategies where asylum-seekers and migrants generally experience "borders" not only at ports of entry, but also inside Canada (by virtue of being non-members) as well as outside Canada (through Canadian policies and allocation of resources overseas). The themes of this conference explore the experiences of (forced) migrants at those different locations; examine theoretical concerns about what it means to be an outsider when the "border" is conceived so flexibly and contemplate ways of overcoming these borders.
1) Forced Migration, Global Politics and the International Arena
Current restrictive practices towards asylum-seekers and refugees raise a plethora of questions about politics in the area of forced migration; factors contributing to the plight of forced migrants; adequacy of current responses to refugee situations; and the nature of interaction between states, regional and international bodies in the area of refugee protection. What is the impact of state practices on forced migrant populations? How should interaction between states, non-governmental and international organizations be structured in order to ensure more adequate response to refugee situations?
2) Settlement, Security and Social Justice
Conferral of refugee status is only one aspect of refugee protection.
Meaningful protection includes not only a functioning refugee determination process, but also settlement and other supports which will help forced migrants build their lives in the host country. Issues of settlement and social justice raise questions about the treatment of asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants generally in communities ? both in legal and social terms. This highlights the existence of borders not only from outside, but also from within. What are the roles of local communities in facilitating settlement and inclusion of migrants?
3) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Forced Migration Research
Issues of forced migration are becoming increasingly complex; they require interdisciplinary analysis and innovative solutions. The location of the conference in Ottawa lends itself to an opportunity for promoting dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and NGO community. What should the relationship between different actors be?
Within these broad sub-themes we envision a range of papers and panels able to address a number of issues including:
Labor migration and "illegality"
Resettlement, acculturation and social exclusion Impacts of security concerns on laws and legal interpretations that define the rights of refugees and migrants International impacts of refugee policies of the global north on forced migration worldwide The gender, race and class implications of legal and policy frameworks regarding forced migration Protracted conflict situations and trends in forced migration Humanitarian aid, intervention and refugees Development, displacement and forced migration Safe Third Country Agreements and impacts on refugee populations Security certificates, anti-trafficking provisions and surveillance and investigative powers of the state Child refugees Relationship between various actors (government, non-governmental organizations, academics) on issues of refugee protection
Individuals wishing to participate in the conference must submit a 250-word abstract of the paper by February 15, 2009 (general deadline).
The conference welcomes submissions of both individual paper presentations and proposals for panels.
CARFMS is applying for SSHRC funding for the conference. The application is due on November 1, 2008 and must contain a sample of submitted abstracts and presenters' CVs. To help us in the application process, we strongly encourage early submissions by October 24, 2008. All early submissions must include a 250-word abstract of the paper and presenter's CV. CV is required only for the purposes of SSHRC application.
Submissions should be sent to carfms2009@gmail.com. For further information please contact Pablo Bose at carfms2009@gmail.com.
The 2nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS)
University of Ottawa, June 1-3, 2009
This conference brings together academics, activists, NGOs, policy makers, government representatives, and forced migrants themselves from a wide array of disciplinary and regional backgrounds in order to discuss diverse issues related to forced migration within and across borders. We invite participants from a range of perspectives to engage in a series of interdisciplinary dialogues in order to explore, debate and understand the varied aspects of forced migration. The conference will feature keynote and plenary speeches from leading figures in the field while panels will explore a number of sub-themes and important issues outlined below. We invite proposals for individual papers as well as organized panels structured around three broad sub-themes:
1) Forced Migration, Global Politics and the International Arena
2) Settlement, Security and Social Justice
3) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Forced Migration Research
Borders are featured prominently in the discussion and practice of
migration: they exist as physical barriers and control points; they permeate our understanding of insiders and outsiders; they are implicit on the definitions of forced migrants and our perceptions about them.
Governments are adopting "multiple borders" strategies where asylum-seekers and migrants generally experience "borders" not only at ports of entry, but also inside Canada (by virtue of being non-members) as well as outside Canada (through Canadian policies and allocation of resources overseas). The themes of this conference explore the experiences of (forced) migrants at those different locations; examine theoretical concerns about what it means to be an outsider when the "border" is conceived so flexibly and contemplate ways of overcoming these borders.
1) Forced Migration, Global Politics and the International Arena
Current restrictive practices towards asylum-seekers and refugees raise a plethora of questions about politics in the area of forced migration; factors contributing to the plight of forced migrants; adequacy of current responses to refugee situations; and the nature of interaction between states, regional and international bodies in the area of refugee protection. What is the impact of state practices on forced migrant populations? How should interaction between states, non-governmental and international organizations be structured in order to ensure more adequate response to refugee situations?
2) Settlement, Security and Social Justice
Conferral of refugee status is only one aspect of refugee protection.
Meaningful protection includes not only a functioning refugee determination process, but also settlement and other supports which will help forced migrants build their lives in the host country. Issues of settlement and social justice raise questions about the treatment of asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants generally in communities ? both in legal and social terms. This highlights the existence of borders not only from outside, but also from within. What are the roles of local communities in facilitating settlement and inclusion of migrants?
3) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Forced Migration Research
Issues of forced migration are becoming increasingly complex; they require interdisciplinary analysis and innovative solutions. The location of the conference in Ottawa lends itself to an opportunity for promoting dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and NGO community. What should the relationship between different actors be?
Within these broad sub-themes we envision a range of papers and panels able to address a number of issues including:
Labor migration and "illegality"
Resettlement, acculturation and social exclusion Impacts of security concerns on laws and legal interpretations that define the rights of refugees and migrants International impacts of refugee policies of the global north on forced migration worldwide The gender, race and class implications of legal and policy frameworks regarding forced migration Protracted conflict situations and trends in forced migration Humanitarian aid, intervention and refugees Development, displacement and forced migration Safe Third Country Agreements and impacts on refugee populations Security certificates, anti-trafficking provisions and surveillance and investigative powers of the state Child refugees Relationship between various actors (government, non-governmental organizations, academics) on issues of refugee protection
Individuals wishing to participate in the conference must submit a 250-word abstract of the paper by February 15, 2009 (general deadline).
The conference welcomes submissions of both individual paper presentations and proposals for panels.
CARFMS is applying for SSHRC funding for the conference. The application is due on November 1, 2008 and must contain a sample of submitted abstracts and presenters' CVs. To help us in the application process, we strongly encourage early submissions by October 24, 2008. All early submissions must include a 250-word abstract of the paper and presenter's CV. CV is required only for the purposes of SSHRC application.
Submissions should be sent to carfms2009@gmail.com. For further information please contact Pablo Bose at carfms2009@gmail.com.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Shout out to Winnipeg Women and Betty Hopkins

Packed auditorium - LEAF Breakfast 2008
It was another successful and well-planned fundraising event for LEAF - LEGAL EDUCATION ACTION FUND - an organization that raises funds for LEAF to tackle precedent setting cases on behalf of women's equality. Betty Hopkins is the chair and life-blood of LEAF Manitoba. She works on this stuff full time. Thanks to Betty.
Only in Winnipeg will you see people, mostly women who will come out in large numbers to attend a LEAF Breakfast fundraiser at 7:30 a.m.
Give a shout out to the wonderful Winnipeg Women.
There were more than 900 participants at LEAF's 16th Annual LEAF Breakfast and for the first time there was a male speaker, former RBC top guy, Charles S. Coffee, O.C. who proudly claimed to be an honorary woman because of his advocacy on for women's equality of opportunity and fostering gender understanding. He shared the stage with one of Canada's best journalists, Sally Armstrong, C.M. It was a riveting morning. Many people left the two hour event feeling as if they had been refreshed and ready to feel the chill and face what's up ahead - head-on.
The Winnipeg Convention Centre on York and Donald streets in Winnipeg was a buzz with the warmth of human action for good.

Packed auditorium - LEAF Breakfast 2008
It was another successful and well-planned fundraising event for LEAF - LEGAL EDUCATION ACTION FUND - an organization that raises funds for LEAF to tackle precedent setting cases on behalf of women's equality. Betty Hopkins is the chair and life-blood of LEAF Manitoba. She works on this stuff full time. Thanks to Betty.
Only in Winnipeg will you see people, mostly women who will come out in large numbers to attend a LEAF Breakfast fundraiser at 7:30 a.m.
Give a shout out to the wonderful Winnipeg Women.
There were more than 900 participants at LEAF's 16th Annual LEAF Breakfast and for the first time there was a male speaker, former RBC top guy, Charles S. Coffee, O.C. who proudly claimed to be an honorary woman because of his advocacy on for women's equality of opportunity and fostering gender understanding. He shared the stage with one of Canada's best journalists, Sally Armstrong, C.M. It was a riveting morning. Many people left the two hour event feeling as if they had been refreshed and ready to feel the chill and face what's up ahead - head-on.
The Winnipeg Convention Centre on York and Donald streets in Winnipeg was a buzz with the warmth of human action for good.
Charles Coffey,
Sally Armstrong,
The last hurrah of St. Norbert's farmer's market.

St. Norbert Pavilion - check out the map

A little honey never hurts

Lots of body-heat thwarts the cold

Security people lost in their empanadas

Halloween Pumpkin
The cold did not keep Winnipeggers from heading to one of the city's largest farmers market for the last of farm-fresh produce, local crafts and other goodies the market provides. People were milling around sipping hot chocolate, tasting bison sausages and sampling egg roles and empandas. There is a energy there that harkens back to the olden days and that feels good.

St. Norbert Pavilion - check out the map

A little honey never hurts

Lots of body-heat thwarts the cold

Security people lost in their empanadas

Halloween Pumpkin
The cold did not keep Winnipeggers from heading to one of the city's largest farmers market for the last of farm-fresh produce, local crafts and other goodies the market provides. People were milling around sipping hot chocolate, tasting bison sausages and sampling egg roles and empandas. There is a energy there that harkens back to the olden days and that feels good.
St. Norbert's Market
WINNIPEG, MB - Media outlets are advised that acclaimed entertainer Tom Jackson will tour The University of Winnipeg's new Model School tomorrow, Friday, October 17 at 10 am to meet talented, inner-city students.
The Model School offers alternative, individualized plans, tapping into a student's potential by matching his or her talents and passions with their academic lessons. Since September 2008, UWinnipeg's Model School has enrolled 21 students ranging from Grade 8 to Grade 12. Students are selected in partnership with inner-city social agencies.
Journalists interested in joining Tom Jackson and Director of the Model School, Chris McCluskey on their tour should arrive at 9:50 am, Friday, October 17 on the main floor of the Wesley Building, 515 Portage Avenue.
Earlier this month, The University of Winnipeg announced Tom Jackson will receive the 2008 The Duff Roblin Award. The award is being presented at the President’s Gala Dinner on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at the Hotel Fort Garry.
The inaugural Duff Roblin Award was named in honour of and presented to The Honourable Duff Roblin in 2007. This prestigious award recognizes a recipient’s qualities as an outstanding Manitoban, a patron of education, and someone who demonstrates exemplary citizenship and life-long commitment to his or her community.
This year’s Award recipient is a role model for students. Born on the One Arrow Reserve in Saskatchewan and raised in Winnipeg, Jackson is not only an accomplished actor and musician, he is also a well-known philanthropist and humanitarian. His work to initiate The Dreamcatcher Tour focuses on empowering Aboriginal youth and high-school students to create opportunities for themselves through positive messages about stress, mental health, suicide prevention and coping.
Proceeds from the 2008 President’s Gala Dinner and gifts from individuals and organizations will go towards the Duff Roblin Scholars Fund. The Fund provides Graduate Fellowships in Aboriginal Governance at The University of Winnipeg.
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Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135 E: d.poulin@uwinnipeg.ca
WINNIPEG, MB - Media outlets are advised that acclaimed entertainer Tom Jackson will tour The University of Winnipeg's new Model School tomorrow, Friday, October 17 at 10 am to meet talented, inner-city students.
The Model School offers alternative, individualized plans, tapping into a student's potential by matching his or her talents and passions with their academic lessons. Since September 2008, UWinnipeg's Model School has enrolled 21 students ranging from Grade 8 to Grade 12. Students are selected in partnership with inner-city social agencies.
Journalists interested in joining Tom Jackson and Director of the Model School, Chris McCluskey on their tour should arrive at 9:50 am, Friday, October 17 on the main floor of the Wesley Building, 515 Portage Avenue.
Earlier this month, The University of Winnipeg announced Tom Jackson will receive the 2008 The Duff Roblin Award. The award is being presented at the President’s Gala Dinner on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at the Hotel Fort Garry.
The inaugural Duff Roblin Award was named in honour of and presented to The Honourable Duff Roblin in 2007. This prestigious award recognizes a recipient’s qualities as an outstanding Manitoban, a patron of education, and someone who demonstrates exemplary citizenship and life-long commitment to his or her community.
This year’s Award recipient is a role model for students. Born on the One Arrow Reserve in Saskatchewan and raised in Winnipeg, Jackson is not only an accomplished actor and musician, he is also a well-known philanthropist and humanitarian. His work to initiate The Dreamcatcher Tour focuses on empowering Aboriginal youth and high-school students to create opportunities for themselves through positive messages about stress, mental health, suicide prevention and coping.
Proceeds from the 2008 President’s Gala Dinner and gifts from individuals and organizations will go towards the Duff Roblin Scholars Fund. The Fund provides Graduate Fellowships in Aboriginal Governance at The University of Winnipeg.
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Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135 E: d.poulin@uwinnipeg.ca
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October 15, 2008
The Manitoba Taxicab Board has approved an application from Duffy’s Taxi (1996) Ltd., and Unicity Taxi Ltd. for a proposed rate increase. The applicants were proposing a 15 per cent increase in meter tariffs for both standard and accessible taxicabs due to the increasing cost of fuel.
The new tariff for standard and accessible metered taxicabs in Winnipeg will be an eight per cent increase over the current rates and will take effect on Nov. 3, 2008. The last taxicab meter rate increase was in November 2005.
The new meter rates for a standard taxi and accessible taxicab will be $3.30 for the initial meter drop rate, which includes the first 72.5 meters, $0.10 for each additional 72.5 meters, and $0.10 for each 13.18 seconds of metered waiting time.
At the new meter rate, the cost of a 10 kilometer trip in a standard or accessible taxicab in Winnipeg would increase from the current rate of $15.75 to $17.00. Waiting time is not factored in to the cost of a 10 km trip but it will affect the final meter rate. Winnipeg taxicabs offer one of the lowest fares for a 10 km trip.
Over the past three years the taxicab industry has introduced over 230 hybrid vehicles to the taxi fleet. Taxicab owners have also brought in over a 100 mid-sized vehicles to replace the full size cars that were common three years ago. In addition to being more costly, these vehicles are newer, have more safety features and reduce the carbon footprint in our environment. The Winnipeg taxicab industry is a leader in North America in adapting to fuel efficient vehicles.
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The Government of Manitoba is distributing this news release on behalf of the Province of Manitoba and the Taxicab Board.
The Manitoba Taxicab Board has approved an application from Duffy’s Taxi (1996) Ltd., and Unicity Taxi Ltd. for a proposed rate increase. The applicants were proposing a 15 per cent increase in meter tariffs for both standard and accessible taxicabs due to the increasing cost of fuel.
The new tariff for standard and accessible metered taxicabs in Winnipeg will be an eight per cent increase over the current rates and will take effect on Nov. 3, 2008. The last taxicab meter rate increase was in November 2005.
The new meter rates for a standard taxi and accessible taxicab will be $3.30 for the initial meter drop rate, which includes the first 72.5 meters, $0.10 for each additional 72.5 meters, and $0.10 for each 13.18 seconds of metered waiting time.
At the new meter rate, the cost of a 10 kilometer trip in a standard or accessible taxicab in Winnipeg would increase from the current rate of $15.75 to $17.00. Waiting time is not factored in to the cost of a 10 km trip but it will affect the final meter rate. Winnipeg taxicabs offer one of the lowest fares for a 10 km trip.
Over the past three years the taxicab industry has introduced over 230 hybrid vehicles to the taxi fleet. Taxicab owners have also brought in over a 100 mid-sized vehicles to replace the full size cars that were common three years ago. In addition to being more costly, these vehicles are newer, have more safety features and reduce the carbon footprint in our environment. The Winnipeg taxicab industry is a leader in North America in adapting to fuel efficient vehicles.
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The Government of Manitoba is distributing this news release on behalf of the Province of Manitoba and the Taxicab Board.
For immediate release: October 11, 2008
Voices from the food crisis to be heard on World Food Day
A Bangladeshi farmer, an African cattle herder and a Canadian food bank client are three of the people affected by the global food crisis who will be heard in Winnipeg on World Food Day.
They are among the characters in an original play by Winnipeg playwright Geoff Hughes - Unequal Harvest: Voices from the Global Food Crisis - which will premiere at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 16 at Broadway Disciples United Church, Broadway and Kennedy.
Activities also include the Golden Carrot Awards at 9:30 a.m. at the Legislature and an inter-faith service at 7 p.m. the evening before at Broadway Disciples Church.
All events are open to the public and free of charge.
The public can also make a donation to Hunger for Hope by stopping by CJOB, 930 Portage Ave., between 7 and 9 a.m., when Robin's will be serving coffee and donuts, or between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., when Soup Pierre and Winnipeg Harvest will be serving soup and crackers.
World Food Day was established by the United Nations in 1945 through the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Events in Winnipeg are organized and supported by: Manitoba Food Charter; Canadian Foodgrains Bank; and Winnipeg Harvest.
"The Manitoba Food Charter Golden Carrot Awards were created to honour Manitobans who are getting good food to Manitoba tables, educating young people about food issues, or sharing their food traditions with others,"
said Paul Chorney, Community Liaison of the Manitoba Food Charter.
"Media attention has been focused on the latest developments in the global food crisis. We want to encourage all Manitobans to think about the issues raised in this play: The long-term systemic problems that force people to live with hunger and poverty in Canada and around the world," said James Kornelsen, Public Engagement Coordinator of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
"On World Food Day, Manitobans must confront the fact that people still live with hunger and poverty in a world with enough food for everyone. We must ask ourselves fundamental questions about how we can create a world without hunger and poverty," said David Northcott, Executive Coordinator of Winnipeg Harvest.
For more information, please contact:
Golden Carrot Awards
Paul Chorney
Community Liaison, Manitoba Food Charter
(204) 943-0822 (o)
James Kornelsen
Public Engagement Coordinator
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
(204) 944-1993 (o)
Jacquie Johnson-Weight
Communications Coordinator
Winnipeg Harvest
(204) 982-3584 Office (204) 227-9551 Cell media@winnipegharvest.org www.winnipegharvest.org
Voices from the food crisis to be heard on World Food Day
A Bangladeshi farmer, an African cattle herder and a Canadian food bank client are three of the people affected by the global food crisis who will be heard in Winnipeg on World Food Day.
They are among the characters in an original play by Winnipeg playwright Geoff Hughes - Unequal Harvest: Voices from the Global Food Crisis - which will premiere at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 16 at Broadway Disciples United Church, Broadway and Kennedy.
Activities also include the Golden Carrot Awards at 9:30 a.m. at the Legislature and an inter-faith service at 7 p.m. the evening before at Broadway Disciples Church.
All events are open to the public and free of charge.
The public can also make a donation to Hunger for Hope by stopping by CJOB, 930 Portage Ave., between 7 and 9 a.m., when Robin's will be serving coffee and donuts, or between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., when Soup Pierre and Winnipeg Harvest will be serving soup and crackers.
World Food Day was established by the United Nations in 1945 through the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Events in Winnipeg are organized and supported by: Manitoba Food Charter; Canadian Foodgrains Bank; and Winnipeg Harvest.
"The Manitoba Food Charter Golden Carrot Awards were created to honour Manitobans who are getting good food to Manitoba tables, educating young people about food issues, or sharing their food traditions with others,"
said Paul Chorney, Community Liaison of the Manitoba Food Charter.
"Media attention has been focused on the latest developments in the global food crisis. We want to encourage all Manitobans to think about the issues raised in this play: The long-term systemic problems that force people to live with hunger and poverty in Canada and around the world," said James Kornelsen, Public Engagement Coordinator of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
"On World Food Day, Manitobans must confront the fact that people still live with hunger and poverty in a world with enough food for everyone. We must ask ourselves fundamental questions about how we can create a world without hunger and poverty," said David Northcott, Executive Coordinator of Winnipeg Harvest.
For more information, please contact:
Golden Carrot Awards
Paul Chorney
Community Liaison, Manitoba Food Charter
(204) 943-0822 (o)
James Kornelsen
Public Engagement Coordinator
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
(204) 944-1993 (o)
Jacquie Johnson-Weight
Communications Coordinator
Winnipeg Harvest
(204) 982-3584 Office (204) 227-9551 Cell media@winnipegharvest.org www.winnipegharvest.org
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
October 10, 2008
Content Includes Advice, Facts On Scams, Rights, Safety: Selinger
Manitoba consumers can get useful information in the 2009 Protect Yourself calendar now being distributed free throughout the province, Finance Minister Greg Selinger announced today.
“Informed consumers are the best defence against frauds and scams in the marketplace,” said Selinger. “The Protect Yourself calendar has information and advice on how to protect yourself as a shopper and even how to guard against fraud. There is also important contact information for agencies that can assist Manitobans.”
The calendar features a new issue each month and is available in English and French. The topics this year include cancer-related health fraud, money management lessons, fraud prevention, safety for seniors, information for landlords and tenants, gift card or gift certificate facts, a legal information guide for seniors and tips from Crime Stoppers.
The calendar is available through consumers’ groups, seniors’ organizations and bilingual service centres throughout the province. It is also available by calling the Consumers’ Bureau at 204‑945‑3800 or 1-800-782-0067 (toll-free).
The Manitoba Consumers’ Bureau responds to consumer complaints and provides information about a variety of issues. Additional consumer tips may be found on the Canadian Consumer Information Gateway at www.consumerinformation.ca or on the Consumers’ Bureau website at www.gov.mb.ca/finance/cca/consumb.
The calendar is made possible through a partnership between the Consumer and Corporate Affairs Division of Manitoba Finance, Crime Stoppers, the Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat, Manitoba Public Insurance, the RCMP, Manitoba Gaming Control Commission, Age and Opportunity SafetyAid Program, Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, Competition Bureau and Canada Revenue Agency.
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Content Includes Advice, Facts On Scams, Rights, Safety: Selinger
Manitoba consumers can get useful information in the 2009 Protect Yourself calendar now being distributed free throughout the province, Finance Minister Greg Selinger announced today.
“Informed consumers are the best defence against frauds and scams in the marketplace,” said Selinger. “The Protect Yourself calendar has information and advice on how to protect yourself as a shopper and even how to guard against fraud. There is also important contact information for agencies that can assist Manitobans.”
The calendar features a new issue each month and is available in English and French. The topics this year include cancer-related health fraud, money management lessons, fraud prevention, safety for seniors, information for landlords and tenants, gift card or gift certificate facts, a legal information guide for seniors and tips from Crime Stoppers.
The calendar is available through consumers’ groups, seniors’ organizations and bilingual service centres throughout the province. It is also available by calling the Consumers’ Bureau at 204‑945‑3800 or 1-800-782-0067 (toll-free).
The Manitoba Consumers’ Bureau responds to consumer complaints and provides information about a variety of issues. Additional consumer tips may be found on the Canadian Consumer Information Gateway at www.consumerinformation.ca or on the Consumers’ Bureau website at www.gov.mb.ca/finance/cca/consumb.
The calendar is made possible through a partnership between the Consumer and Corporate Affairs Division of Manitoba Finance, Crime Stoppers, the Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat, Manitoba Public Insurance, the RCMP, Manitoba Gaming Control Commission, Age and Opportunity SafetyAid Program, Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, Competition Bureau and Canada Revenue Agency.
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October 10, 2008
Officials from the Manitoba Finance Special Investigations Unit and the RCMP seized the equivalent of 1,000 cartons of contraband cigarettes near the Manitoba-Ontario border last Saturday as part of an ongoing investigation.
Two males, aged 49 and 56, were arrested and later released on a promise to appear in court. The individuals face charges under the Manitoba Tobacco Tax Act and the Excise Act (2001).
The illicit, unmarked cigarettes have an estimated street value of $30,000.
Persons convicted of offences under the provincial legislation are subject to fines of up to $10,000, up to six months in prison or both. In addition, a convicted person is liable to an additional penalty equal to three times the amount of tax avoided. In this case, total fines and penalties could exceed $100,000. As well, the truck used to convey the cigarettes was seized.
Assistance in the operation, which was carried out at the provincial weigh scales near West Hawk Lake, was provided by the RCMP.
The cigarettes had no Canadian health or tax markings.
The Manitoba Finance Special Investigations Unit encourages anyone to report information on the activities of individuals or groups of people related to illicit tobacco to Crime Stoppers at 1‑800‑222‑TIPS (8477) or in Winnipeg at 786-TIPS. All tips are kept confidential.
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Officials from the Manitoba Finance Special Investigations Unit and the RCMP seized the equivalent of 1,000 cartons of contraband cigarettes near the Manitoba-Ontario border last Saturday as part of an ongoing investigation.
Two males, aged 49 and 56, were arrested and later released on a promise to appear in court. The individuals face charges under the Manitoba Tobacco Tax Act and the Excise Act (2001).
The illicit, unmarked cigarettes have an estimated street value of $30,000.
Persons convicted of offences under the provincial legislation are subject to fines of up to $10,000, up to six months in prison or both. In addition, a convicted person is liable to an additional penalty equal to three times the amount of tax avoided. In this case, total fines and penalties could exceed $100,000. As well, the truck used to convey the cigarettes was seized.
Assistance in the operation, which was carried out at the provincial weigh scales near West Hawk Lake, was provided by the RCMP.
The cigarettes had no Canadian health or tax markings.
The Manitoba Finance Special Investigations Unit encourages anyone to report information on the activities of individuals or groups of people related to illicit tobacco to Crime Stoppers at 1‑800‑222‑TIPS (8477) or in Winnipeg at 786-TIPS. All tips are kept confidential.
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October 10, 2008
A Winnipeg business that has not complied with requirements to properly disclose information in its advertisements has been assessed a $1,000 administrative penalty by Manitoba’s Consumers’ Bureau.
Provisions in Manitoba’s Consumer Protection Act set out the information that must be included in an advertisement for a credit agreement such as a lease or a financing arrangement. The provisions came into force in April 2007.
The general purpose of the disclosure requirements for advertising is to ensure that potential consumers are provided with fair, accurate and timely information so they can make an informed decision best suited to their needs.
Disclosure requirements also apply to the documents consumers must be provided at the time they enter into a lease or financing arrangement, as well as during the life of the agreement.
Administrative penalties are in the amount of $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000, depending on whether it is a first, second or third and subsequent contravention.
For information on administrative penalties, including information on penalties that have been issued, visit www.gov.mb.ca/finance/cca/consumb/.
If you have any questions regarding consumer protection legislation, contact the Consumers’ Bureau at 204-945-3800, toll-free in Manitoba at 1-800-782-0067, or by email at:
A Winnipeg business that has not complied with requirements to properly disclose information in its advertisements has been assessed a $1,000 administrative penalty by Manitoba’s Consumers’ Bureau.
Provisions in Manitoba’s Consumer Protection Act set out the information that must be included in an advertisement for a credit agreement such as a lease or a financing arrangement. The provisions came into force in April 2007.
The general purpose of the disclosure requirements for advertising is to ensure that potential consumers are provided with fair, accurate and timely information so they can make an informed decision best suited to their needs.
Disclosure requirements also apply to the documents consumers must be provided at the time they enter into a lease or financing arrangement, as well as during the life of the agreement.
Administrative penalties are in the amount of $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000, depending on whether it is a first, second or third and subsequent contravention.
For information on administrative penalties, including information on penalties that have been issued, visit www.gov.mb.ca/finance/cca/consumb/.
If you have any questions regarding consumer protection legislation, contact the Consumers’ Bureau at 204-945-3800, toll-free in Manitoba at 1-800-782-0067, or by email at:
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